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Hello guys.

I feel like we need to put some rules and helpful stickies in place to avoid posts like:

- Hurr, where is the map editor?
- Durr, how do I add music?
- Wurr, can I make this 3D with no programming knowledge?
- Murr, make my game for me.

I suggest a global sticky with some beginners guides on downloading and installing, and a guide for Skywyre with controls and maybe a super simple tutorial on how to change the max level and use the editors.

Furthermore I suggest that rules are put in place to avoid the plethora of low-effort threads of (new) members.
A tech site I visit has a rule that threads asking for buying advice on things like computer parts need to have own input. They have to come with their own suggestions and a detailed explanation of what they want to ensure that the thread starters put in some effort first.

There should be some warning before new members post, that they have to read a sticky on the rules. This sticky should contain a layout with information that should be put in the thread. 

For example:

**Did you read the stickies?**
_If no, read them!_
**What version of Eclipse are you using?**
_Are you using a custom version, EO2.0, Skywyre, etc.?_
**What is your question?**
_What do you want to know/do/fix?_
**What did you try yourself?**
_Your own effort is mandatory, show what you tried to fix your problem/example of code you tried/etc._

If question threads do not have these questions answered, the OP gets a chance to edit it, or it gets removed.

Of course I am open to all suggestions and changes or expansions on the idea. Just tell me what you think!
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I was told the rules are being updated, Hope some of the above is taken into account. Like the guy who said he searched google for 2 hours (for each of his problems, so 4 total) but asked 2 questions within 20 mins of each other.. That kind of proves he didn't spend 2 hours googling before asking the questions. Then when you remind them the Shoutbox is not for questions and to make a thread, They make a thread but still ask in Shoutbox… You repeat yourself and then they turn around and say "but it gets answered quicker in here..". Really need to stop helping completely in the Shoutbox as once you help one guy the same guy continues to ask and post thread links in Shoutbox because he thinks he allowed to and knows how quick the help is in there.
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The rules are being updated, however, asking for support will no longer be against them. People should be able to ask for help in the shoutbox and I'd like to think members wouldn't mind answering questions they have an answer for. If not answering, at-least referring them somewhere else.
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Can we also have a rule that if a post is older than 6 months, or whatever the necropost is timed, then an admin/mod has to approve the post before it is accepted, that way you don't have random necroposting everywhere and you only have relevant questions that might be answered.
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> Can we also have a rule that if a post is older than 6 months, or whatever the necropost is timed, then an admin/mod has to approve the post before it is accepted, that way you don't have random necroposting everywhere and you only have relevant questions that might be answered.

I don't like this idea, sorry. However it can be a problem, some people should actually be encouraged to bring a topic to the top if need be, instead of creating a whole new topic. For example, if someone has already posted an Eclipse Worlds Tutorial, then we don't need 50 similar tutorial posts, rather bringing them back up and helping others find them.

I think just dealing with people who bring old posts back for no reason can be dealt with manually than having to do moderation like that. I'm not an Admin so idk.

With the entire shoutbox asking thing...we have taken into notice that quite a few of these members are most likely trolls or old members trying to troll and waste time. I believe we need a better structure than just letting people freely do what they want, because with holes in the rules like this, we're bound to see more trouble be stirred up.

I'm not saying keep support out of the shoutbox, I am saying something like: If the current (active) session of members are not able to provide an answer, and have tried referring the member to a board, but they are still trying to ask the same question over and over again or trying to dig deeper, then they need to be disposed of. It's obvious they're 1) a troll, 2) an immature spammer that refuses to listen to the (active) shoutbox session.

This is a dumb rule to consider and shouldn't need to be, but it's been happening every day I've been online so far and needs to be dealt with properly. I'm not an admin once again and i've promised to keep my moderation to a low, but it's getting a bit annoying.
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