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A dedicated server (or any server wich is good to use for eclipse)


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I would like to buy a server to host eclipse on. However this is my first one I'll buy. And the only kind-of server I ever heard about is a "dedicated server".
So my questions are:
Is a dedicated server able to run eclipse?
Is there another kind of server what can run eclipse better? Or is cheaper?
Do you know any trustable site to buy a server? (Please tell me the best option to buy on that site)
When I buy a server, how do I use it to make eclipse 24/7 up? Is it just like remote controlling another computer or different?
I see on some sites you can choose between linux and windows, what's the difference?

I would like to know as much as possible. Thank you. :)
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I answered your questions (in order), but I am not an expert, so you may want to get a second opinion.

**http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_server, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedicated_hosting_service.**
**You just start it up, like you normally would. Or perhaps by contacting your provider. I think it is remote controlling.**
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A dedicated server is basically a server that's purpose is for 1 thing such as hosting a game. It is like you being dedicated to making a game. Eclipse is made in vb6 and therefore is meant for windows so running on Linux is not a very good idea in my opinion. If you wanna buy a server buy a cheap one from Dell.com and it will be more than powerful enough to run eclipse
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Okay thanks for your replys. :)

But I still have some question trough
-So I have to take windows, but I see there are different OS, panels etc, wich ones are the bests? I prefer to have an easy remote control panel.
-Does it matter if I take a VPS server or dedicated server? If they both does work with eclipse I'll choose VPS since it's cheaper.
-Where are the server hostings standing on that dell site? I cant find it :o
-Anyone know a server perfect (cheap) for eclipse?

I found a cheap windows VPS server: http://www.accuwebhosting.com/windows-vps-server-hosting.html (I'm talking about the starters packet)
Is this one able to run eclipse correctly? And do I have to take 2003 or 2008? 32bit/64bit? (Please take a look at "order now" what I'm able to choose) (I'm using eclipse evolution 2.6 btw)
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> I found a cheap windows VPS server: http://www.accuwebhosting.com/windows-vps-server-hosting.html (I'm talking about the starters packet)
> Is this one able to run eclipse correctly? And do I have to take 2003 or 2008? 32bit/64bit? (Please take a look at "order now" what I'm able to choose) (I'm using eclipse evolution 2.6 btw)

The site tells you everything about panels: Web Based Remote Desktop Access / Web Based VPS Management Panel etc. It doesn't matter what OS you pick, but I would go with 2008 64 bit, as is a bit more stable. The difference between a VPS and a real dedicated server: With a VPS, you share a "real dedicate server" with multiple people. For example your "starter package" allows you to use 1/2 CPU core - so the dedicated server will be used by 8 people if they run a quad core server - meaning you will be able to use 1.2 Ghz. 

A VPS should be good enough for a small game with few players.

You should open your eyes tho, because for the same money you get the next bigger package today (WebMaster
VPS - Opal)

Good luck
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> @hedgy:
> > I found a cheap windows VPS server: http://www.accuwebhosting.com/windows-vps-server-hosting.html (I'm talking about the starters packet)
> > Is this one able to run eclipse correctly? And do I have to take 2003 or 2008? 32bit/64bit? (Please take a look at "order now" what I'm able to choose) (I'm using eclipse evolution 2.6 btw)
> The site tells you everything about panels: Web Based Remote Desktop Access / Web Based VPS Management Panel etc. It doesn't matter what OS you pick, but I would go with 2008 64 bit, as is a bit more stable. The difference between a VPS and a real dedicated server: With a VPS, you share a "real dedicate server" with multiple people. For example your "starter package" allows you to use 1/2 CPU core - so the dedicated server will be used by 8 people if they run a quad core server - meaning you will be able to use 1.2 Ghz. 
> A VPS should be good enough for a small game with few players.
> You should open your eyes tho, because for the same money you get the next bigger package today (WebMaster
> VPS - Opal)
> Good luck

Okay thanks a lot for the info :) I'll take the starters packed (not opal since the discount is only at the 1st month, I saw that on another page) However I'll wait till next year because I probably need my money at december&januari for all christmas partys and birthdays I have to go to.

Thank you :D I hope I wont get any problems with starting XD

Oh 1 more question. You says VPS is good ennough for a small game with few players. Around how many players is "a few?" Few means different for everyone XD
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