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Critical based on status points

J. Black

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I'm thinking you mean the % chance? And I'd say sure, it could be fun to code in a new stat like luck and have that play towards how often you block and get crits and such things like that, but if you mean to code it into the base engine for everyone, I'll have to disagree, it doesn't fit all games
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> What do you guys think about status points increasing the % of critical hit?

As a base stat that you increase as you level +Crit would be interesting since it'd increase your damage but also spread out your dps (3-9 instead of 5-7) since you'd be increasing your chance of hitting higher instead of increasing how hard you hit normally

the gains per level would have to be lower than 1% if you're capping at 99 since you'd have the potential of becoming a crit machine at 99 even worse if you can invest more than one point into crit per level.

Id have to know more about the others stats and how they would affect damage to be able to say if that'd be reasonable.. but logically id expect that someone who maxed attack would have a higher base attack and smaller attack range while someone who instead maxed crit would have a lower base attack and larger attack range.

by that i mean like i said earlier, 5-7 for the attack guy and 3-9 for the crit guy. this before any other stats are added in and only considering attack strength.

in a pvp situation id prefer to be the max Crit since my oponent never knows when im going to slam them for a lot of damage suddenly.  but with that in mind Id personally prefer to be able to change my attacking style during the fight. for instance by switching weapons. Id start out with something that swings for a larger range and after landing a big hit Id switch to something more consistent to maintain the upper hand.

that would mean id need to be able to increase my attack strength and crit chance by changing equipment.. so maybe +crit would be better as a stat applied to your gear instead of your character.
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