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Project Natal (Good Or Bad Move?) Xbox 360


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> The Wii uses pre-generated commands not free movement thus the Wii has more "button" commands whereas the 360 is "supposed" to allow for free movement. My concern is what happens if someone walks past the player or if one is playing music? I'd like to see how they plan on setting everything up. This is not fanboy-ism this is purely curiosity. (Because to some that makes a difference.)

Once the player has been detected, the model will stay in place. If somebody walks by, it will probably search for the skeleton frame again (see above post). If you block off the camera entirely, it will probably pause. Or, some such. (:
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Natal CAN be really awesome.

But like what was said earlier… without the proper apps its worthless.
My wife and I bought the Wii because we thought it would help get her into gaming and me more active...

The bowling game is the only game we have bought that actually uses the motion sensor...
Zelda did... but not in a way we expected.

If done right... these systems could make gaming awesome and physical exertion would help keep gamers in shape.
But most apps will cop out and use the devices minimally.
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> ps2 did it first with the eyeToy. that thing bombed.

I use that thing as a webcam now ^_^
I think its a demon portal forged to control are minds into beating are family members with are own limbs in their sleep!
I mean look at milo! HES THE DEVIL!
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I don't know if you guys have seen it but there is already an arcade game that uses ducking and dodging in a Police-style first-person-shooter. I believe games like this will become more common. Oh and if you guys haven't heard about it look up the trailer for the movie "Gamer" comming out in September.IF and that is an IF Natal makes it this could be the future of gaming. (aside from actually controlling a person that is).
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Either way, we are heading for virtual Reality.

The way that the internet gave us MMORPGs, is the way that Facial, Voice and Movement Recognition is leading to AI.

With sufficient AI, and another project focussing on 4d-gaming (Already out for G-Force, I think), we will probably have head-gears that immerse us in a Virtual Reality, in the next 10-20 years easily.

**Virtual Reality checklist:**
AI 2/5
Graphics 4/5
4D 3/5
Mind-control input 3/5

Fun. I loves technology.


Also, off-topic, I was thinking today... When was horse-riding discovered? If we can work out how long we used Horses for, we can work out an aproxximate how long we will use cars for, before we move on. That's very Iffy, of course, but it gives a general idea of how fast we are moving in these technological advancements, and not to mention we are in a Golden Age for Technology, so that timescape for car-usage will be cut short.
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