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Everything posted by Rithy58

  1. @Schnurman: > ummm.. what? I think he mean like a button or KeyPress that will change the direction that the player is facing. Example : Pressing Home will rotate where the player is facing clockwise while Pressing End will rotate where the player is facing counter-clockwise. Sincerely, Rithy
  2. @Prince: > So that game is just a game that we can join and play, not source ? Splattered is a professional-grade kinda game. The source will not be release. At least to the best of my knowledge. However, this game right here might have an open source edition for everyone to use. Graphics will not be included. Sincerely, Rithy
  3. @Rob: > What games are made with CS aside from CS? Mine. It's not really a public game, though. It's just a project I use to practice programming and then a few of my friends come on. It look almost the same as CS since I use the original GUI until Robin updated his GUI. Your. Isn't your based on CS:DE? Skideria http://www.skideria.com. Before CS updated to the new GUI, this game was almost the same as CS. Sincerely, Rithy
  4. @Robin: > We've been mapping without autotiles for 11 years. It's not hard to expand them. >_> I haven't seen that many people who use them correctly, that's why. Sincerely, Rithy
  5. I'm amazed at how you made the water without auto-tile. Nicely done. 8/10 Sincerely, Rithy
  6. @Rob: > Changed character sprites to be 32x64 rather than 32x32, the larger sprites feel more cartoony and whimsical like I want. I actually prefer 32 x 64 than 32 x 32\. However, I hope your tileset will match it. Everything look so good so far. Good job =] Sincerely, Rithy
  7. @Serenade: > Wait, you can make an entire engine in a currently non-existent language, but you can't add a basic conversation system? Intriguing… VB2011 does exist. It's a Developer Preview for Windows 8. Sincerely, Rithy
  8. I have a 3-days weekend coming up. I hope you're free. I want to talk to you more about this :D And also, I want to improve the auto-updater. Either research by myself or ask Robin for guide. Sincerely, Rithy
  9. @Drakiac: > -snip- Frostyy is right and because also the poor will always be poor and the rich will always be the rich. That's why the American Dream is dead. For example, I will be successful not cause I work hard but cause of what I will inherit. And open your eye, why do you think college students are protesting? They get out of school and there is no opportunity. @Robin: > You really get points taken off for doing things better? Wow. Apparently, I get points taken off for not doing what they want me to, for not following the rules. Do you see why Americans are stupid? Do you see why the school system is flaw? I thought school was suppose to make students think outside the box, discover something new, improve, advance, move forward, get creative, but instead, we're suppose to do what they say and only what they say. We are limited and stuck in a small box. Sincerely, Rithy
  10. So in a way, the patcher can patch itself. That's cool. Almost the same as Robin's. The only difference now is how you get the updates. I think Robin's new updater compare files for differences then download if there is a different. It's better than downloading like 50s version.rar Sincerely, Rithy
  11. @Rob: > -snip- I like that name. Aloria Online. And how does your auto-updater work? Is it the one Robin made and release or something else? Sincerely, Rithy
  12. I'm assuming you're in America, then. The school system in America is very flaw and stupid. And I'm also in AP Programming III. It's the third and last class for Programming and it's Java. I believe all high school in the US have that class and we all have to take the test and pass to receive that college credit. I'm only a sophomore, which mean I was suppose to be taking College or Honor Programming I, but I was recommended to go to AP Programming III since I already know Java. I hadn't take school seriously cause school is boring and it's not gonna help me in life so I was pretty excited about the Programming Class cause it's something I enjoy. Turns out, the class is also boring and stupid. This is how my class work: Teacher walk in and put assignments on the board. The assignments is basically read page # to # then do Exercise #.# Students read but then confused and doesn't know what to do. As for me, I just go straight to the Exercise and finish whatever they ask. When it's time to grade it, I got points taken off cause I was doing things I wasn't suppose to such as using Switch instead of a millions If Else statements since we're not there yet. And when it's test time, the test ask question about what we read, not how to program something. So, back to my points. The school system in America is flawed. The American Dream is no longer true. You better off learning programming by yourself. I learn more about Java by the internet than in school. Sincerely, Rithy
  13. @Dash: > They are already vertical, don't you and Rithy mean to make them horizontal?? Ahh, yes. I meant they should be horizontal. My fault. Sincerely, Rithy
  14. The menu start out with nothing is weird. There should be a News or a Welcome message or something. It can go away when you click one of the button. The arrow for the Head and Body is strange cause it's horizontal, not vertical. The moving cloud in the background is epic. Very nicely done =] Sincerely, Rithy
  15. @Duh-Duh-Unit: > Eclipse is 18+. > > Fact. Really? I thought Eclipse have its own 18+ section. Sincerely, Rithy
  16. Robin's way is the simplest way I can think of. It's easy and it work so I would suggest that. However, there are software that do it for you. I'm not sure what my school use but it back up the files everytime we save it(harsh changed). It keep 10 of the most recent back up and 10 custom back up. It look like an addon for Visual Studios 2010 but I believe it can work as a standalone.. I tried google for it and this is what I found: http://www.ghacks.net/2011/03/11/protect-your-source-code-with-source-backup/ http://www.snapbackup.org/ Sincerely, Rithy
  17. Umm blog? Sincerely, Rithy
  18. @RobJanes: > PaintballNET was also a product of Samu Games ;) > > It went offline in 2004 after 4 years of being online. Really? Wow. Well I used to love 2D shooter. Played CS 2D more than CS:Source or 1.6 That was during the time that I find 2D games fun. Mirage, Legend of Zelda, FSO, etc. Sincerely, Rithy
  19. Remind me of Paintball .Net(something like that). What ever happen to that game anyway. Well, I can't wait to play it. I've play many other 2D Shooter before and they're pretty fun. I remember one flash game where there are sword and guns and there were hackers, hahaha. Those were the days. Sincerely, Rithy
  20. @RobJanes: > This went way off topic from our Polka song. But the conversation is as amusing as the song :D Sincerely, Rithy
  21. @Robin: > Censoring the logo seems a bit silly when the image is hosted on your domain. xD LOL!!! Thanks for the hint, Robin. I never thought about that. Sincerely, Rithy
  22. @Robin: > Why is she masturbating in the bath? Why would you question that? Just enjoy it :D Sincerely, Rithy
  23. @Kusy: > Duck you guys, you stole my idea of making a multiplayer 2D shooter out of my head. Duck you and your thought reading abilities. Like Counter Strike 2D? There are so many other lol. Anywho, I'm looking forward to this. Sincerely, Rithy
  24. Hahaha, epic. And I love the Jesus Counter. Sincerely, Rithy
  25. Something like this? http://5dspace-time.org/Calendar/Algorithm.html Sincerely, Rithy
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