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Everything posted by Erikai

  1. I know they won't be able to run on a browser alone. I'm more or less talking about using something like Microsoft Azure or Kalydo to host the app, so it can be played on the web. I'm not even sure VB6 could be hosted even with those software, but meh.
  2. A little back story to my question: I made a game demo for a particular niche. So far, 5 out of 5 people in that community believe the game idea is a good base. My problem, however, is that I'm the only person working on it and PhP and JavaScript are about the only weapons in my arsenal. I ended up looking into Application Hosting though (tools like Microsoft Azure or Kalydo), and thought maybe I could get something like Eclipse hosted on the web so the game can be developed a little faster and be played on mobile. Of course, I'd have to recruit a team because I know nothing of VB or .Net or anything. The game isn't too demanding, or elaborate. TL;DR Do you guys think this is an okay idea to try out, or should I trash it? EDIT:: Some insight I was parted with, if anyone else wants to see what I learned. >! I can see where your curiosity came in. You're partially on the right track though. Most companies use very vague descriptions of what their products do until you've invested time into looking at what it really does. So, I'll try to give you more insight in as little words as possible. >! Kalydo Kalydo is, in one way, similar to Unity. They both CAN host 3D and 2D games on the web browser. To do this a plug-in must first be installed on a computer. The way they are NOT similar: Kalydo does not currently support mobile devices, unlike Unity. There is hope in the future though. They say they are working on it. >! Microsoft Azure This one is a bit more complex, but isn't hopeless. As you have guessed, using an extremely outdated engine like Eclipse would not work. At all. Period. Ever. But, you can use .Net and almost any Web-Based Engine made in Visual Studio to make a Web Browser game. The key word here is "Web Development". Microsoft has definitely thought about App Hosting in Browser to a large degree. >! My advice would be to either stick with what you know, or use Visual Studio. The syntax isn't that hard to learn, I don't think. :)
  3. Erikai


    I want to like the third to last, but the text is difficult to read. So, I'll say the second to last.
  4. As a person coming in from the outside, I have to say that the members here give off a clique-ish vibe. This too can contribute to the community fading away. New members will not exactly feel welcome. and the community being divided among itself will make older members leave. Member against member, member against staff, or some elitist a-holes are usually how it starts. All of which I've witnessed here. So in my personal opinion: the way Eclipse conducted its engine(s) might have slowed down the community's productivity, but not the sense of togetherness. That has to do with personal agendas and ego.
  5. @Crest >! 1. Is your guitar in tune? Did you tune before you played? 2. Are you singing out of your nose? 1. Pinch your nose to see where you are exactly singing from; it sounds to have a very "_nasal_ " like quality. You need to sing out of your diaphragm. 2. I particularly don’t like your type of singing voice (personal preference), so you need to get as many opinions as you can (not from friends and family though, they WILL lie to you). I had to listen to my own singing voice and determine that I didn’t want to put people through that kind of “WTF” feeling, although I’m not tone deaf. So you might have to ask yourself if YOU like your voice and think it is good enough. >! 4. Do you hear your string buzzing? 1. You may be pressing down hard, but are you pressing down in the right position? 2. Are your fingers arched? From what I saw, they were not; the way you hold them now you will hurt the distal interphalangeal joints (first knuckle) of your finger. Your fingers should also only touch the strings that they need to touch, not above or below. 3. Are you attacking your strings with your pick? Your pick is very loud. You shouldn’t try to make it silent (that’s impossible), however, I hear your pick over the notes every time you strum. The audio quality is already not in your favor. >! >! 1. How often do you practice? 1. You say that you have about two months of lessons. It’s not good, nor… That terrible, but I think that if you practice regularly and not just a few times a month, you might get better. 2. Are you practicing scales and chords or just learning songs? 1. You should lay the foundation before building a house, logically speaking. 3. Are you playing in time, or are you playing with feeling? 1. Many beginners play with feeling, not on time, and it will lead to a poor performance. Your listeners should be able to tell if you’re in a verse, hook, bridge, or chorus of a song. It should never sound like endless, constant strumming. 4. Are you stiff when playing your guitar (arms and hands tight or clamping up)? 1. This can affect your sound, if you’re not relaxed-ish when playing. 5. How much music theory do you know as of now? 1. I used to think that music theory was a waste of time when I was a teen, but it can open a lot of potential if you study it. Especially if you’re playing music by ear, or composing a piece. 6. Do you have a plan and/or goals in playing and/or singing? What inspired you to get started? 1. Some people only want to do it for fun, others only want to learn a song or two to impress someone, and then you have those who want to be, professionally speaking, awesome. These are all good reasons, but know your goal and don’t forget it, especially if your goal will take a lot of time and practice to complete. Playing music, to me and many others, is a commitment. 7. Do you play without pick to see what the notes should sound and feel like? 1. This can give you some perspective on how you can produce a better quality sound. Before I gave up guitar, I preferred to play without a pick so I could better feel the strings. 8. Did you play acoustic first or just jump on electric? 1. Playing acoustic first gives you a good idea on what your notes should sound like on electric, as well as help build up calluses on your fingers and teach you if you’re holding down a string correctly. A lot of people, particularly kids and rock/metal fan tend to jump right on electric first not knowing that acoustic will help them dramatically. Many of those people also give up playing fairly quick. >! >! @SkywardRiver >! I'm not a particular fan of your type of voice, but you did very well. I'm going to assume that the nasal sounding part was because of your cold.
  6. If you want to speed up your production time with pixel art animation, Photoshop isn't what you're looking for. Is it possible? Sure. To be fast in Photoshop, you would have to come up with a system for doing specific things. But I personally think Photoshop is better for Web stuffs. Try some of this free stuff first though: >! [**Paint.net**](http://www.getpaint.net/download.html "External link") >! Paint.net is a advance version of Microsoft paint, and is easy to use than Microsoft paint. >! [**Graphics Gale**](http://www.humanbalance.net/gale/us/ "External link") >! A software especially created for making pixel art, easy to use but it's not noob-friendly. >! [**Pro Motion**](http://www.cosmigo.com/promotion/index.php "External link") >! A drawing and animation software designed similar to the famous Amiga Deluxe Paint, this software can also be use for pixel art animations. >! [**Personal Paint**](http://www.amigaforever.com/classic/ppaint.html "External link") >! A powerful and intuitive paint, image processing, animation and 24-bit printing package. Employ stunning effects like emboss, water-colors, transparencies and stereograms (as in "Magic Eye"). >! [**Tile Studio**](http://tilestudio.sourceforge.net/ "External link") >! A complete development utility for graphics of tile-based games. >! [**Ultimate Paint**](http://www.ultimatepaint.com/ "External link") A full-featured 32-bit Windows graphics program for image creation, viewing and manipulation >! >! [**Pickle**](http://www.pickleeditor.com/ "External link") >! A **cross-platform pixel editor** for creating game animations, tiles and sprite sheets. >! >! [**iDraw Chara Maker**](http://tsukuru.pl/index.php?link=programy/iDraw "External link") >! A graphics program widely used by the game-making community (RPG Maker in particular), which uses palletized graphics, grid snapping, and animation previews. It is very useful for those making graphics for a tile-based game. >! >! [**Ragepixel**](http://ragepixel.com/ "External link") >! A very powerful tool in fast prototyping and gamejam scenarios. >! >! [**RotSprite**](http://info.sonicretro.org/RotSprite "External link") >! A sprite rotation and scaling utility developed by Xenowhirl. It outperforms most professional graphics software (such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro) when rotating sprites through an angle other than 90° or one of its multiples. Typically, other graphics editors will apply anti-aliasing or use a primitive nearest-neighbor method when rotating images, which produces results that are ugly or unsuitable for sprites.
  7. I guess I could join in on the feel trip. Parts of my Life >! I grew up in a poor family, bouncing back and forth between the country and the city. I kinda liked life before I started going to school because even though I knew we was poor, I never felt like I needed anything more than I had. I always found a way to have fun by myself, (was an only child at the time and I didn't play with many of my cousins). >! >! When I started school, I became isolated quickly. By the second grade, an entire city school of kids were picking on me. Some adults saw that I had a hard time and talk and play with me. Some kids my age would too, but never around others. This went on until my mother and father split and my mother moved me and my sister (who was born when I was six) to the suburbs in the fifth grade. >! >! In middle school, I started band. Was quite good at it too. My best day consisted of playing flute and a ps2 my grandfather bought me. I had a few friends, but I didn't take the time to be extra social (it was weird). I went though a lot of physical and mental abuse (a bit too crazy to elaborate on) during that time, but music and video games kept me sane. I participated in All County Band, and almost made it to All State Band. :lol: >! >! By the time high school hit, I knew about the circle of fifths as well as how to properly critique games. However, things took an unfortunate turn. I had to leave the high school that I had finally made a few friends in. Went on a few dates with some guys, and even fell for my first girlfriend. I was social for one year without it being awkward. I tried to stay, but I failed miserably. I ended up moving back to the country with my mother and… Two sisters! >! >! The high school in the country wasn't bad though, everyone was nice and even though I didn't talk much.. I ended up dating this monster of a girl who went around bragging about all my assets to her guy and lesbian friends. She even defended me from some tiny girl who was talking junk about me (I had a nice laugh when she came up say how she cool with me and didn't know I was dating [Name Here]). I made a few more, but slightly weirder friends, but I left that school in attempts to go back to my old high school and play music. My mother wouldn't let me join band in the country high school, many tears were shed. More Life stuff, With a bit of Programming Drama: >! Back in the city, I ended up going to a school full of hoodlums, not the one I wanted to go back too. I met a graphic design teacher who treated me like one of his daughters. Got an internship at a webdesign company, but the only thing they did was let us eat snacks and come up with ideas while they did the fun part (programming and design). So I took it upon myself to learn HTML and CSS; I was not happy at all being someone's reason to ask for a cutback on taxes for "non-profit". >! >! More crazy junk happened, and I finally graduated in 2009\. Because of the crazy things that was going on, my grandfather shipped me back too… The country! So I wouldn't be in harms way anymore. I tried going to college for Information Technology, but the school work was like.. The heck? So I stopped after my second semester. I was at a standstill, not being able to go to college for music. I had been depressed for many a long time (and still kinda am) not knowing what exactly to do with my life. >! >! I was so bored an miserable, I just played little PhP games online. I wanted to make a game really bad, so I went back to Eclipse's page and downloaded, but I felt as if one had to be a genius to make and keep up with a game after reading up on things. However, I always kept looking. >! >! Then I met a guy (who I would later be my long distance boyfriend) on a game called TheNinja-RPG (A Naruto-ish Text-Based Browser thingy). He aspired to make a Bleach RPG, and he did.. And I followed him. I watched on my screen as he mesmerized me when things would suddenly appear. We both got excited when even the slightest link was active. He made me a mod as the community grew, and I worked hard. In fact I did more than was actually expected of me.. Because heck, I had nothing else to do at 19 years old. The Head Mod and Administrators under him did absolutely nothing.. To the point that players directed most of their problems towards me. I had no problem though because I took pride in having the community's trust. >! >! Months later, he and I were an item. I also became his first "disciple". Then because of his life situation, and stress he gave up the game to some shady characters. I left because everything was being broken, and people turned to chaos because the first owner just gave up. The new owner saw how much work I had done, and wanted to keep me as a mod. I thought about for a few days, but I was also getting upset. I hung out with my boyfriend in a private Chatzy every day, flirting and learning PhP. Although, back then I was horrible at it. >! >! Then later, he broke it off with me. I later found out that he had developed feelings with another girl because she was stressed over homework.. @.e; Her boyfriend and I found out. I gave my newly ex-boyfriend all kinds of... Typed words, and the young lady's boyfriend left her in real life. >! >! It was then that my frustrated and sad brain finally understood PhP and MySQL. I was never able to show my teacher how far I had gone because before he left me, he said that I'd never be any good. The last time I even got to talk to him, I asked to use him as a reference so I could get a job. He has made more games and made a business out of it. I thought about asking to join him, but I don't think he would let me after he turned almost an entire game community against me. Programming Drama is horrible.. And now: >! I got a boyfriend who's thinking about marrying. We met under pretty ef'd up circumstances, but we're happy. He's an amazing cook.. OhMahGerd! And a lovely vocalist and comedian. I wish he'd come up with some material so I can make him a website, but oh well. We both grew up kinda the same, and we just made a plan to help each other achieve success. I'm going to school to become a Massage Practitioner, and in between classes I will study Web Development as much as I can. Later, he will go to Bartending school, then Culinary Art school. But until then, he visits me to help me and my mom with me **three** sisters. >! >! It was Eclipse V that finally made me register after all this time. I kinda just lurk in hoping to get more knowledge and practice so I can make something to be proud of. Though, I almost never think that anything I produce is good enough to be shown to anyone. I usually just do things for my own enjoyment now. I'd love to develop for a living, but kinda lack the confidence. I've been studying up on Node.js and trying to freshen up on Javascript but as for now, I'm just kinda here.
  8. This is much better on the ears. Now you just have to apply harmonies and find sets of effects/instruments that compliment each other. That will come with experience.
  9. The begining of the first song would attack anyone's ears if they are a frequent listener to this type of music or not, and after the beat had dropped it was like it wasn't the same song anymore. The second song was out of sync, and way too busy. Your first few songs should start off simple. You should have maybe no more than three instruments/effects. The third started off okay, but you should learn to turn some instruments/effects down or you will overwhelm your listeners. The melody was in the same volume as the beat, and when the new sound came in at 0:42 it sounded very rough. Most of it is just rough. Before you go into dubstep type things, you should make things with regular sounding instruments first. Listen to [different types of scales](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scale_%28music%29#Types_of_scale), when you hear a scale you like, use only those notes that make that particular scale until you become experienced enough to use accidentals. If you want a Blues sounding song, try a Hexatonic Scale. When it sound good as "live" music, then you can add alittle wub wub. As for your beats, you should try learning [Drum Rudiments](http://www.freedrumlessons.com/drum-lessons/drum-rudiments.php) first and how to properly count a beat so your songs won't become out of sync. A few tastefully done remakes that don't hurt: 1.) [[X]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SlRiNAsUEs) 2.) [[X]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUGzY-ihqWc) 3.) [[X] I lied, this one might hurt.. Start with a low volume. The build up and base drops are awesome.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awaz1aNTNL8)
  10. > Engine. It may be forked since Vaughan just wants an open-source engine, but I want to make an engine that has plugins and is monetized using plugins by authors. Authors make plugins and can release for free or for paid, these then are installed sort of like Minecraft's Bukkit Server. Everything needs funding to make it, which is why the core is free and open-source, but the actual works made for it such as additional features will be both free and paid. This is the best approach in my opinion and want more engines like this. Based on your vision: Will all features be treated as an "installation" (like Combat, Stats, and UI), or will there have to be some manual work done?
  11. Hello, hello~ And thanks. I'll help where ever I can.
  12. Hello, I've been scoping out Eclipse for years now. Hopefully, getting involved with a community of some sort will help me stick to my aspirations. Nice to meet you all.
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