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Everything posted by DarkDino

  1. darksmash88 is your internet speed limitation or NPC, delete the NPC and create again.
  2. Hi eclipse, i try to show the PAPERDOLLS in character selection, Growlith help me and he make the code. But have a problem. The problem is : the number of item use the MAX of Paperdolls in the code, have no idea because **If CharData(i).Equipment(PaperdollOrder(e)) > 0 And CharData(i).Equipment(PaperdollOrder(e))
  3. Go to sub GameLoop, below this line : If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler, put this: ``` If GetPlayerLevel ( Index )
  4. Sure :), i send a PM whit the id/pass. –------------------ This part is solved, all thanks to Growlith :)!.
  5. Don't work D: and i try to change to RenderTextureByRects Tex_Paperdoll(Player(MyIndex).Equipment(1)), sRECT, dRect, color and don't work :(, when i put this don't show characters sprites.
  6. You can guide me a little more D:? i can't understand how to this ``` Public Sub DrawEquipment() Dim x As Long, y As Long, i As Long Dim itemnum As Long, itempic As DX8TextureRec For i = 1 To Equipment.Equipment_Count - 1 itemnum = GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, i) ' get the item sprite If itemnum > 0 Then itempic = Tex_Item(Item(itemnum).pic) Else ' no item equiped - use blank image itempic = Tex_GUI(8 + i) End If y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop + ((EqOffsetY + 32) * ((i - 1) \ EqColumns)) x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 32) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns))) 'EngineRenderRectangle itempic, x, y, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 RenderTexture itempic, x, y, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32 Next End Sub ``` use in my draw characters D:!. / thanks for answer :)!.
  7. Hi eclipse!, Some time ago I decided to add multiple characters in my engine (from Eclipse DAWN to my version of EFF), now I would like to render the items (Paperdoll) of the characters in the menu screen, I will show below codes to use to show the SPRITE. This my actually character Screen, Display solo Sprites. ![](http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u492/darkdino2d/colorxd_zpsf44a563c.png) I use this code to render CHARS Sprites ( from Prospekt SRC ) ``` Sub DrawCharacters() Dim i As Long, Sprite As Long Dim srcRect As D3DRECT, destRect As D3DRECT Dim sRECT As RECT Dim dRect As RECT Dim Width As Long, Height As Long, color As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler ' Forgot this in 1.4.0! Fixed in 1.4.2\. My bad. If NumCharacters = 0 Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYER_CHARACTERS If LenB(Trim(CharData(i).Name)) > 0 And CharData(i).Level > 0 Then ' get the face we need to use. If i = SelectedChar Then color = -1 Else color = D3DColorARGB(230, 200, 200, 200) End If Sprite = CharData(i).Sprite If Sprite > 0 Or Sprite
  8. Bump, have a error in this line CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Serial(SerialNum)), ByVal VarPtr(**SerialData(0)**), SerialSize in Serial Data, The subscript is out of range. How to fix this D: ? –-------------- EDIT I FIX THIS **( Client & Server )** Public this in ModConstants ``` Public Const SERIAL_LENGTH As Byte = 10 ' Change this value to max length you like in your codes ``` Now, go to modCode in **Public Type SerialRec **change this : ``` Name As String * NAME_LENGTH ``` to: ``` Name As String * SERIAL_LENGTH ``` **Client WORK** Go to frmSerial and click the txtName ![](http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/38/65/59/val210.png) Change the MAX LENGTH to Public Const SERIAL_LENGTH As Byte = **10 **
  9. I resolved :). Thanks to Growlight to this fix : [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/129231-csde-and-eo-30-load-more-fonts-than-two/?hl=fonts](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/129231-csde-and-eo-30-load-more-fonts-than-two/?hl=fonts)
  10. Hi eclipse i have this error when declare the new FONT: **Fixed or static data can not be longer than 64 KB** In my line : Public Font_Default As CustomFont Public Font_Georgia As CustomFont **Public Font_Dino As CustomFont** How to fix this D:? - Im use EFF.
  11. Hello Eclipse. I know this is complicated, I have worked several years in my project and it is the moment in which I need to encrypt my graphics, please someone who has any idea how I can do it or guide me to add it to the Client Source. Im use EFF.
  12. escfoe2 please add a D: Encrypt/Decrypt graphics :c in the engine
  13. DarkDino


    How to fix Spinning speed in D: EFF?
  14. This work for EclipseFF ?
  15. Thanks! but is not all. I needed change "If GetPlayerInvItemNum" to ``` If Spell(spellnum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_AMMO Then If HasItem(index, Ammo)
  16. DarkDino

    Compile Error

    Hello eclipse, i have a error when i compile and open server **"Not found the method or data member"** in **ListItems** lines. ``` Línea 1241: el nombre de la propiedad ColumnHeader(1) de lvwInfo no es válido. Línea 1246: el nombre de la propiedad ColumnHeader(2) de lvwInfo no es válido. Línea 1251: el nombre de la propiedad ColumnHeader(3) de lvwInfo no es válido. Línea 1256: el nombre de la propiedad ColumnHeader(4) de lvwInfo no es válido. --------------------- EDIT I SOLVED, install vb6 sp6 and recopy lvwinfo picture ```
  17. Have same error, listitems doesn't work!
  18. Don't Work :/ ``` Ammo = Spell(spellnum).GItemValue Amount = Spell(spellnum).GItemValue If Spell(spellnum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_DAMAGEHP Then If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Ammo) Then If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Ammo)
  19. Hello EO, have a question. I edit this system [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/132401-eo-spell-type-item-creation/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/132401-eo-spell-type-item-creation/) . I need that when you use a spell, spend one quantity of that item, i edit the Spell_Type_DamageHP code: When i no have arrows, I can keep using the spell. ``` Ammo = Spell(spellnum).GItemValue Amount = Spell(spellnum).GItemValue If Spell(spellnum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_DAMAGEHP Then If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, 1) Then TakeInvItem Ammo, Spell(spellnum).GItemNum, Spell(spellnum).GItemValue Vital = Vital + Round((GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.intelligence) * 0.6)) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "NO HAY FLECHAS.", BrightRed) Vital = -1 End If End If End If ``` The problem is this " If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, 1) Then " what variable i need use?.
  20. This can change to Ammo, for Spell Type Arrow and use a 1 Arrow per hit!. NICE!.
  21. ``` Case 6 'accept If TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteSlot > 0 Then If GuildData(TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteSlot).In_Use = True And GuildData(TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteSlot).Guild_Fileid = TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteId Then Call Join_Guild(index, TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteSlot) TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteSlot = 0 TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteTimer = 0 TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteId = 0 Else PlayerMsg index, "No one from this guild is online any more, please ask for a new invite.", BrightRed Call Join_Guild(index, TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteSlot) TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteSlot = 0 TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteTimer = 0 TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildInviteId = 0 End If Else PlayerMsg index, "You must get a guild invite to use this command.", BrightRed End If ``` I put this, and work :)!. This Fix!. THANKS ALL!.
  22. Nice!, i start again the code and work :), but have a problem when invite guild: No one from this guild is online any more, please ask for a new invite. Thanks :) Death!!!.
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