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Pokemon-united, please read the post by Admiral Refuge, It will help you.


> Hi, and welcome to Eclipse :)
> I would recommend you check out this tutorial: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,36848.0.html
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Before I tell you, Answer me these questions.

1\. Did you read the tutorial Admiral Refuge posted?
2\. Have you given yourself Administrative Access?
3\. Have you read the tutorials that are in my signature, http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,13225.0.html ?
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> press f1 where

F1 on your keyboard - you do have one right?


> Where is map editor

The Map Editor is shown when you press F1\.

If (when you press F1) you get an error message saying you need to be an admin or something then check out  this topic: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,36848.0.html

Helpful Hints:

If you can't read this (because you don't speak English well) then use a translator.
If you can't read this (because you can't read) then use a parent.
If you can't read this (because you're being obtuse) then GTFO Eclipse.
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> Ok well i got everything working and i did/setacces myname 9 and nothing and when im in game i press f1 and nothing so…

No, dude.  You don't use the "/setaccess" command, it's best to set it server-side, and there is no access 9.
Please, for the love of Eclipse, go though this tutorial (unless you don't speak english); it explains how to do all that stuff, and even set your access level: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,36848.0.html
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> Umm im not messing with you and i speak english…lol ok what tutorial explains how to put in diffferent tiles, like i wanna make an online pokemon game how could i put in tiles/sprites/coding for battles/ what tutorial?

If you want to make a pokemon game, you'll have to learn scripting (or better, Visual Basic 6 programming), and get fairly proficient in it.  Though, there's about 7 differnet pokemon games in development right now, rather than making a new one, maybe you should join a team that's already making one (since they are ALL the same anyways).

But if you want to tackle this, I'd recommend checking out the files in the Client\GFX\ (then you'll end up figuring out where to add sprites, tilesets, etc) and messing around with the engine for afew weeks, just to formalize yourself with it; you know, figure out what all the attributes/settings do.
Ideally, google "VB6 tutorials", and check out the [Scirpting Tutorials](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,70.0.html) board.
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> Yes i know there is alot but i wanted to try and make it while keeping the standard figures to give them a more realistic look Also which file can i change the palentir on the left during gameplay where it says inventory etc.

You mean the differnet interface stuff?  That would require a source edit.
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