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Everything posted by TheRexion

  1. Notepad edits SadScript.
  2. TheRexion

    DX7 vs DX8?

    Some people's computers are so old they can't run the DX8 Run-Time at all, which says they need an upgrade.
  3. TheRexion

    Need A GUI

    **You need** more information on what you want.
  4. > i dont have good tilesets A good mapper is capable of making great maps despite the tilesets. Your maps aren't that good at all, definitely not up to par with what needs to be in an ORPG.
  5. I think the cliff tiles work pretty well, though the point where the diagonal tiles meet up there seems to be a distinguishable line of shadow (darker-than-the-rest rocks) that stands out to me. Still love what I see so far.
  6. Wow, that looks really awesome. I'd pool if I had any money, hahah…
  7. > Yours faithfully, > > S.J.R. van Schaik. What operating system is this, if I might ask?
  8. Google has plenty pixel art tutorials.
  9. You're supposed to press the "report" button if you want to get a topic deleted or locked. Also, change [Unsolved] to [Solved] if you got what you wanted.
  10. So basically this is your form of underpaying for a hell of a lot of code in the form of a contest and prize in lieu of actual payment… fantastic, hope you get what you want!!1!
  11. It would be a nice contribution, but I rather dislike flash, so I wouldn't ever use it…
  12. > Are you retarded? No, I'm not. That was uncalled for.
  13. > Work on composition, as in how big should items be, where they should be placed, the overall balance of the piece. The logo at the bottom ruins everything imo. Yeah, in the end I moved it up to the top, right above the center logo, and made it smaller. It worked out a lot better that way.
  14. I agree with Kreator, it _looks_ really nice. But the gameplay mechanics need to be overhauled. It doesn't seem interesting to play for long periods of time at all. The fighting seems clunky and slow as all hell, so I couldn't see myself having a good time. :/
  15. No. It's the **Fresh _Prince_ of Bel-_Air_**. Don't even dare mention that show if you cannot spell it correctly, you hethen! O:<
  16. If I had to say, I'd say the second one.
  17. TheRexion


    > Isn't it impossible? I thought that the game generated shit for you to do constantly. No, anything there would be content they added. There's a ton of stuff, but it's totally possible.
  18. TheRexion


    Skyriiiim! Has anyone 100%'d it yet?
  19. Is 1/5 awesome enough? (:
  20. Because I like making them. I'm not very good at it, but it's fun sometimes. So I made this: >! ![](http://i.minus.com/ilCZvvjh8PTfO.png)
  21. > yeah, i agree with you all, but an artist that would make tilesets as good as those ones, or better, would cost money, a lot of them, and i don't have that much money, nor a paypal account. (I'm 14) If so I suggest ripping them yourself. It ain't easy to rip the graphical assets from games like that; I sure wouldn't do it without pay. xP
  22. I agree that you should just add an option for it. But if I had to say, I'd lean towards 1 or 2\. 3 just looks bad to be honest.
  23. Just this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B04H8gF2GyY
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