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About you and your story


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So, I've heard some pretty cool stuff from eclipsians in the past, A lot of Vets gone pretty far since I first met them. So let's hear your life stories up to date, Here's about me

> My name is Dylan, I'm a pretty narchy guy.
> I started eclipse back when i was like 12 to 14.
> My original username was Deathtaker26.
> Overtime, I changed my name to CrestOfDark, which eventually was shortened to Crest by the community, which lead to people believing I was toothpaste.  Yeah I know, I popped your bubble of thinking I started out as toothpaste
> I was in middle school when i started programming on Eclipse Evolution.
> My first language was VB6
> My top "mentors" on this forum were Soul and Marsh through the Q&A form
> My first post was in all caps asking for a sprite of a spider
> I tend to hang around here because I like helping the new eclipsians.
> –---My Life outside eclipse/programming-----
> I'm 19 now
> I start college in January to become a high school software teacher.
> I want to teach high school through means of basic game design.
> I graduated high school in may (of 2014)
> My best friends are also computer nerds.
> I hate being in relationships because I prefer making friends then dating.
> That being said, #Single
> The last girl I dated might have been a clone of me... no really she looked EXACTLY like me... it was creepy
> In my free time, I tend to write stories and songs about thoughts that cross my mind.
> Not that I''m trying to be conceded, but people seem to love me in real life nowadays as compared to my past
> -----------My Story-----------------
> I have depression, anxiety, and dissociation,
> A lot of the stories I write for games come from things that go on in my head when I'm not in my right state of mind.
> In the past 3 years, I've been hospitalized for self harm.
> I managed to turn my disorders into really great stories,
> The problems I had in my past I use as an advantage to helping others.
> I think that the battles I fought have generally made me a more awesome person.
> Today, I am glad to be alive and the person I am and plan to create some really awesome games in my near future based on my life.
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I grew up with Depression and ADD (thought my ADD was not diagnosed until after high school). I got C's and D's in high-school, and never did my homework, lol. I would honestly come home after school, and completely forget that I had homework (even though I had it every day). I just had no motivation to waste my time on things that I didn't care about. Instead, I would spend my time learning graphic design, web design (html/css as well), etc.



I joined eclipse back in 2008 – I guess I was... 16? I don't think I can find the very first thread I created, but it had some really bad art in it, lol

I started off being a "graphics designer" -- but in hind-sight, my work was utter * (however, it was still better than most everyone else's here, so I thought I was good). I soon decided to try pixel art, and after a couple of years, I actually got [sort of] good. This is when Slym was still an active member as well. Him and I learned from each other, each matching each other's skill levels, but I chose to go a different path, and he kept getting better and better, until [he is where he is now](http://tonyredmer.com/pixelart.html). He got amazing at pixel art, and I became a good web designer. To each their own, but sometimes I do wish that I kept at the pixel art ([my most recent piece](https://hostr.co/file/bKXtfUWE08Hg/tileset.png) which was a couple of years ago)

Soon after joining eclipse, I started to affiliate myself with a specific member here, "Crank" (or krankzinnig). He seemed to be pretty good at programming (but to be honest, I thought anyone that could program was really good at it. It was like magic to me at that time). I steadily worked on random unfinished works with him here and there, until about 2 years ago (I guess around when I stopped pixel art entirely), him and I started to take things seriously. We decided to start a real business, where he'd be the programmer, and I'd be the front-end/designer. It was all going pretty well, and he treated me like an equal. **[continued in POST-Eclipse]***

I [barely] graduated high school in 2010, and decided to go to the local community college (yes, glamorous, I know). I walked away from there after a year, with all 0's. I didn't have any motivation for anything school-related (as stated at the top). It was then that I was diagnosed with ADD, and was put on medication for it.

I then became a summer camp counselor (just for the heck of it), and during that time, I got what's called a "Pilonidal Cyst"… don't google it, for your sake... Anyways, It left me with an open wound that didn't close until very recently (though I still have issues with it occasionally).

The summer after my camp counselor job, I decided to give college another try, so I took summer classes at the community college that I failed out of. It was there that I got my first A, in college writing (composition). After that, in the fall, I went to a real college, and did way better than I ever hoped that I could, but after a semester, I was ready to start my career (I know, some of my decisions are kind of "leap before you look")...


POST-Eclipse: **(by which I mean, I spend far less time on here, and most of the old regulars are gone)

Last year, March 13 (2013), I decided to move to Ohio to work closely with him ["Crank"] (I was only 20, and did this all on my own). We got office space at the local business incubator (and became a registered LLC), and we were working on some really cool project management software. It was all going well, but in the end, there were too many broken promises. Long story short: He manipulated me, belittled me, broke every promise, and made my life a living hell. He's not even as smart as people keep saying that he is. He hides behind that facade that non-programmers think that programming is only for geniuses. He's an arse-hole. Anyways…

I quit that job December 20th, and moved back to Minnesota. I was back in MN for 3 months, and during that time, I took every opportunity I had to better myself and my skill set. It took me 3 weeks to learn how to program (using JavaScript), and I spent the rest of the time learning the canvas API, and eventually learned how to use Node.js. After my 3 months back in my parent's house, I heavily started my job hunt, using a lot of recruitment agencies. I was eventually contacted by a company called, "Cyber Coders". My recruiter there got me an interview in 5 days, and at that interview I did so well, that they offered me a job later that day.

I am now happily employed in Houston, TX as a Front End Developer (with an amazing salary, full benefits, etc). I owe my roots to this community, even though a lot of the members that I grew to love have moved on permanently. I suppose that I can't ever leave forever... Eclipse (not the engine, but the community) will always be a part of who I am, as weird as that may be.

Marsh, if you read this, I know you've had plenty of problems from me, so I guess this is where I could issue a public apology. I've grown up a lot since my days of douche-baggery... I think.


I've come a long way, and suffered a lot to get where I am. I guess what you should take away from this is: There isn't just one way to become successful. For most, it will be college, but through hard work and perseverance, you can find your own way.
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Damn chief, the feels I got, I'm kinda in the same boat, I can't say my life is the same but, my situation comes from my depression, anxiety, and dissociation. Last year I started cutting my wrists to get attention from others and I ended up being Baker Acted, which is a Florida law stating that self harm and suicidal thoughts will result in you being locked up in a mental facility for 3 days for evaluation so doctors see fit that you're not going to end yourself.

Anyways, I grew up in a poor family, my parents were always arguing, my father left me and my step dad was a drunk. My entire life I asked nothing more for a father figure, and to this day, I never had one. My older brother is a child molestor who got away with 3 acts because he was under 18\. He left off for the military one year and I had met the perfect girl for me. He was gone and my life was actually pretty up beat. This was probably the first good friend I had since middle school, I never really socialized with anyone or anything. I finally had the courage to ask the girl out. Well after a while, my older brother got sick of the military and faked kidney stones to get a medical discharge. He ended up coming home and I felt like he was going to try doing something to hurt my girlfriend at the time. So I ended up breaking up with the girl out of stress. She came to me one day knowing what I was going through and told me that I needed to see the school counselor and let them know what I was going through.

They signed me up for a Student Assistant Program to help me with my life. Well they sent me off to the therapist where I was diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression. It really wasn't a big deal to me, as I didn't feel like It was a change of life knowing that. Slowly I started losing it though. After a while I'd get to a point where I'd get so stressed I'd basically go blind in my head and another personallity would kinda take control. It was like I knew what was going on around me but I had no control. This was later diagnosed as Dissociation, which i guess the best way to describe it is, if I can't handle something, I kinda fade off into my own little world until i can calm down. Well they gave me medication to control that and when i couldn't force myself to ignore the world around me, I started freaking out and started cutting my arms. My counselor found out I was cutting and I was literally dragged out of high school in hand cuffs and brought down the road to the hospital where they kept me for 3 days.

Today, I still have feelings for this girl. I miss the hell out of her, but I forced myself to break contact with her and kinda just live life the way I shoulda been living, I force myself to smile, every morning I wake up and I said I'm gonna have one hell of a great day! and I guess having a positive attitude has just influenced the person I am now.
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I guess I could join in on the feel trip.

Parts of my Life

>! I grew up in a poor family, bouncing back and forth between the country and the city. I kinda liked life before I started going to school because even though I knew we was poor, I never felt like I needed anything more than I had. I always found a way to have fun by myself, (was an only child at the time and I didn't play with many of my cousins).
>! When I started school, I became isolated quickly. By the second grade, an entire city school of kids were picking on me. Some adults saw that I had a hard time and talk and play with me. Some kids my age would too, but never around others. This went on until my mother and father split and my mother moved me and my sister (who was born when I was six) to the suburbs in the fifth grade.
>! In middle school, I started band. Was quite good at it too. My best day consisted of playing flute and a ps2 my grandfather bought me. I had a few friends, but I didn't take the time to be extra social (it was weird). I went though a lot of physical and mental abuse (a bit too crazy to elaborate on) during that time, but music and video games kept me sane. I participated in All County Band, and almost made it to All State Band. :lol:
>! By the time high school hit, I knew about the circle of fifths as well as how to properly critique games. However, things took an unfortunate turn. I had to leave the high school that I had finally made a few friends in. Went on a few dates with some guys, and even fell for my first girlfriend. I was social for one year without it being awkward. I tried to stay, but I failed miserably. I ended up moving back to the country with my mother and… Two sisters!
>! The high school in the country wasn't bad though, everyone was nice and even though I didn't talk much.. I ended up dating this monster of a girl who went around bragging about all my assets to her guy and lesbian friends. She even defended me from some tiny girl who was talking junk about me (I had a nice laugh when she came up say how she cool with me and didn't know I was dating [Name Here]). I made a few more, but slightly weirder friends, but I left that school in attempts to go back to my old high school and play music. My mother wouldn't let me join band in the country high school, many tears were shed.

More Life stuff, With a bit of Programming Drama:

>! Back in the city, I ended up going to a school full of hoodlums, not the one I wanted to go back too. I met a graphic design teacher who treated me like one of his daughters. Got an internship at a webdesign company, but the only thing they did was let us eat snacks and come up with ideas while they did the fun part (programming and design). So I took it upon myself to learn HTML and CSS; I was not happy at all being someone's reason to ask for a cutback on taxes for "non-profit".
>! More crazy junk happened, and I finally graduated in 2009\. Because of the crazy things that was going on, my grandfather shipped me back too… The country! So I wouldn't be in harms way anymore. I tried going to college for Information Technology, but the school work was like.. The heck? So I stopped after my second semester. I was at a standstill, not being able to go to college for music. I had been depressed for many a long time (and still kinda am) not knowing what exactly to do with my life.
>! I was so bored an miserable, I just played little PhP games online. I wanted to make a game really bad, so I went back to Eclipse's page and downloaded, but I felt as if one had to be a genius to make and keep up with a game after reading up on things. However, I always kept looking.
>! Then I met a guy (who I would later be my long distance boyfriend) on a game called TheNinja-RPG (A Naruto-ish Text-Based Browser thingy). He aspired to make a Bleach RPG, and he did.. And I followed him. I watched on my screen as he mesmerized me when things would suddenly appear. We both got excited when even the slightest link was active. He made me a mod as the community grew, and I worked hard. In fact I did more than was actually expected of me.. Because heck, I had nothing else to do at 19 years old. The Head Mod and Administrators under him did absolutely nothing.. To the point that players directed most of their problems towards me. I had no problem though because I took pride in having the community's trust.
>! Months later, he and I were an item. I also became his first "disciple". Then because of his life situation, and stress he gave up the game to some shady characters. I left because everything was being broken, and people turned to chaos because the first owner just gave up. The new owner saw how much work I had done, and wanted to keep me as a mod. I thought about for a few days, but I was also getting upset. I hung out with my boyfriend in a private Chatzy every day, flirting and learning PhP. Although, back then I was horrible at it.
>! Then later, he broke it off with me. I later found out that he had developed feelings with another girl because she was stressed over homework.. @.e; Her boyfriend and I found out. I gave my newly ex-boyfriend all kinds of... Typed words, and the young lady's boyfriend left her in real life.
>! It was then that my frustrated and sad brain finally understood PhP and MySQL. I was never able to show my teacher how far I had gone because before he left me, he said that I'd never be any good. The last time I even got to talk to him, I asked to use him as a reference so I could get a job. He has made more games and made a business out of it. I thought about asking to join him, but I don't think he would let me after he turned almost an entire game community against me. Programming Drama is horrible..

And now:

>! I got a boyfriend who's thinking about marrying. We met under pretty ef'd up circumstances, but we're happy. He's an amazing cook.. OhMahGerd! And a lovely vocalist and comedian. I wish he'd come up with some material so I can make him a website, but oh well. We both grew up kinda the same, and we just made a plan to help each other achieve success. I'm going to school to become a Massage Practitioner, and in between classes I will study Web Development as much as I can. Later, he will go to Bartending school, then Culinary Art school. But until then, he visits me to help me and my mom with me **three** sisters.
>! It was Eclipse V that finally made me register after all this time. I kinda just lurk in hoping to get more knowledge and practice so I can make something to be proud of. Though, I almost never think that anything I produce is good enough to be shown to anyone. I usually just do things for my own enjoyment now. I'd love to develop for a living, but kinda lack the confidence. I've been studying up on Node.js and trying to freshen up on Javascript but as for now, I'm just kinda here.
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**Eclipse **

>! I'm Lumiere, though that's in french, in japanese would be Hikari[since I'm japanese]
>! I'm almost 30 years old, and I registered on Eclipse somewhere in 2007-08, though my account was lost somehow, talked with Marsh a long time ago, no luck.
>! I made another account a few years later, just for fun, back then I liked trolling and doing stupid immature stuff, even though I was aware that I'm an adult [lol, possibly mental ill]
>! Anyhow, some people remember me and kept the nice stuff about me, some remember the stupid stuff, others just don't remember me at all.
>! Now after Dr.House [Mirabela, she became recently my lover, after a few years being my room mate, we are both women, sorry if this distrubs you]
>! I started to get on Eclipse again, the community was lower and lonlier than I imagined.
>! I decided to help anyone who is interested in digital art and games, enough with the trolling and stupid things :D

**Now, my life story**

>! Hmm, my childhood was a mess, both my parents worked for the wrong people and that took them away from me when I was 13.
>! My older brother took good care of me , but made the same mistake as my father and mother, to mess around with the wrong kind of people just for me, to live a decent life.
>! I was poor, alone and scared for awhile, learned to pickpocket, and steal other stuff in order to eat something, took a lot of beating, didn't matter I was tomboy-ish back then.
>! My brother is god knows where, didn't see him since I was 19, I wonder if he misses me, I sure do miss him.
>! After I finished school, I got crappy jobs wherever I could, couldn't live my dream being an artist.
>! That, until I met a guy who introduced me to some people, moved to Taiwan for awhile and started working there as an artist.
>! I married him, that was my mistake.
>! Years later I was diagnosed with brain tumor, he divorced me, and I just wanted to die, it was, I don't even know how to describe, like putting salt on the wound and scratching it with a sharp knife.
>! I had my surgey and survived, for how long I don't know.
>! After all that mess, I was introduced to a small group of people who were in the anime and game business, there I met Mirabela [Dr.House]
>! We instantly got attached, we always spent time together, finally we moved together, and the health problems kicked in again.
>! I was expecting to get dumped again, but she chose to take care of me, that was the happiest day of my entire life.
>! I hope I will never lose her.
>! Anyhow, enough with this :D

Sorry for my english.
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>! ```
using 42;
>! namespace Universe
class Injected : 42 {
public enum Species {

public Injected() {
// Do my stuff
MeaningOfLife().Life.add("lex_the_great", Species.Human);

public void OnTick(UniversalTime ut) {
MeaningOfLife().process(ut) { // Processes this faster than a computer would, but not faster than current time, using Universal Mathematics
.query("to OnBirth(string, Species) from OnBirth,to OnDeath(string, Species, string) from OnDeath");

public void OnBirth(string name, specie) {
// Inherited from 42
if (name.equals("lex_the_great")) {
MeaningOfLife().setStory("lex_the_great", Species.Human, true) { // <-- True story
"I was born long long ago in a place far far away from you. My father left when I was 3, around the time my sister",
"(She is the 3rd child) was born. I moved around a lot as a child, reason being our mother did not want him around us.",
"After moving every year up till 7-8 years ago we landed in a small town out side of a larger town. Life was pretty good",
"My father got sent to jail for drunk driving and had to pay child saport thinger that he did not do the time he was around (Still paying it to this day)",
"After he got out the court made my mom give 50/50 custody and we got to see him again in since for ever. When I was a child my mom",
"said she left him because he took out his anger n' choked her, I believe that is bull since hearing his side of the story she use",
"to lock us in the closet when she got upset and could not deal with us, leaving my older brother to take care of us until my dad got home (I do not remember any of this, my older brother does though)",
"experimented with dating. Was nick named pimpin' (Only friends called me that) because It was just to easy to talk/tick ",
"(I basicly knew how to mess with peoples mind at the time, psychology was something that I got into early)",
"I dated a lot learning to love and to be loved. The last girlfriend I have had was the one that got away... plain and simple I lost her. (Was 11/12 around this time)",
"Fell into deep depression around that time never ate at school and never talked to anyone basic sleep the entire year to and fro school",
"While 12 near the end of the summer I experienced a faulty wiring house fire that burned",
"most of the bathroom and attic up (Mothers Photos and stuff were up there) during the night me and my older brother stayed at a friend up the street",
"And after that my step-dads (They never married I just call him that because he is always around) than to my mom's current boyfriends... Year or so later.. Around this time I joined eclipse year after left because I was done with vb6 (At the time)",
"He has 3 girls, 2 older 1 younger. Along with my family that makes 9 people in the same house..... (Caos) Soon after my older brother decided he has enough",
"and moved in with his girlfriend. Around this time my dad has two more kids and I got this computer",
"I'm pretty much quiet now, Haven't had relation ship in ages doing just fine with out a disturbance. \"The love of my life was about 6 years ago\"",
"Being spotted in school last year by a computer teacher who saw me coding got me into IOS/MAC OS developing and the school bought me a developer account, got me a free ipad for testing and all!",
"I develop apps for my school and for my self, make little games and such.",
"Now when everyone asks me why I never say anything, instead of saying ^^^^^^^^ I just say \"I have nothing to say.\""
.andSoForth(); // I have never wrote anything about my self before sorry if its all jambled up and there is so much I skipped / Did not want to share


public void OnDeath(string name, Species specie, string reason) {
// Inherited from 42
if (name.equals("lex_the_great") && specie = Species.Human) {
// I shall not pass!
MeaningOfLife().getLivingThing("lex_the_great", specie).heal();
return false;

public void MeaningOfLife() {
return 42();


>! I was born long long ago in a place far far away from you. My father left when I was 3, around the time my sister,
(She is the 3rd child) was born. I moved around a lot as a child, reason being our mother did not want him around us.,
After moving every year up till 7-8 years ago we landed in a small town out side of a larger town. Life was pretty good,
My father got sent to jail for drunk driving and had to pay child saport thinger that he did not do the time he was around (Still paying it to this day),
After he got out the court made my mom give 50/50 custody and we got to see him again in since for ever. When I was a child my mom,
said she left him because he took out his anger n' choked her, I believe that is bull since hearing his side of the story she use,
to lock us in the closet when she got upset and could not deal with us, leaving my older brother to take care of us until my dad got home (I do not remember any of this, my older brother does though),
experimented with dating. Was nick named pimpin' (Only friends called me that) because It was just to easy to talk/tick ,
(I basicly knew how to mess with peoples mind at the time, psychology was something that I got into early),
I dated a lot learning to love and to be loved. The last girlfriend I have had was the one that got away… plain and simple I lost her. (Was 11/12 around this time), 
Fell into deep depression around that time never ate at school and never talked to anyone basic sleep the entire year to and fro school,
While 12 near the end of the summer I experienced a faulty wiring house fire that burned,
most of the bathroom and attic up (Mothers Photos and stuff were up there) during the night me and my older brother stayed at a friend up the street,
And after that my step-dads (They never married I just call him that because he is always around) than to my mom's current boyfriends... Year or so later.. Around this time I joined eclipse year after left because I was done with vb6 (At the time),
He has 3 girls, 2 older 1 younger. Along with my family that makes 9 people in the same house..... (Caos) Soon after my older brother decided he has enough,
and moved in with his girlfriend. Around this time my dad has two more kids and I got this computer,
I'm pretty much quiet now, Haven't had relation ship in ages doing just fine with out a disturbance. The love of my life was about 5 years ago,
Being spotted in school last year by a computer teacher who saw me coding got me into IOS/MAC OS developing and the school bought me a developer account, got me a free ipad for testing and all!,
I develop apps for my school and for my self, make little games and such.,
Now when everyone asks me why I never say anything, instead of saying ^^^^^^^^ I just say \I have nothing to say.\

I have never wrote anything about my self before sorry if its all rambled up and there is so much I skipped / Did not want to share. I just wanted to participate in this post and say something. ONE MORE THING, English isn't my first language, C# is D: sorry for spelling mistakes

Oh another one more thing, my real name is @lex, off to play video games now

- - -> MeaningOfLife();

My life is opensource released under [http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0](http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) xD
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> >! ```
> using 42;
> >! namespace Universe
> {
> class Injected : 42 {
> public enum Species {
> Human,
> Other
> };
> public Injected() {
> // Do my stuff
> MeaningOfLife().Life.add("lex_the_great", Species.Human);
> MeaningOfLife().onTick.add(OnTick);
> }
> public void OnTick(UniversalTime ut) {
> MeaningOfLife().process(ut) { // Processes this faster than a computer would, but not faster than current time, using Universal Mathematics
> .query("to OnBirth(string, Species) from OnBirth,to OnDeath(string, Species, string) from OnDeath");
> }
> }
> public void OnBirth(string name, specie) {
> // Inherited from 42
> if (name.equals("lex_the_great")) {
> MeaningOfLife().setStory("lex_the_great", Species.Human, true) { // <-- True story
> "I was born long long ago in a place far far away from you. My father left when I was 3, around the time my sister",
> "(She is the 3rd child) was born. I moved around a lot as a child, reason being our mother did not want him around us.",
> "After moving every year up till 7-8 years ago we landed in a small town out side of a larger town. Life was pretty good",
> "My father got sent to jail for drunk driving and had to pay child saport thinger that he did not do the time he was around (Still paying it to this day)",
> "After he got out the court made my mom give 50/50 custody and we got to see him again in since for ever. When I was a child my mom",
> "said she left him because he took out his anger n' choked her, I believe that is bull since hearing his side of the story she use",
> "to lock us in the closet when she got upset and could not deal with us, leaving my older brother to take care of us until my dad got home (I do not remember any of this, my older brother does though)",
> "experimented with dating. Was nick named pimpin' (Only friends called me that) because It was just to easy to talk/tick ",
> "(I basicly knew how to mess with peoples mind at the time, psychology was something that I got into early)",
> "I dated a lot learning to love and to be loved. The last girlfriend I have had was the one that got away... plain and simple I lost her. (Was 11/12 around this time)",
> "Fell into deep depression around that time never ate at school and never talked to anyone basic sleep the entire year to and fro school",
> "While 12 near the end of the summer I experienced a faulty wiring house fire that burned",
> "most of the bathroom and attic up (Mothers Photos and stuff were up there) during the night me and my older brother stayed at a friend up the street",
> "And after that my step-dads (They never married I just call him that because he is always around) than to my mom's current boyfriends... Year or so later.. Around this time I joined eclipse year after left because I was done with vb6 (At the time)",
> "He has 3 girls, 2 older 1 younger. Along with my family that makes 9 people in the same house..... (Caos) Soon after my older brother decided he has enough",
> "and moved in with his girlfriend. Around this time my dad has two more kids and I got this computer",
> "I'm pretty much quiet now, Haven't had relation ship in ages doing just fine with out a disturbance. \"The love of my life was about 6 years ago\"",
> "Being spotted in school last year by a computer teacher who saw me coding got me into IOS/MAC OS developing and the school bought me a developer account, got me a free ipad for testing and all!",
> "I develop apps for my school and for my self, make little games and such.",
> "Now when everyone asks me why I never say anything, instead of saying ^^^^^^^^ I just say \"I have nothing to say.\""
> .andSoForth(); // I have never wrote anything about my self before sorry if its all jambled up and there is so much I skipped / Did not want to share
> }
> }
> }
> public void OnDeath(string name, Species specie, string reason) {
> // Inherited from 42
> if (name.equals("lex_the_great") && specie = Species.Human) {
> // I shall not pass!
> MeaningOfLife().getLivingThing("lex_the_great", specie).heal();
> return false;
> }
> }
> public void MeaningOfLife() {
> return 42();
> }
> }
> } 
> ```
> >! I was born long long ago in a place far far away from you. My father left when I was 3, around the time my sister,
> (She is the 3rd child) was born. I moved around a lot as a child, reason being our mother did not want him around us.,
> After moving every year up till 7-8 years ago we landed in a small town out side of a larger town. Life was pretty good,
> My father got sent to jail for drunk driving and had to pay child saport thinger that he did not do the time he was around (Still paying it to this day),
> After he got out the court made my mom give 50/50 custody and we got to see him again in since for ever. When I was a child my mom,
> said she left him because he took out his anger n' choked her, I believe that is bull since hearing his side of the story she use,
> to lock us in the closet when she got upset and could not deal with us, leaving my older brother to take care of us until my dad got home (I do not remember any of this, my older brother does though),
> experimented with dating. Was nick named pimpin' (Only friends called me that) because It was just to easy to talk/tick ,
> (I basicly knew how to mess with peoples mind at the time, psychology was something that I got into early),
> I dated a lot learning to love and to be loved. The last girlfriend I have had was the one that got away… plain and simple I lost her. (Was 11/12 around this time), 
> Fell into deep depression around that time never ate at school and never talked to anyone basic sleep the entire year to and fro school,
> While 12 near the end of the summer I experienced a faulty wiring house fire that burned,
> most of the bathroom and attic up (Mothers Photos and stuff were up there) during the night me and my older brother stayed at a friend up the street,
> And after that my step-dads (They never married I just call him that because he is always around) than to my mom's current boyfriends... Year or so later.. Around this time I joined eclipse year after left because I was done with vb6 (At the time),
> He has 3 girls, 2 older 1 younger. Along with my family that makes 9 people in the same house..... (Caos) Soon after my older brother decided he has enough,
> and moved in with his girlfriend. Around this time my dad has two more kids and I got this computer,
> I'm pretty much quiet now, Haven't had relation ship in ages doing just fine with out a disturbance. The love of my life was about 5 years ago,
> Being spotted in school last year by a computer teacher who saw me coding got me into IOS/MAC OS developing and the school bought me a developer account, got me a free ipad for testing and all!,
> I develop apps for my school and for my self, make little games and such.,
> Now when everyone asks me why I never say anything, instead of saying ^^^^^^^^ I just say \I have nothing to say.\
> I have never wrote anything about my self before sorry if its all rambled up and there is so much I skipped / Did not want to share. I just wanted to participate in this post and say something. ONE MORE THING, English isn't my first language, C# is D: sorry for spelling mistakes
> Oh another one more thing, my real name is @lex, off to play video games now
> - - -> MeaningOfLife();
> My life is opensource released under [http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0](http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) xD

I laughed WAY to hard
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This should be fun.


I guess lets start all the way from the beginning. I've never been a sporty kid at all. My parents forced me to play a sport every year to stop me from gaining weight. Although I hated it at the time I guess I can thank them since I'm a pretty skinny kid now. I honestly hated pretty much every sport so I think thats what struck my interest in gaming. My interest in MMOs began in around 2008\. At the time my friend had just shown me RuneScape a F2P online MMORPG. My friends played it more casually but I was on it literally all day every day. I'd wake up in the morning around 6 AM hop on RuneScape and get off of it around 8PM. My parents started to notice that I was getting addicted to this game and started to limit my playtime. In my free time when I couldn't play I'd be drawing RS art, writing out concepts for weapons and armor, or writing out my own quests. This game was literally all I thought about from 2008 to around 2011\. Around 2010 my friends started quitting but I stayed around for another year before finally ending my addiction and quit the game all together (until recently). A few months after quitting my friend told me about a fan MMO called Sonic Arena 2 because we were both obsessed with Sonic at the time. Although it wasn't as addicting as RS I remember pulling some all nighters training my stats. After overhearing other players conversations they mention something called Xtremeworlds (A 2D MMORPG maker). I had no idea what it was so I googled it. Instantly I downloaded it and for a while was learning how to use it and started creating my own games. If we fast forward a little bit I heard the announcement that Sonic Arena 2 was being shut down in a few weeks due to lack of players. I spent the last week of it playing it nonstop and on the side took as many screenshots as possible because I planned to recreate the game myself. Although I never finished this project I did get a pretty large chunk of it done. After getting bored of Xtremeworlds I went on a hunt for a new MMORPG maker which lead me here. Now we head on to the next section.


As soon as I heard about this engine I was instantly sucked in because I watched quite a few videos on it. The day I found this site it was April 1st 2011\. To my dismay I honestly believed this website was a My Little Pony fansite. This got me extremely bummed out because I was super excited to try this engine out for myself. I kept checking back every day for the next few days hoping it wasn't real. Much to my surprise Eclipse was back to normal and I downloaded the engine. I fell in love with it right away because it was so much better than Xtremeworlds. I eventually registered an account under the name "Dog51848" and after my friend convinced me to watch the anime Katekyo Hitman Reborn I started watching the show nonstop and changed my name to "Colonello" one of the show's characters. After starting a few games and losing motivation I left the MMO scene entirely and just played on my Xbox 360 which I had gotten for my birthday for around 2 years. I returned around 2-3 months ago and have much more motivation than before to create a game.


I'm currently working on a game that I honestly like and am determined to finish. I also still play RuneScape but certainly not as much as I used to. I hop on for around 2 hours every other day. I stopped playing Xbox entirely and I plan on selling mine to help fund a gaming PC I plan on building (It'll be my first Windows desktop :D ). I am also slowly but surely learning my first programming language which is Java. I plan on eventually teaching myself VB6 too once I finish learning Java. Hopefully by the time I finish Java, Microsoft will have released VB6 for free.
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