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Everything posted by Joyce

  1. Pushed a small fix to the repo just now along with a change that makes invokes a little cleaner. (Cleaned up the repo itself as well, and added some lovely .gitignore goodness)
  2. @'artix5455': > I don't get how this works, I am clueless XDDDD Which part exactly do you not understand? @'Growlith1223': > Looks good, joyce, nice job on making it! i'll try and see if i can spot any errors There might be a couple! I've tested it a few times and it came out pretty well though. :) It can take a while to compare/download updates on very large clients though which -can- be a little annoying since it will do this every time it starts. (Of course you could edit it in such a way to only do this when a new version has been uploaded!)
  3. I take it that works then? :D
  4. It's because I never changed some variables over, x and i need to be replaced with NpcIndex and PlayerIndex respectively.
  5. That will never work, because it will assume all of those will need to be true in all cases. ;) Which of course will never happen. I didn't think you actually did this, I see why it doesn't work. If statements are being used sequentually like this, if the first one passes it moves to the next. You'd be better off writing a function. ``` Function IsPlayerVisible(ByVal NpcIndex as Long, ByVal PlayerIndex as Long ) as Boolean IsPlayerVisible = false If MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).Dir = DIR_UP And GetPlayerY(i) < MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).y Then IsPlayerVisible = true If MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).Dir = DIR_DOWN And GetPlayerY(i) > MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).y Then IsPlayerVisible = true If MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).Dir = DIR_LEFT And GetPlayerX(i) > MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).x Then IsPlayerVisible = true If MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).Dir = DIR_RIGHT And GetPlayerX(i) < MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).x Then IsPlayerVisible = true End Function ``` That might work, I'm not sure if it will compile though. I'm used to C#. Just call it like ``` If IsPlayerVisible(Npc, Index) Then Combt stuff here End If ```
  6. It's another updater, this one compares hashes of files and decides whether or not to download the update that way though. Enjoy! I threw this together during today's breaks at work, don't expect it to magically catch all errors, it basically catches none and may crash if you do something wrong. I haven't written a full piece of documentation for it, probably never will. But if you need help with getting it to run just ask. > Usage > Preparing an Update > > 1. Open the Hash Calculator. > 2. Select your Game Client folder (including the latest update, minus the patcher!) > 3. Hit Go! and wait for it to finish. > 4. Copy **output.xml** from the Hash Calculator folder to the folder you selected earlier and rename **output.xml** to **Checksums.xml** > 5. Upload the entire folder you selected earlier to the location you pointed your updater to. > > Getting an Update > > 1. Make sure you have completed the previous steps, and configured your Patcher (see: https://github.com/Azurebeats/YAGP#configuration). > 2. Run your patcher and sit back! You can find the download and source over here: https://github.com/Azurebeats/YAGP
  7. ``` If MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).Dir = DIR_UP And GetPlayerY(i) < MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).y Then ```~~Would likely work better, the Y value increases as you move further down the map(If memory serves me). :)~~ I'm a dummy. Corrected it, I can't test it as I haven't had VB6 on this machine in ages. I don't know if it will make an actual difference though.. But it should
  8. What did your code look like when you tried to do this? We might be able to build off of it or give you some pointers on where you went wrong rather than doing it for you. :)
  9. I'm pretty sure EO4 has instancing doesn't it?
  10. Joyce

    C# Updater

    I would if I still had the files for it, it was kind of a weird project of mine. :(
  11. Which version are you using exactly? I can't seem to replicate this using any of my local copies.
  12. I never liked Switches. They look rather awkward, especially for small tidbits like this. Personally I would have used a Dictionary for this: ``` var responses = new Dictionary() { {0,()=>{ Console.WriteLine("Yes!"); }}, {1,()=>{ Console.WriteLine("No!"); }}, {2,()=>{ Console.WriteLine("Hell no!"); }}, {3,()=>{ Console.WriteLine("Why even ask? DUH!"); }} }; responses[randomnumber](); ``` There's also no need to constantly declare what you're about to fill a variable with. It's just informational overload and when you're making a large amount of variables inside a class it makes it really messy to read something like this: ``` SomeClass var1 = new SomeClass(); ThisIsAnotherClass var2 = new ThisIsAnotherClass(); Int32 var3 = default(Int32); ``` Hard to read compared to the following: ``` var var1 = new SomeClass(); var var2 = new ThisIsAnotherClass(); var var3 = default(Int32); ```With everything being directly above/below eachother it looks and reads a lot cleaner. All of this is just personal preference though, so take it with a grain of salt.
  13. Could use a modded EO2.0 that runs on DirectX8 (I believe?): https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclopti It's quite old and I wouldn't expect anyone to know how to edit it though. (It's not too different from EO2, but some things have definitely changed.)
  14. I gave up on playing this a long time ago. It got boring real quick with mostly Japanese folk around me and a very poorly translated game client. (Not even kidding, google translate would probably have done a better job at it at the time) If it ever sees a Western release, I might bother. Until then, meh. Plenty of other games to play.
  15. They've been telling us it will come to the west for a long time now, but it keeps getting cancelled, delayed or stuck up someone's arse for some reason or another. I bet that when it finally does come most folk won't leave their JP characters behind and the western release flops as a result.
  16. Doesn't seem like a Windows 10 issue, more like botched data. Do other accounts have this problem as well?
  17. It's a little more in-depth than a single edit in that sub, as you'll need to load the UI elements in memory as well. But basically you'd want to add the rendering code after **Direct3D_Device.BeginScene**. I don't quite have the required elements at hand here though.
  18. @'Popey': > Unavailable link to download! That's plausible, that website went offline recently as Stein has had other things on his mind. I'm not sure if I still have a copy of this somewhere, but if I do I'll put it online some time.
  19. The reason they turn black is because the engine renders on top of them (with a black background). You'll want to figure out where these windows are being rendered and render your image to the picture boxes there.
  20. Unfortunately that does not tell us much unless you can give us what 'filename' contains, I believe you can hover over the variable to see what it's looking for.
  21. That's correct, Abyss. You'll want to compile the server after that and replace the executable to make it work though.
  22. I don't think it survived the forum transfer. But you could probably reconstruct it reading the code and the items it uses.
  23. Joyce

    Editing .dat files

    You can edit most those things with the in-game editors, you don't need to edit them manually. :) Should be able to hit home/insert for the admin menu which gives you access to those tools.
  24. That's looking pretty nice! I'm curious to see what you're using for rendering though.
  25. Possibly, but I would generally advice against it unless you know what you're doing and you know the make and model are entirely compatible with the parts you would be replacing. As I said before, generally speaking notebooks are not designed to be upgraded.
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