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It honestly depends on opinion. There will always be a successor commercial version, as well as cons and pros of all sorts. If you want to become a serious programmer though, VB isn't the path recommended. But it depends on usage as well. If VB will suffice for every cause you come across, then it may be the tool for the job. Understanding the limiting factors of each choice would be a wise decision as well.
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I was learning vb08 but i find it limiting and i started learning c++ then java in dev C++ and the java eclipse.
because i wanted to make online game and i think java is the right language for that job but then eclipse by eclipse i mean not the java eclipse but this eclipse inspired me to work and learn vb because i can see that its posable to make an good online game engine like eclipse origins and i find vb more easy then c++ and java.But since EO is made with vb6 i dident know if VB08 is capable of making an online engine.I also did a little research on the internet and i saw that vb6 was released in 1999 and microsoft stoped supporting it in 2005 i think and that vb08 was better.But i also wanted to see what eclipse will chose as users of vb.So that's the full story.
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Java in Dev C++? o.0? What? And Java Eclipse?

All Java are the same, but there are different IDE. I use NetBean and yes I'm a Java Programmer.
All VB are VERY similar. Not the same, but very similar. If you must, learn VB.Net 2010\. That's Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition. It's part of the Visual Studios 2010 Express Edition. Heck, download the full Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition. It's free and it's easy to use.

I prefer Java for one thing. It's almost as fast as C++(someone gonna start flaming me soon) and we don't have to deal with pointers! Yeah, yeah, I'm lazy plus I don't know how.

I strongly encourage you learn any language first, just to understand what is a Function and what is a Method. What is a variable and how can you put all these together. Just the concept of programming.
Then you can pick a language. I prefer Java but C is probably the best choice. It's easy to learn(except pointers) and it's great!

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> It's almost as fast as C++(someone gonna start flaming me soon)

Actually, a "Hello World" in Java takes ~980ms, while the same program in C++ will take you ~20ms. That same program in C can be cut down to ~10ms. My intent here isn't to start a flame war, but for accuracy, That's about 100 times slower than C!

> we don't have to deal with pointers

That's a mixed blessing; you _don't have_ to deal with pointers, but you also _can't deal_ with pointers. If I want to do fancy pointer arithmetic in C(++), I can (and many other people do, this isn't a case example). But in Java, I can't. Apparently, there's [no need to](http://java.sun.com/docs/white/langenv/Simple.doc2.html#4107). Not to mention all the bounds checking to make sure you're not shooting yourself in the leg; but what if you're the person who actually checks if you are? Well too bad, because Java is doing it for you in a way that may not be as efficient as you like.

And as a final note, I'd like to state again that this is my opinion.
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> -Snip-

I agree but I'm a lazy person :P
I will eventually learn C/C++ and I'll have to learn how to use pointers and all that. But until that time come, I'll keep being a lazy bum, sitting infront of the computer all day long :D

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My advice is to learn C#.  It's slightly faster than VB as well as more respectable and pretty much as easy to program in.  However if you just want to make a MMO, you can use almost any language.  You could even use Python if you were making a very basic 2D MMO.
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