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Everything posted by Koovo

  1. Then I must agree to disagree. This country bashing seems unjust. I feel as though a delusion of godhood has been forced upon Americans. If I may, British women have sexy accents.
  2. Before reading all the pages in this post, I was prepared to spew forth irrational hate directed towards those bashing the United States. I usually avoid topics discussing politics and religion like the plague, but I cannot ignore this particular thread. Good and evil exists on all sides of the Pacific and beyond. Some Americans are worldly-wise, although ignorance is not in short supply. Last time I checked, the opinions of one man or woman is not collective of an entire country. The United States has its share of problems, but one nation is not responsible for this troubled world. Other governments do not have a squeaky clean reputation, blame can be sprinkled throughout all governing bodies. All cultures are influenced by another. The advent of the Internet and various methods of transportation helped to speed this process along. What is wrong with diversity? Lock this thread. Better yet, delete it. Blind hate should not be welcomed here.
  3. Fascinating. Robin, thezeus, if the information you provided is indeed truth, I may require your ~~memory~~ help. When my sleep cycle is finally reset, my quest to gather any documentation about the beginning of the 2-D MORPG scene will begin. At present, I have not done a stellar job keeping track of engine and game developments, but I'm not perfect. I'm also a lazy bastard. Off topic rambling/cop out complete.
  4. Koovo

    Sad News

    A great loss. No other Eclipse MORPG can hold a candle to what the Ambardian team achieved. Where will your travels lead you now? What's next? @Marsh: > That truly is a shame Ambard, perhaps there is a way to just host on a home computer for free? either way the decision is yours. I am assuming Ambardia 3D is still in the works?
  5. So I guess this thread is no longer about the official Eclipse Radio, huh? In any case, keep us posted on your new idea.
  6. Are you affiliated with Oribtal Media perchance? The former video game company developed and published the GBA title [Racing Gears Advance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racing_Gears_Advance). An online version of the game would be neat.
  7. To whom is contact information given? I do not like to post that kind of information to the public.
  8. I really need to stop missing the recording sessions. Hope you guys had a colorfully constructive discussion. Random shit is fine, but I could care less about so-and-so's sister. Unless she is a skilled programmer, artist, musician, or writer. And is Asian.
  9. I'd be more than happy to lend a hand if its needed. Perhaps I'll post a few potential subjects for discourse.
  10. @Rodriguez: > Because my darn recording software splits the voices between mine on the left and everyone else on the right. ;D > > - Adulese Quite irritating. The software makes the podcast difficult to listen to at times. The opening song is catchy and Swedes are sexy. [Click this link](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjDBHyA2Dxw). Any chance for a quintessential nobody to participate? There is a cartload of topics ripe for discussion. I'd like to add my silky smooth (cliche) voice to the audio round table. I'm so lucky, lucky. I'm so lovely, lovely…
  11. Koovo


    @Robin: "Making a game with this source code is a very, very bad idea unless you're a proficient programmer." I thought it was an engine? :huh: @Everyone: I'm hungry for information. I just want to be _well-informed_. Even If I lack the patience and talent to program, I can at least be knowledgable and help others find answers. Besides, I'd rather polish my writing and fact-finding skills.
  12. What do you like about Magic? I played one game and grew weary of the many rules. Labeling the CCG as intelligence-only is a cop out. I prefer [PK Cards](http://pkcards.com/), much simpler, but carries the same amount of depth.
  13. Koovo


    Wow, I used the word "official" quite a bit. Perhaps a thesaurus should have been consulted. Anywway… Mirage Realms is not Mirage Source? Who the hell is Dimitry? _If someone asked me for the source code where would I direct them?_ As for Eclipse Origins, I am not a programmer. The only language I know is American English and I sometimes struggle with it.
  14. Koovo


    What the hell ever happened to _Mirage Source_? I remember an official website, but it has since disappeared. I have also noticed that there are various versions of the source code and many websites claim to be the official host. Is there a graveyard or an "official" support site somewhere? Any and all help is appreciated.
  15. Out of curiosity, is it difficult to create 8-bit graphics similar to Dragon Warrior for NES?
  16. He's [asexual](http://www.asexuality.org/home/). ;D
  17. Figures. More newsworthy information I almost missed. Vertigo your only project, MrMiguu? Any surprises in the pipeline?
  18. What reason would he have to indirectly attack you?
  19. Why does this all matter? Just ignore them.
  20. Koovo

    Active Death

    I was just browsing the Active, Beta, and WIP section of the forums and can't for the life of me find a living game. Everything is disorganized and jumbled. Also it seems death is an active feature for all the games here. What gives? Dead projects are not very attractive. **Just saw the sticky, please move this topic to the appropriate board. Thanks.
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