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Making a game ( Beginners )


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As you know, Eclipse is a 2d MMORPG making software, and uses Visual basic as its script. It's easy to use after a while, but at first it gets the better of us, so i'm going to try to help you with getting started.


You'll need Eclipse and its Library files, so heres where to get them.
http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/ee.php - Eclipse Engine
Library files will be in Dark red font under the "Downloads" section.

Your able to choose, when getting the engine, to downloa the .zip file or the .rar file.
Either one is fine, whatevan suits your needs. ( You will need however need to use a program to extract the .rar files if you choose that. ) You'll also be able to choose between downloading the engine with or without the source. ( Source.zip/.rar is the eclipse engine + source, download.zip/.rar is without source ). Source is the material needed to open and use in Visual basic 1-6 versions. If your going to try to go professional or maybe even just a hobby with this on your past time, downloading the source is worth the few extra min/sec of downloading and space on pc.

Once you have done all this, continue to the next step.

Setting up-

When you have done all that, grab the extracted "Library files" folder and move it into The Eclipse folder. Then, move it into the "Client" folder. After you have moved it, go into the "Library files" and double-click on "Run first". Follow the setup and when done, do this to the "Run second" then "Run third". This installs needed software to your computer that is needed for Eclipse to run properly.

Go back to Client and double-click the "Config" text file. Here, it will display this:


Now, first you need to change the ip to your current ip. This can be done by going to this tutorial:

After you have done that, you can choose what your PORT will be. ( This can be any number, but i think you should stay within a 4 digit barrier ).

Save that text file, and go into the "Server" folder. Go down and double-click on the "Data" text file. It will come up and look like this:

GameName=Eclipse www.freemmorpgmaker.com Change this in data.ini


Before you think its confusing, it really isnt when you think about it. whatevan is on the Left side of the = sign is what it is, and whatever is to the right is the value ( How much ).
Now, go to where it says PORT and change it to the port you put in on the Client side of this. ( Ex. 2308 on client, 2308 is needed in the Server side, pretty much hooking them together. ) Once you change that, customize what you want in this section. I recommend that you first actually play and mess around with the engine and such to get a feel for it before actually changing it.

Customize your game-

Now to the stuff that makes your game…..YOUR GAME! Here are the things you need to change/add to start off in making your game!

-Go into "Client" then "Config" text file. Here you can change some basic appearances when the players actually play. ( Such as health bar, npc names ).
-Go into "Client" then "News" text file. Here you can change the News message you get when you are connected and it displays the Login and New profile menu. ( Also known as the Main Menu )
-Go into "Server" then "Data" text file. Here you can change many things. ( Regeneration of hp, mp, etc. Player kill lvl minimum. How many character classes there are. Stats names, and if it requires SP to run and attack. Also the MAX on many other things. )
-Go into "Server" then "Experience" text file. Here you can edit how much experience it takes to ascend into the next level.
-Go into "Server" then "MOTD" text file. ( Message of the day ). Here you can change the message that is displayed when players first log into the game. ( This can be informal or just something you want to state. )
-Go into "Server" then "Stats" text file. Here you can change what happens when you have a level up and gain strength, speed, magic and such. ( Change how much hp strength gives you and such. )
-Go into "Server" then "Classes" folder. Copy and paste the Class0 and change what you get to Class1 then Class2 and so on depending on how many you have. Then you can go into these and change the name of the class, the look, what their starting stats are, etc.
-Go into "Client" then "Music" folder. Here you can change and add music that you want in your game. ( I think the song must be in .mp3 format, but im not sure. Most of the songs are in the incorrect format, and if you can you may change them or format them. )
-Go into "Client" then "SFX" folder. ( Sound effects ) Here you can change and add the sound effects played in the Eclipse made game.
-Go into "Client" then "GUI" folder. Here you can change what the Main menu, loading bar, and other things look like.
-Go into "Client" then "GFX" folder. ( Graphics ). Here you can add and change Item tiles, Tiles, Sprites, and other things of that nature.

To actually make most of the things the players will see, you must log into your game and then you must give your player access to the Modding. This can be done by going to the server that you start, and going to the Players section. Then click on your name and go down to Give Access and set it to 5 ( Owner ). Later you can do that and change what people can do if you give them access. Once you give yourself access, press the F1 button during gameplay to bring up the Administrator panel.

Make a web site(OPTIONAL)-

There are a lot of web site making programs, Here are a few i've come across. ( All free =D )


Your website should include a user friendly and inviting enviornment, include info on the game and what it contains, usually a forum for the games player to chat and ask eachother questions, and a contact and support page just in case of problems.

There is other great tutorials on how to make quests, further improve your game, and to start building other things of that sort. Hope this tutorial helped, im not very good at making them, but I just wanted to help out as much as possible. Happy building!  :azn:
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  • 2 weeks later...
I REALLY NEED HELP!!!! ok so im making it but i downloaded and it did'nt work then i RE-downlowded it but then the two diffrent downloads mixed and i have like 5 downloads and they mis-match like the server for my first folder works for my client in the next folder….. and when i did find two that went together th characters would not show up on the thingy! aaahhh plz help sombody....
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> I REALLY NEED HELP!!!! ok so im making it but i downloaded and it did'nt work then i RE-downlowded it but then the two diffrent downloads mixed and i have like 5 downloads and they mis-match like the server for my first folder works for my client in the next folder….. and when i did find two that went together th characters would not show up on the thingy! aaahhh plz help sombody....

aaahhh :O
Calm down.  I'd suggest deleting ALL the downloads, and start again, this time, try the other package (if you downloaded the .rar last time, try getting the zip).
Also, if you're having errors, your best bet is to post in the Bugs and Errors board, then you'll have alot of users here helping you with your errors.  Just as if you have questions, post in the Questions board :)
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> aaahhh :O
> Calm down.  I'd suggest deleting ALL the downloads, and start again, this time, try the other package (if you downloaded the .rar last time, try getting the zip).
> Also, if you're having errors, your best bet is to post in the Bugs and Errors board **after reading the stickies**, then you'll have alot of users here helping you with your errors.  Just as if you have questions, post in the Questions board :)

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> But not alot of people know how to make proffesional websites - using free website builders can often help.


> I understand that the "Website" part is not very professional, but then again i did mention in the name of this topic "Beginners".

Just an opinion.
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