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Everything posted by MarBos

  1. I doubt he will add much more for sale because he seems to be very busy with the current orders, plus if you didn't notice already, it seems like he lost a bit of interest in programming (which is understandable) Anyways, his amazing package is truly amazing and totally worth the money. It would take ages to code all this yourself, so if you didn't get it by now, don't miss the chance!
  2. @hedgy: > I found a cheap windows VPS server: http://www.accuwebhosting.com/windows-vps-server-hosting.html (I'm talking about the starters packet) > Is this one able to run eclipse correctly? And do I have to take 2003 or 2008? 32bit/64bit? (Please take a look at "order now" what I'm able to choose) (I'm using eclipse evolution 2.6 btw) The site tells you everything about panels: Web Based Remote Desktop Access / Web Based VPS Management Panel etc. It doesn't matter what OS you pick, but I would go with 2008 64 bit, as is a bit more stable. The difference between a VPS and a real dedicated server: With a VPS, you share a "real dedicate server" with multiple people. For example your "starter package" allows you to use 1/2 CPU core - so the dedicated server will be used by 8 people if they run a quad core server - meaning you will be able to use 1.2 Ghz. A VPS should be good enough for a small game with few players. You should open your eyes tho, because for the same money you get the next bigger package today (WebMaster VPS - Opal) Good luck
  3. MarBos

    Currency Problem?

    You just go to the item editor and create a currency item - for example gold.
  4. MarBos

    [EO] Resource System

    You are very welcome :) Glad I could help
  5. MarBos

    [EO] Resource System

    Success is the message that shows up if you were successful, so if you enter a 3 it will show 3\. You should enter something like "You harvested logs" for example. The empty is also a message like "You harvested nothing". You cannot set how much resources you get - it's always one - the one you selected. Hope this helps
  6. There will always be people who try to get their hands on something in such ways. However, no smart person would go into such a deal because they would just hurt themselves. Simply put, imagine if you would find the "amazing package" or even the "WN package" all over the web, or if Robin would suddenly see questions from 50-100 people who ask about features / additions to features that are only available in these versions… It would be clear that someone shares or re-sold the source , and I am positive that Robin would think twice about making such great offers in future. That said, if someone would really be stupid enough to "sell" or "give away" their purchased source, they would be just hurting themselves.
  7. MarBos

    GFX problem

    You do know that you can download winrar for free at: http://www.rarlabs.com/download.htm don't you? Even if the trial version expires you can stilll use it (just some nag screen).
  8. MarBos

    [EO] House Editor

    I will give this a try. If it works out, it's a very great addition. Thank you for investing your time to create tutorials for the community :)
  9. MarBos

    [eo] shops

    If that doesn't work, you must have edited something. The correct way is: 1.) Click "Buy Item" - Then a message shows up telling you to "Click on the item in the shop you wish to buy" 2.) Click the item in the shop window once - When you do that, the item shows in your inventory If it doesn't work that way with your client, you must have edited something which broke it. Example: http://www.swfcabin.com/swf-files/1288082945.swf
  10. MarBos

    [eo] shops

    You first have to click either sell or buy in the shop (at the bottom of the window) and then select the item.
  11. @Kreator: > *fingers crossed* > Tried my best, I really hope you like it. I'm proud of how I broke it down from it's climax to a relapse, where the song then loops. If you need any changes I'll once again try my best. Now I'm going to re orchestrate it for my portfolio! Great piece of art :) No need for any changes as it fits perfectly as it is! Thank you again for the work you have put into this.
  12. Thank you for making this available to the community. It's great to see people offering their skills by contributing. Given the fact that you are a professional, it's even greater. Keep up the great work - you are on the right path.
  13. Knowing what you can do from your portfolio, I'd like to give this a try. It might be a bit harder than your usual requests, but I believe in your work :) Game Name- No working title yet (will update when the release date nears) Graphical Style- Ultima Online type graphics Name- Awakening of the Hero Setting- Medieval Setting, yet a bit of fantasy. Mostly woods / small villages, mines, wilderness Inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MC-FLXkg3M (starting listening at 1 Minute, 48 seconds) Format- MIDI is just fine Keywords- Dramatic, yet asking the player if he is "the one" who can make it to the top Atmosphere- Main Menu - While dramatic, the main menu track must be something that makes you want to stay in the menu for a while before deciding if you are going to play or if you prefer to hear it once more. The dramatic part changes over the time to a style which makes you feel like "I can do this" - I want the player to feel unsure if he can do it - yet cheer him up to start his journey. If you know the gladiator movie - it describes it best: sadness, yet the willingness to fight. Don't you just hate requests like this? ;)
  14. The problem is not really people who don't want to help / share. The problem is people who want to build a game but have no resources / knowledge or a "team". You are right if you say there are different types of people like Game Designers, Programmers and artist - and you will need all three of them - or you won't be able to create a game (except you can do everything yourself or have the money to pay people). Creating a game is like real life… If your car is broken and you cannot repair it you either need to learn how to fix it or pay someone who knows how to fix it. Try going to a car repair shop and tell the guy to teach you how to fix your car and you will see what he will say. If you tell him that "we would still be cavemen", he will just think that you are crazy :) The guy at the repair shop had to learn everything himself and either paid money or time to learn things, so he is not giving you his time at no cost - nor will he fix your car for free. The thing is: Today we are able to learn from sources like books, the internet or tutorials, so if you really want to learn something, you can learn it without any issue. Once you have learned, you will be able to ask more educated questions and people will help you, because they see that you ar least try to understand. That said, just because a programmer, arist or game dev says "do it yourself", it doesn't mean he / she is rude or doesn't care. It just means that they have been bugged by so many people who always ask the same questions (which were probably answered a hundred times), that they gave up trying. Conclusion: Try to learn things and do your research before asking questions and you will most likely get an answer. Hope this helps :)
  15. Constantly on 62 (the char must be freezing looking at the shaking) :)
  16. I recommend going for the WN source because you will get a lot of value for the low amount of money. Looking at all the improvements and new features WN comes with, you would have to be stupid not to go for this offer. If you had to code everything yourself or had a professional programmer code it for you, you would at least pay a XXXX amount for it (calculated by hours of work that went into this).
  17. Thank you for your very detailed response. I'll give it a shot and setup a player simulator to see how well it goes. As for the bandwidth: Yes, the main factor will always be a speedy and stable connection, but that's luckily something I don't have to worry about much, as I'm not planning to run this "from home" if I decide to go for this engine. Thanks for your second tip also. I'll have a look around to find some artist forums to connect with them. I don't mind paying people to do work because in the end, what matters is a unique game with unique graphics and game-play - or your game will be known as "yet another guy who gave EO a shot" (which I don't mean in a negative way). Thanks again for taking time to respond and keep up the great work.
  18. As I said, it's not about doubting it or not - it's about finding out how much EO could handle. Simply put, I have about 200 people online at the same time for a silly drawing game - if I release a flash game, there are thousands of users playing it the same day - that said, I do believe my question is valid. Thank you for your input tho :)
  19. Hello, being new to EO but not to programming and development I wonder if someone could answer my basic questions: 1.) I know people will say "Don't worry about this", but I do worry, so I ask: Is there any "reliable" answer to how many clients EO can handle without issues. I am aware that it depends on the server etc, but if we take into account a high end server and no extreme modifications (like adding scripting which would slow things down etc) - how much clients (players) could EO handle? I have to ask because I would not have an issue driving thousands of people to a game if I were to develop one. 2.) Not really related to EO but to resources in general: I did browse most of the forums (EO related) and didn't find much information about people who are interested to get paid for working on custom things such as graphics, small changes or additions. Don't get me wrong, I am a 34 year old programmer, but sometimes you have to outsource some work to "get things done" - so my question is basically: Is there some sort of place where you don't have to uncover all your ideas before you can post a "job" without getting the topic deleted (see - I do read the rules). Simply put, if you are planning on getting started on a game, I prefer not to talk about details and "how great everything is" before my plan stands, so since you are not allowed to post a "job" to the forums here, I wonder if someone could point me into the right direction where I could for example find paid gfx artists and possibly professional VB coders in case I would get started and require some outsourcing. All that said, thank you for your time reading this and if you have some pointers available, please do post them #ends#
  20. First of all, I am aware that this topic is more for Dev talk. However, I wanted to make sure to thank Robin for all the time that was invested to make all this happen. I just found out about EO and have to say that it is a great option for all people who always wanted to develop a game but didn't have the knowledge to do so. A base like this will help many people (including me) who know how to program, but never found time to "get started". I also noticed that Robin is not only skilled if it comes to programming, but also if it comes to support and replying people's questions. Of course there will be always be people who can't wait for the "next version", but that's a common thing in every area of life, so don't let people make you mad - it's the way people are. The ones who truly know what kind of work and life resources go into a project like this will not bug you about that. All that said, I would like to thank you for all your hard work and since I noticed you seem to like beer, I went on and made sure you can get a few more into your freezer. Again, thank you for what you are doing for the gaming community and sorry if this is not the right place to thank you - I believe it is :) # ends #
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