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Eclipse Game Merging…


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Well this is just an idea I had a couple of days ago and want to see what you guys think of this. Well the idea is that two games join together to make a big game. I was thinking that so many games go to WIP and don't actually get released. So I am thinking why not do merged projects in here. Like if there was two games and they are failing then they agree to join together and make a big game with all the people they have on both projects working together.
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No. Your project is very personal to yourself. Letting strangers in who, more often than not, know nothing about making a damn game is going to cause a lot of problems.

It has worked in the past, but not by meeting up with strangers on the forum. In fact, any project which advertising for random people on this forum is doomed to fail.

Eclipse games require passion. They're a labour of love. You can't just let every Tom, Dick and Harry join your project and expect it to work. You talk to people on the forum, get to know people, get to know how they work and what they're skilled at and you eventually become friends.

I merged Wind's Whisper with Silverdale because Seb and I worked so damn well together. He's fantastic at balancing, feature ideas and graphics whereas I can do anything with the source code. We also had the same ideas about where our games should go.

I merged Wind's Nocturne with Elandor Chronicle's with Beau & Derrick because of the same things. I'm good at programming, those two are good at graphics and balancing. Once again, we all had the same ideas about where the game should go.

**tl;dr:** Until you put a few years into learning a skill, your game is going to fail no matter if you merge it or not. Merging it is simply going to make it fail faster.
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> Two failGAMES merged into one makes a superFAIL game. That's just logic… ><;


However merging games can already be done. It just takes a lot of time and effort… and you have to be a decent programmer(which if you are, you probably wouldn't need to merge games in the first place)
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It's very rare that you'll get a perfect match of people who can work together to make a fantastic game. The only successful one I've ever seen is Silverdale, and that's with three people who're 6 year veterans.

It'll be interesting to see how Elandor goes with it.
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As mostly everyone has said it would be a good idea, in theory. With any merge there are often complications and differences in views for the game which will cause conflict. I've merged a handful of times in the past with other projects, only to have the projects eventually fall apart because the leaders of the each respective project wanted to take things into a different direction.

Like Robin said, with your game so personal to you it's difficult to get multiple people on the same page, especially random people you don't know well.
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