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Everything posted by Joyce

  1. Joyce

    Direct x error

    You'll need to use VB6 to change that I'm afraid.
  2. Joyce

    Direct x error

    You did replace with the actual path to the file did you not?
  3. What WOULD make sense is if we could instance these Regions.. That would add a little more purpose to them. (And it mobs were Region bound, instead of being limited to their respective maps only)
  4. Joyce

    Guild Wars 2

    > Anyone who has played other MMORPG's knows _every_ game does this. GW2 is actually far less guilty of facerolling than its competitors. Then I guess Rift, WoW, SW:TOR, Warhammer, LOTRO, GW1, RaiderZ, PWI, Champions Online, CoH/CoV etc. all force you into the same 5 basic attacks that stay the same from level 1 and onwards? I do recall having a lot more choice with a weaponset I enjoyed in all those other games, hell most of them make me fill up 3-4 hotbars from 1-12 spells and I still don't use everything available to me. In terms of combat, GW2 is a bore, sure you can switch weapons and the last 5 abilities, but these other weaponsets have the most boring playstyle EVER (Being a Necro, I prefer using double daggers, because ranged in this game feels so dull, there is nothing that makes you think about casting a spell, I mean you can walk away during the cast and it'll fire, there's no thought or danger in it).. THe other 5 abilities are used rarely, and mostly useless since they offer some minor things such as a weak AoE, some minions that die in three hits or a buff/debuff that's only used in very rare situations. There is no FUN in this combat system, there is no danger to it. I can literarily stand there bashing on a mob with little to no regard to safety. Nor do I ever feel the need to actually THINK of what the hell I'm doing, just hit whatever isn't on cooldown, because it doesn't matter when or how you use the abilities, you can just move aside in the middle of it without risking anything anyway. It feels smooth, yes. But that's all there is to it, it has no depth, no strategy and this is what irks me. So how is this not facerolling, unlike most other games I mentioned where you have to put more care into your rotation and abilities? And keep in mind, for a Buy to Play game, it isn't bad. But the combat is so god awfully dull that it doesn't keep my interest for more than an hour anymore, I recently tried making a new character, an Elementalist and a Guardian, but it feels the same. It's just running around without a care in the world mashing buttons. Maybe you enjoy this sort of thing, more power to you then. But I personally prefer having to THINK, timing my spells with their casts and cooldowns, using slows, stuns and roots to my advantage to not get my ass handed to me and using every ability I have to survive. In GW2, as a clothie I can run around and shrug off every damage I get, it's negliable.
  5. > I use Eclipse Evolution EE is an engine hardly anyone here knows how to use nowadays, might be tricky to find someone to fix it for you and use it properly. (It has some major bugs that no one has ever bothered fixing, or simply can't find the root of) > For example, your character is on the map 1 and he goes on the map 2\. There is a little loading. I want to load the map 2 before, for no loading transition between the map. > > Do you understand me? Sadly, this still causes load times, because the way Eclipse works is that it sends new maps when the client moves to that map, and checks on the server if there is a newer version available. If anything, loading the maps around your current will INCREASE loading times, as you'd need to make 5 requests for maps from the server every time, instead of just 1\. Of course, this can be fixed by removing the online map editor, but that would mean you can no longer edit maps in the game itself, and have to send out updates for every map because the client would hold the map database locally, instead of constantly requesting them.
  6. Joyce

    Mech request

    This is not a board to come in on and request stuff for outside sources, especially not as your first post.
  7. Joyce

    Music question

    If I understood the shoutbox, you're using EA which supports this by default.
  8. > I think Eclipse Advanced used DD8\. I don't know if there's a tutorial for that though… Irrelevant, the core system is the exact same, and this doesn't touch the rendering engine at all.
  9. That's plain text though, storing it in an *.ini file is not plain text and loads significantly slower than parsing lines from plain text. It is saved as plain text yes, BUT it needs to be searched through for the keys and whatnot every time you call a read/write. Plain text would just load it in a static order and be much faster as a result. It's still not so slow it'll make your server hang, I understand. But for the sake of consistency with the other data I would prefer to keep it Binary. (Not to mention, WHY save passwords in plain text? Bad idea, the server host should NEVER hold such data easily accesible.. Even though by default it's inside the Binary file written in a readable format, it's easier to find them in *.ini files. (although, I suppose a simple hash would solve this)
  10. Remember to download a fresh copy every attempt you make at fixing it.. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  11. Changed your topic title and added it to the description, try being as descriptive as possible yet making the title something that can used in a search when other people could use the same answer! Anyhow, I believe that is handled either inside the code itself, or in a file called News.txt. (Can't check right now, sorry!) And for the future, try using .jpg or .png when uploading images. :] They're a lot more web-friendly.
  12. Joyce


    The code you posted earlier was for the Tile Attribute that opens a shop, the new code you posted is the stuff that handles an event, which is what you asked for. Anyway, here's the changed code that opens it 1/4 times (25%): ``` Case Evt_OpenShop ' Let's randomize this! If Rand(1,4) = 1 ' It should only be 1 in 1 out of 4 cases, so ~25%ish Call SendOpenShop(index, .Data(1)) TempPlayer(index).InShop = .Data(1) End If GoTo EventQuit ```
  13. Joyce


    That's the tile type, not the event! I would find it for you, but I'm at work so I have to do this from what I can remember, so not sure where exactly the code you need is located.
  14. Joyce


    You'll need to be server-side where it handles the actual event, not on the client where it draws it. Even if you disable drawing it, the shop would be open.
  15. Wrong Soc, I deleted all the hate inbetween, there used to be far more posts!
  16. > **Player Data Storage** > > Converted to basic structured ini storage. > > This bothers me slightly, didn't we start using Binary because it's a crapload faster?
  17. Or google translate is messing it up. Anyhow, his issue appears to be resolved.. So I'll lock this.
  18. It's an NPC, if you make yourself an admin (Right Click yourself in the server panel > Make Admin) then you can use the in-game command /admin, or hit the Insert key to bring up the admin panel with all your editors. The NPC Editor is able to change the angel monster, as well as add new ones and modify them.
  19. > ALL DA LOCKS FOR LENA'S TOPIC. Fixed that for you!
  20. Joyce

    A Plain Rpg

    In that case I'll be locking this. Do note that I deleted a few (rather unpleasant) posts already before this date, I get his request was a little odd.. But that's no reason to completely go apenuts over it.
  21. I don't believe there is one, not a great deal of people ever used EO3.0 to make a game in I'm afraid. (It was made during a transition, where most people were using DD7 engines still)
  22. I don't believe Skype on another computer does anything, since it binds to your local machine's IP. (So in this case, hers and yours are two different IP Addresses). Are you running any webhosting applications of some sort? (Xampp, Wampp and the like?)
  23. Joyce


    Basically what you need to gather is your Router's brand, and it's network location(usually or, and log into this using the password for that specific router. (Unless you've changed it, the website I linked to earlier can tell you the default username and/or password for the device.) Then look up the guide to portforward for that specific device on the site I linked earlier, and follow it to forward the port to your computer. (make use of the **ipconfig** command, and the port you've set in your server and client's config files!). It's pretty straightforward once you know how it works!
  24. Joyce


    If I understood correctly you'll need the following runtime files: [[Clicky!]](http://jcsnider.freemmorpgmaker.com/Eclipse%20Runtime%20Files%20Installer.exe) (Make sure to read the instructions it gives! And install it in the appropriate directory) Anyway, to add to publishing your game, you will need to edit Client\Data Files\Config.ini to point to your IP Address([http://www.ipchicken.com/](http://www.ipchicken.com/)) and save it, then test if it works. If it does, you have portforwarded correctly and can zip/rar up your client and share it with your friends! (Make sure to delete every file in the client folder except for **Client.exe, FMOD.dll and the Data Files folder!** The other files are not used by the compiled binary. Also make sure to include the library file installer linked above, they will need to install those as well.)
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