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Everything posted by Skell

  1. Skell

    Micro Artists!

    I have always had a interest for Pixel at (just as a hobby, while 3D will be my job in the future), but I have never really gotten into it, my last creation where the pedobear for Icy Tower, but it turned out to lose its characteristic and only resembling a common teddybear, even though I tried adding a little pedophile emotions on it. It would be great to get into it and learn the real thing! I hope that you guess will be making tutorials and such for people like me :P
  2. @The: > lol skell i dont think thats what he ment but i like it!! I know, I misunderstood on purpose :P
  3. @[SB: > [UK?] Gizmo link=topic=42589.msg425628#msg425628 date=1239703643] > Nice smily, you should add eyes. Eyes added xD
  4. @[ILLI: > Prey[DDunit] link=topic=42589.msg425606#msg425606 date=1239700305] > The thong blinded my mind for eternity.. > > Anyway, what about a sun with sun glasses and a big smile.. lol I tried editting the Awesome smiley into a sun, not a succes xD Gonna stop using that smiley.
  5. @Newe6000: > it looks like he has a very pink but for a tongue O.o (no offence) > could you do a guy who has just being told that his _will-y_ is going to be eaten, that would look funny as XD Done, adding…
  6. @[ILLI: > Prey[DDunit] link=topic=42589.msg425598#msg425598 date=1239699695] > Add some stuff onto it, I want.. a happy faic with a butt thong ;0 Added, the image will never disappear from your mind, right? That is why you can remember it!
  7. Just to have one too. :P Creations: ![](http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/4373/smileyassed.png) ![](http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/9130/packageeating.jpg) ![](http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/7291/ehhehesmileysun.gif) ![](http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/2790/moreeyes.jpg) ![](http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee355/Skell/Fuuuuu-.png) ![](http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee355/Skell/SSBB-1.png) ![](http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee355/Skell/Chibi.png) ![](http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs42/f/2009/133/9/4/Pac_Man_Smiley_by_xSkell.png) ![](http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs43/f/2009/133/d/8/O_o_Smiley_by_xSkell.png) ![](http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/133/c/0/Smiley_3_by_xSkell.png) ![](http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/133/9/9/Smiley_4_by_xSkell.png) ![](http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs42/f/2009/133/c/b/Tamata_san_by_xSkell.png)
  8. I want a thread like this (makes one right after commenting on this thread) Why did you make it? What inspired you to make it?
  9. @ÅÐмiядζ: > You would guess right, which means either: > > * You googled > * You were one of the hardcore programmers that tried to learn forth, but it pushed you over the edge > * You managed to actually learn Forth None, I am one that know one who * were one of the hardcore programmers that tried to learn forth, but it pushed you over the edge
  10. Is that a compliment? xD (well, thanks, I think)
  11. My friend grew bored with making graphics for the Exit-Man game so that is why I haven't posted on it (sorry for not telling it earlier :cry:) Well, I am kinder bored since I can't work on World of Possibilities and MyWorld is under heavy reconstruction so it isn't really playable at the moment (IMO) So I decided that I want to start a forum game, but… I want to hear some ideas and suggestions from the people that want to join in. I can start Exit-Man again instead of making a new one if enough people rather want that, but it will be with other graphics because I will be the one taking over that part since my friend doesn't want to do them anymore. Check [Exit-Man: The Game](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=39155.0) out! Please post any idea in your head, I can take almost all randomness there is as long as it is a little bit serious.
  12. Well it doesn't look like it is for a game, but the graphics are great :D
  13. Retarded Online xD It is the one that make me laugh the most so it have to be the most popular :)
  14. Skell

    Another sig

    I like V2 The best of the dragonball inspired ones, the V3 is just a black and white version, doesn't fit.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClCEj0wMmZc&eurl=http%3A%2F%2F
  16. @§tingRay200: > Could you post an image. It would be alot easier. CTRL + Print Screen Too late my friend… Who cares anyways.
  17. Video: http://rapidshare.com/files/219456427/MyVideo-090410-03.asf.html That is how far I came with my super fast ninja skills as an electric man that just wants to fix the lights in peoples room for living. Well the game wasn't much fun, I became bored from the first hit and found out that there really wasn't a way to become better at it so I just played as far as I could and found me dead because my grapping attacks doesn't like when the enemies are too near or just alittle too far away (Not talking about the kick that just won't hit and the punch that almost always only almost hit the enemies)
  18. ![](http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/4373/smileyassed.png) I were editting the smiley that everyone loves, but when I were trying to edit the tongue to give it more details… Just zoom in on the tongue if you do not already see it.
  19. @Tyr: > mine was a smash on my keyboard, which turned out pretty good :p > later on i realised that it was also the name of a god / band :/ It is also the Danish word for Bull.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skell
  21. The "Most Hated Users (by Votes)" got a diffierent font compared to "Top 10 Topics (by Views)" Sadly.
  22. @Xeross: > Skell: Hmm, this Grammar Nazi title is giving me a headache. > I wonder though, is the sprite too small or the tiles too big ? > > Regards, Xeross The sprite is too small to fit the tiles while the tiles are too big to fit the sprite. The best to do will be editting the sprites/tiles to fit the tiles/sprites. What we need is to find out what the requires less work.
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