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Azuru is funny.


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Translation of Azuru's about me via translate.google.com. XD

>! Hass im Azuru ketsueki, im 17 years old, Japan
I love making friends and I adore the game
>! Nimi Machisechimi Rinihii d d Noikatonainoni Kuchitona Timis Rarishi Nichisuto Nuya Chimo Chimo Chitsunasuna d
Nimo Ji Timis Minisoi Sochisunimiki Kinnen Kichimoito Hanami Rirahii d tiger
>! Laha Kakui Senisokanasuito Ihiisu Chiteitoramoi Timis Koitoka Ramii Shiihaniminikairin Nito Kakunito Chimintechin Konaka Konaka Kinaitoto D Mochikakaisu Shiraitomika Rirari Toramoikakunimiki Las Chica Kaku Ji Teiinoto high-tech mixer Tochin Riikato Chikira Lira Techitomika Nika Chirikakuranakiku Senisokanasui Kakunito Kirarashi Rirarano Shiramika Nimi D
>! Mon Mon Rirahii Hasuniimishito Hasuniimishito Timis Tenikaku Hanami Kuchihii Kara D D Rininoi
Ihiisu Rirari Kuchiseseimiishi Kakunimiki Tokanasenishiitoka Kakui
>! Tecla D Rirari Shiramika Chikariichitoka Rirari Sochisuito Konaka Konaka Tokanasenishi Kakuchika D Nimmo Kinaitoto Chikoranaka Chi Moy Kararishi Toramoiramii Kakuchika Maranoi Hairiri Chisokanaririn D Hallas
>! Moy Rirari Kuchikai Seiraserii tiger Tecla D Kuchikai Suchisonitoka Seiraserii Chile
D Rirahii Seiraserii Rininoi Minisoi Konaka
>! Mon Hachihiisuranakai Kichimoito・
>! Nu・Shisuchikiramikochiriritsu
A・Mochisunira Tonamitokuramii
U・Mochisunira Kichirichisan
Laha Tsuirishichi Katenirinikikuka E・Riikiimishi
Laha Kanimoi Rasochisunimichi
Mochinrasuchito Mochitono
Kara Kakui Sechitoka Rinimino
Seo Seo Squid Squid
>! Hachihiisuranakai Soramitorarii
>! Nu・Minimikaimishira Tenini
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no thats not katakana this is katakana

if you check from number 1 to 0
ヌ フ ア ウ エ オ ヤ ユ ヨ ワ

you can see its compared to this one

Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us)
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A friend of mine knows Japanese (and has some friends that know Japanese as well); I'll ask him; for the record:

>! Game Name:シスチキラミ コチリリ ツAbout Me:イムAzuruハスketsueki、イム17歳、日本
>! ニ チモ チツナスナ クチトナ ノイカトナイノニ ニ チモ ヌヤ ンイチスト ラリシ チミシ ニ リニヒイ ニミ マチセチミ
ニ リラヒイ ハナミ チミシ キチモイト トラ ニモ チ ミニソイ ソチスニミキ キナン
>! ニ シラミカ リララノ キララシ ニミ カクニト セニソカナスイ チリカクラナキク ニカ テチトミカ リラミキ チキラ リイカト トチン チ ハイテ テイイノト ラス トラモイカクニミキ リラリ コナカ カクチカ シライトミカ モチカカイス ニ キナイトト コナカ チミンテチン カクニト ニト シイハニミニカイリン ラミイ ラハ カクイ コイトカ チミシ チテイトラモイ セニソカナスイト イヒイス
>! ニ リニノイ カラ クチヒイ ハナミ テニカク モン ハスニイミシト チミシ ニ リラヒイ モン ハスニイミシト
カクイ トカナセニシイトカ カクニミキ クチセセイミイシ イヒイス リラリ
>! ニ チソカナリリン ハイリリ ハラス チ マラノイ カクチカ トラモイラミイ カラリシ モイ チコラナカ コナカ ニ キナイトト ニモ カクチカ トカナセニシ コナカ テクラ ソチスイト リラリ ニ シラミカ チカリイチトカ リラリ
>! ニ クチカイ スチソニトカ セイラセリイ チリトラ セイラセリイ テクラ クチカイ モイ リラリ
コナカ ニ リラヒイ ミニソイ セイラセリイ リニノイ
>! モン ハチヒイスラナカイ キチモイト・
>! ヌ・シスチキラミコチリリツ
ア・モチスニラ トナミトクラミイ
ウ・モチスニラ キチリチサン
エ・リイキイミシ ラハ ツイリシチ カテニリニキクカ
ラソチスニミチ ラハ カニモイ
モチンラスチト モチトノ
リニミノ カラ カクイ セチトカ
イカソ イカソ
>! ハチヒイスラナカイ ソラミトラリイ
>! ヌ・ミニミカイミシラ テニニ
>! トラモイ カクニミキト ソチミミラカ コイ イサセリチニミイシ チト トラモイ セイラセリイ シニイ ハラス ミラ スイチトラミ ニカト カクイ テチン ラハ リニハイ チミシ ミラ ラミイ ソチミ トカラセ ニカ
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> japanese keyboard  ;D cant be translated

Yes it can be translated, even with Google Translate.
I looked at it myself, asked 3 people about it(one lives in Japan, for 5 years now, one studies Japanese and another is Japanese).

> ニ チソカナリリン ハイリリ ハラス チ マラノイ カクチカ トラモイラミイ カラリシ モイ チコラナカ コナカ ニ キナイトト ニモ カクチカ トカナセニシ コナカ テクラ ソチスイト リラリ ニ シラミカ チカリイチトカ リラリ

That's just the same few characters copied and pasted. It doesn't make any sense.
It's just random katakana/hiragana.

And I dare you to translate this:

> 東プ方ロジェクトト

Try proving me wrong, instead of avoiding the conflict at all as you have obviously been doing all this time.

And explain this to me, how can the keyboard make katakana gibberish? The characters show up, don't they? It's the same as writing English and English seems to work out perfectly for you. Unless you are making typo's every 2~3 syllables.

And I noticed something even more funny.
EDIT: Yeah yeah, **Refuge** noticed it first. xD

> カクイ トカナセニシイトカ カクニミキ クチセセイミイシ イヒイス リラリ

When checking those syllables against the characters on his keyboard, I come up with:

> the stupidest thing happened ever lol

Which suggests that he is simply typing English with those Japanese syllables.

Edit: I saved the keyboard picture and uploaded it to [tinypic](http://i42.tinypic.com/2vl60ao.jpg).

Third edit: Yeah, it looked a lot like flamebaiting, I know, but I couldn't help but rage at improper use of Japanese. I apologize for it. Thanks at Kreator for pointing it out.
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OH, they're not random!

It seems he thinks that the characters directly line up to the keys on the keyboard.
Like in that image he showed:

Look at one section of the part he had: "モン  ハチヒイスラナカイ キチモイト・"
On that keyboard, "モ" is on the "m" key, and "ン" is on "y".
When you directly line them up, you get: "my faverate games"

You know what I mean?
So yeah, the actual Japanese words are gibberish, as he's typing english with what he thinks the equivalent characters are (which they aren't, by the way).

Aww comon mickcy, I was the one to notice that :sad:
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> Try proving me wrong, instead of avoiding the conflict at all as you have obviously been doing all this time.
> I feel like this image is appropriate:
> ![](http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/duty_calls.png)

Stop MAKING Conflict, and find something better to do then to start flame-wars and conflicts.
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Actually, my original intention wasn't to flamebait but to prove him so wrong that he wouldn't do it ever again.
Is should edit my post though. Since, now that I look at it again, it obviously appears to be flamebaiting.
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> lol your not proving me wrong as I said to robin
> idrc what people think of me
> and only I know where I come from
> and mickcy lose your virginity once in a life time ducker

There's nothing to prove wrong; you were typing english words using a Japanese keyboard, saying they were Japanese words (when apparently they weren't, according to a few Japanese-speaking people).
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Hn, I don't see the point of this topic. Yes, maybe he isn't Japanese and maybe he is. What's the big deal about this, let him be what he wants to be. It's like every topic that has no point is a bait for people who just wants to lose their frustration.

But that doesn't include for everyone.
That's all, Kora!  :afro:
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> but saying im not from whrre I say I am is just low

Why not simply write what needs to be written in Japanese or write it in English then, instead of this cypher?
What you have right now isn't giving any information (which is what the About Me, Game Name, etc, are for); to someone that speaks Japanese, it's gibberish, and to someone who speaks English it's gibberish as well.
It's just easier to understand things, but as Rush3r said, it's your profile, but it's confusing alot of people.

Anyway, I'm going to lock this to prevent any flame wars from breaking out; everyone understands what Azuru is doing in his profile now, and that it's not actual Japanese; so stop running it in google translate and getting mad when you can't read it.
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