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Is it morally right?


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Gathering opinions here.

Last night I escorted a friend to her Debutante Ball, and the thought just sort of annoyed me.

Is it morally right to display your daughter in such a way so that she could be married off to 'a suitable young Gentleman'? They send their daughters to whoever will marry them, like they're selling farm animals. They're limiting who their own daughters can marry, one mother went so far as to say that she 'wouldn't dare allow her daughter to marry someone out of our circle'.

Having little say on who they're exposed to, surely it's the girl's own decision to marry whomever she loves and no-one else's?
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The girl would become declassé and everyone would avoid her and her family like the plague. Her parents would probably never talk to her again for what she did. I've seen it happen. It almost happened to me when it got out that I was studying Games Development - I just had to say it's a hobby and I'm not going to make a career of it. That's the way it has to be :/
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Man, that sounds like some feudalism shit, and here I was thinking the civilized world got past that point. Don't make me slap you for even asking if that's morally right.

Every girl should have the free will to choose, who she will be fetching bear and sandwiches for the rest of her life.
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They're not choosing her husband for her directly, they hide behind a facade of helping her choose the right man. My parents tried to do that to my Brother. Their attempts to guide heim left me heir apparent, but that didn't stop them from marrying my sister off a couple of years ago. It's my Beautillions next June, and I'm worried as hell.  It's not just girls they force this on.
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No, honestly, in Europe? I understand that Turks and Arabs are hundred years behind Africa with woman emancipation and free will in general, but Europe?

I'm honestly shocked Bonk. I mean, I understand it's not aggressive (I hope) but still, it's incredibly disturbing.
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Annoyingly, most Debs are that brainwashed that they think the whole thing is great.

They're dressed up and shown off like prize animals to the highest bloody bidder.

It rates on the money of a Deb's Escort. Money is the most important, followed by assets and looks.

Luckily my sister fell in love, but it's not always like that. My brother was pretty much forced. He went out on his bike to get away and think, and hit a tree with it. He died in A & E, and the girl he would have married didn't even go to his fucking funeral.

There's just one girl I like - but her parents have a fucking Duke in mind, so to hell with her feelings. Come July they'll be engaged, I swear.

There's nothing anyone can do about it.
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> Duuuude… seriously, what the duck? Shit like that happen in England?

It's the upper class bullshit that happens. Families with absolutely no understanding of the outside world marrying in to each other generation after generation. The girls are always sheltered, spoilt little girls.

Go watch any period romantic drama. This goes back years. I'm surprised we have someone who's part of this forum who's from such a conceited background, more than anything. I'd say the balls are pretty damn uncommon.
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> It's the upper class bullshit that happens. Families with absolutely no understanding of the outside world marrying in to each other generation after generation.

And, as the European royalty of Middle Ages teaches us, that leads to eventual incest and genetical load. Because there are only so many royal families you can breed within.
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> And, as the European royalty of Middle Ages teaches us, that leads to eventual incest and genetical load. Because there are only so many royal families you can breed within.

Pretty much. It's not just England, though. All of Europe does this. It's just not as public as it used to be.
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There's around twelve families at the moment, if you want to make decisions on incestuousness.
People do, occaisionally, marry outside, but the groom or bride-to-be would have to be something damn special to get involved in something so insular.
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Damn special? But if it's frowned upon to marry outside the family, doesn't that really mean that being 'special' is just that the female is a piece of trash that isn't really needed to get married in the family?

So it's basically like she's the black sheep of the family. Or am I wrong to assume so?
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No, not really.

It's assumed that the girls will marry a boy from our circle. If she likes someone else, he would have to have a peerage at least before they'd even think of 'approving' it.

It's meant to maintain social exclusivity, but it is, as Robin said, generations of families marrying into each other, and as Kusy extended, it leads to near-incest and genetic load.
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