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Why I left XW


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1\. XW people treat all the noobs like crap. If you use any of the defaults, they'll flame you until you quit XW and leave the forums for ever… :D didn't work on me.

2\. XW forum is cluttered with spam bots. There is about... 3 spam bots on there now. Maybe more.

3\. The wiki/website is not a website. It's filled with spam, all the tutorials and download links are now gone.


I just thought you people might want to know how much XWs community is failing right now.
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> I used XW before Eclipse. It was terrible and the community was full of assholes.

I KNOW! However, there are some cool people on there :D


> you didn't mention the engine was crap?

Well it's not horrible. I does have it's strong points but I'm not going to go much into that. Eclipse is definately a whole lot better. I mean, XW has a description section inside the item editor, guess what!? The description isn't acually viewable, even when you check the 'Use Item Descriptions' box in the clients options menu. The main thing that got me with Eclipse was the paperdoll, the fact that you didn't have to script female character sprites, and that you get a nice little pop up when you mouse over items. That acually showed their description.


> lol wow there site is pretty much ducked.

*sigh* it's a shame too. There was some pretty good tilesets that I could have used with Eclipse on there… simple image editing.
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Yup, I think he got perma-banned if that makes you feel any better. He was one of the flammers :D


> The main page has been Clearly Hacked. I lol'd.
> http://mmorpgmaker.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
> Lolz.

Well acually, they hacked the whole site. All the content is gone so people are going to:

A. Download XW from Cnet and than realize it's not as easy as they thought it would be, sign up for the forums, and realize that they're dead!

B. Screw XW and go to Eclipse, or G2D if they even find out about it.
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I just checked the website for the first time in a couple weeks; ripped to shreads.

Ever since smschronos left development since bradyok and elec0 wouldn't make it open source, the source was shit.

Needless to say, Robbie, raptr, ouren, Ryan, nighthawk, skyline, and a few others make the humor on the site fun.

Overall, it had it's run with mystic worlds (Kronia) and Jerrath, as well as Sythe's ' LOZ II'

Rest in peace, you shitty shitty community.

Fuck the trolls.
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Seriously. Other engines can run their shit the way they want to. "communities" in a whole are quite different, you can't just base your opinion on the programming and shit that went into it solely on the people who use it. If that was the case, then why in the fuck would anyone use Eclipse. Look at the community and how much it has shifted from people having fun and creating projects, to some god damn trolling rat race where everyone is literally always down each others fucking throats over bullshit that shouldn't even matter. And just because it was closed source doesn't mean it was deemed "shit". Bradyok did it so people could replicate games like the ones people played back before everything went extremely too deep with the whole "2D" concept. Also, funky jammer, MW wasn't made with XW, MW came way the fuck before that when Brendon decided to make it using a thing called the uber engine or whatever, and met bradyok through a chat room and thought he was someone else and he hired him either way. I played Mystic worlds when I was young as shit, and it's what got me into wanting to make a game. So you guys can take your negativity, shit-slinging shit somewhere else. You make Eclipse look worse as a whole when you start bullshit threads like this dissing other communities. Dead or not, it doesn't matter.
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Flaming other communities is against the rules.

Also, say what you want but claiming no work went in to XW is just silly. There was years of development on Mirage, Playerworlds and XW. Just because they didn't take their engine down the same path that I took mine doesn't mean it's bad.

Hell, it's only over the last 2 or 3 years that Jacob and I really revolutionised how the engine felt. Before then you were all using Stable and EE which was _very_ similar to XW. Spells in a listbox anyone? ;]

Of course, 90% of the people in this thread never even played the original Kronia or Jerrath nor did they ever have any sort of position in the old communities with these guys.
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