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  1. Hey eclipse community, I just got an idea, i think it had been done before, but i got this idea on my own.. but i'm going to need some help… i want to make it like this: - If player has money in the bank Then - add 4% of total money in the bank every 2 weeks im not a great coder, so i don't know how to convert that into a working Vb6 code. Please help me, i would love to have this on my server
  2. redone tutorial dozens of times,maybe it's just my base, i did ALOT of work on it. maybe some subs or functions got switched or something, well, i'm going to keep trying, I WANT TO PLAYERS TO HAVE A GUILD SYSTEM! =) (any help is still welcome
  3. > Ok so I got everything to compile, but when I try and create a guild it tells me I don't have enough gold, I have given myself over 100k, am I doing something wrong? i had a similar problem, it was because my currence item (gold) was not in the first slot of item creation, i don't know how to explain it… when you press "insert" to open admin panel, then click "item" and i should look like this: 1\. Gold 2\. (other item) 3\. (other item) 4\. etc... gold has to be in the first slot. (worked for me) you can always mess around in the code (which would be easy aswell) but if you don't like searching for code, this could be your solution
  4. Using this guide: [http://www.touchofde…eo-2030-guilds/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/124848-eo-2030-guilds/) i experienced several problems, most of which, i fix myself. but since i'm not a great coder, i cannot find nor fix the problem. first problem is this: [![](http://s9.postimage.org/7wcehyhej/Problem_1.jpg)](http://postimage.org/image/7wcehyhej/) The problem also works the other way around, when a play is in a guild, each time they login they get the: create-a-guild thing, when they click decline, it doesn't appear again until they relog. Second problem is that the guildmember list won't update, it stays empty, whether there is 1 guy in the guild or 50, no names are displayed. i would LOVE some help ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  5. I fixed it myself, thanks for trying to help me ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) [RESOLVED]
  6. > You're missing GuildMemberID in your PlayerRec. No i think it's there? [![](http://s1.postimage.org/5ntsxaxxb/no_its_there.png)](http://postimage.org/) [image upload](http://postimage.org/)
  7. i got a problem with this tutorial: [http://www.touchofde…ld-menu-update/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/126795-eo-guild-menu-update/) and got this error: [![](http://s7.postimage.org/p5rpxvwg7/problem_issue.jpg)](http://postimage.org/image/p5rpxvwg7/) i don't know what is causing is, i did every step right, i even tried to declare it myself, but failed…
  8. i am sure you can turn it into a single player engine… im sure
  9. Hello everyone, i have ONLY 1 request, after that, you will not hear from me until i finish the game. From the title of this post you can see that this is about creating a single player game, i am going to make a horror game (with voice acting and everything) but i dont want to game to be online at all, i dont want keep the server running, so: How do I change eclipse into a single player game? it would help alot ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Regards, Quintensky
  10. Hello, i created this game, and i want my little sister to test the tutorial, if it' s understandable enough. she has this mini-laptop and the game doesn't fit on her screen, is there any way to make: either her screen display bigger, or the game display smaller?
  12. Please anyone? i can't figure it out! i can only use existing time zones!
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