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Everything posted by kira423

  1. Not really the scheme you were asking for, but here you go.
  2. kira423

    Hosting Help?

    Try this tutorial, I am not sure on cost though. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,73451.0.html
  3. @quintensky: > the images won't load in startup, they load when i click on of them Thats because they aren't part of the main.jpeg that loads in your background if you want them to show at all times you have to add the 'layout' to your main.jpeg I use an option select rather than the graphical buttons, although having the graphics are spiffy, if you would like to know how to do the option buttons rather than graphics check out Debbie the Fabulous' similar tutorial, this one and that one are great :)
  4. As others have stated, after implementing this source when a new serial is created in the serial create form and the add button is hit the server crashes, I have went through and checked several things that could have caused this, but unable to find the cause, if it is possible to re-look over this please do, I would love to have this implemented into my game! Thanks
  5. kira423

    Script Edit help

    Here is a quick tutorial on how to get VB6 for your PC http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,68399.0.html And here are some tutorials on VB6 and how to use it with EO Tips - http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,76967.0.html http://www.vb6.us/ Hope that helps.
  6. I did use GetVar ;) but with as newbish as I am I may need to leave this to the pros lol
  7. No problem my friend, if you come across any errors lemme know!
  8. I think my brain is just fried from looking at this code all day, I have tried everything that I know of to make this work… I guess I will try again tomorrow, or pray someone else can give some neat suggestions xD
  9. :o I never saw that before, let me add that in and see if I can get it working!
  10. Yes! He is very helpfull!!! And thank you for the feedback :)
  11. I don't think it would as it pulls everything for basic stats, which I already have done ;) but I am trying to get the client to pull the line that says Description= Did you write that code yourself? It looks odd compared to the rest of the source code for EO
  12. First and foremost I would like to add thanks to Scypher as he helped me get the source edit fully functional. For those of you who are wondering what this is, it is a simple addition to your Character Creation screen that shows the new player the stats of the class they currently have selected. (Screenshot below) Screenshot: >! ![](http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r246/mesadumb423/statcreation.png) This will require some form editing so some basic knowledge of VB6 is needed. **THIS IS ALL CLIENT SIDE YAY! :)** Open up frmMenu and find (cntrl+f) ``` Private Sub cmbClass_Click() newCharClass = cmbClass.ListIndex newCharSprite = 0 NewCharacterBltSprite ``` Under Add ``` Dim STR As Long STR = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(1) frmMenu.lblSTRStat.Caption = "Strength: " & STR Dim ENDU As Long ENDU = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(2) frmMenu.lblENDUStat.Caption = "Endurance: " & ENDU Dim INTEL As Long INTEL = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(3) frmMenu.lblINTELstat.Caption = "Intelligence: " & INTEL Dim AGI As Long AGI = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(4) frmMenu.lblAGIstat.Caption = "Agility: " & AGI Dim WILLP As Long WILLP = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(5) frmMenu.lblWILLPstat.Caption = "Willpower: " & WILLP ``` Thats all for the code… o.O Now for the form work. Somewhere on your form where you have room, create a PictureBox, it doesn't need a special name. Next create 5 labels inside of your fresh PictureBox. _**You can make one and copy and paste but make sure when it asks if you want to create an array say 'NO'**_ Name your labels as follows ``` lblSTRStat lblENDUStat lblINTELStat lblAGIStat lblWILLPStat ``` You can leave there captions as default, they will change automatically :) Set AutoSize for each label to True. Now colorize to fit your needs, basic is Grey backgrounds and Black text as pictured in the screenshot, but you can edit all of this to match your GUI. AND DONE!!! I hope this tutorial is ok, as it is the first I have ever posted >.>
  13. kira423

    [EO] Minimap 1.3

    First off this is a great tutorial and I love having it as an addition in my game, but I am having 1 small problem. As you can see from the attached picture not all 'enemy' npcs show up as the orange color that they should, there are 20 NPC's on this map and only 1 is showing as its correct color, I am not sure as to why it is like that, but how can I fix it?
  14. The information for it to pull from a packet is already there, but when I try implementing the bit that pulls the line called description it don't work, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong, all I know is I feel like I wanna rip my hair out
  15. No problem :) I was very happy I found that tutorial myself I am glad it could help someone else as well!
  16. Downloading anything without consent from the original creator is illegal, this tutorial does not say anything about downloading the program it simply explains how to install it, nor is there anywhere in this topic does it state a website of such illegal content. I was simply telling the thread creator that this tutorial works with a downloaded copy as well, and FYI it is only illegal if you do not own a hard copy of the item. So if you have a hard copy of this software that you upload for your own personal use it is not illegal, and who is to say that is not what has been done.
  17. Nope it works with a downloaded copy too :)
  18. No, unfortunately all that tutorial does is add a graphic that you have to edit for each sprite/class etc. What I am trying to do loads the description from the ini file. Thank you though :)
  19. I am not sure about Portable, but I am running windows 7 and these are the instructions I used to install VB 6 enterprise. It may help you to get enterprise working right on your laptop. These instructions work without using the XP emulator. http://www.fortypoundhead.com/showcontent.asp?artid=20502
  20. Ok so this is a little bit more complicated than my last question, and I don't have any code for it yet, but essentially I want to add a line to the classes.ini for each class. I am writing the line as Description='Something spiffy about this class' but I have no idea in hell how to make the server send this information over to the client, and what to add for the client to read it. My attempt at this was I added Description to ModEmu in both server and client under Willpower in the Stats, and then used this code to call the information ``` Dim DESCR As String DESCR = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(6) frmMenu.lblDESCin.Caption = DESCR ``` this code trying pulling this as the sixth stat from the INI file. In the client it just shows a 0 in the box where the description should be and when you hit the accept button it gives an error client side that says 'Run time error '340': Control array element '6' doesn't exist' and If i log into an account that already exists I get an error server side 'Run time error '9': Subscript out of range' Like I stated in my last question, I am quite a VB newb, so I am sure I am going about this is a weird, stupid, and way wrong way and could use some clarification of what to do.
  21. OMG YOU ROCK got it! Thanks sooooooooo much now to post a tutorial for others to do it! I will give you credit as well :)
  22. There is no OnChange sub in the frm.Menu, I tried adding separate refreshes for each label like ``` lblSTRStat.Refresh lblENDUStat.Refresh lblINTELstat.Refresh lblAGIstat.Refresh lblWILLPstat.Refresh ``` under Private Sub cmbClass_Click() it doesn't work, so I am not sure what it is I am supposed to add very messy coding, but it doesn't work
  23. Ok so I am a bit of a VB newb here, so please bear with me. As the title says I am trying to add the class stats in the character creation screen. I have partially succeeded, but now I am stuck and I am hoping for some insight. I have a screenshot below showing what the problem is. ![](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=80104.0;attach=21053;image) ![](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=80104.0;attach=21055;image) So as you can tell, I have a half ass code, as I suck at VB. This is the code I have implemented. I have it in ModHandleData (client side of course) in Sub HandleNewCharClasses after ``` NewCharacterBltSprite ``` my code is ``` Dim STR As Long STR = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(1) frmMenu.lblSTRStat.Caption = "Strength: " & STR Dim ENDU As Long ENDU = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(2) frmMenu.lblENDUStat.Caption = "Endurance: " & ENDU Dim INTEL As Long INTEL = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(3) frmMenu.lblINTELstat.Caption = "Intelligence: " & INTEL Dim AGI As Long AGI = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(4) frmMenu.lblAGIstat.Caption = "Agility: " & AGI Dim WILLP As Long WILLP = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).Stat(5) frmMenu.lblWILLPstat.Caption = "Willpower: " & WILLP ``` As I am not really sure on how a lot of things work in VB I'm not sure if the system will update the caption. If that is the problem what is the best way to go about doing this?
  24. kira423

    PVP Level Range

    Very simple yet a great source edit, thanks for sharing!
  25. @Growlith1223: > lawl your way will cause a glitch in loading the sprite in the game xD > > To fixthis, change > ``` > Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Character(Sprite), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picSprite) > > ```to > ``` > > frmMenu.picSprite = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\faces\" & Sprite & ".bmp") > > ``` It hasn't messed it up yet.. I have made like 15 accounts and the sprite shows up fine when they enter the game. But I don't know that much about VB so I would go with whatever works right
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