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Everything posted by codemeister1990

  1. nothing kinda funny, but if you try not to laugh then it isn't that hard I'd post some pics but I lost all my good ones….for now
  2. looks pretty good features don't grab me though sorry
  3. lol its just the price thats stopping me that and paying for high speed, and buying a new computer… it adds up
  4. Are there any pre-bc private servers left?
  5. what a late comer I wish I had played wow pre-bc Doing 40 man naxx, must've been so epic
  6. @Sk3wer: > What the hell are you doing in Zang with a Lv.9 ? I'm pretty sure that was a joke dude
  7. very funny bad humor 66 paladin in outlands but I can rarely play anyways, so what'd be the point
  8. I thought billy was making his own game o.o whatchamacallit void something or other
  9. That's cause I've been harping on you all the time :P
  10. positive difference? didn't I tell you to lay off the weed? (at least until after WoT is done) :P
  11. Just as a little more info 66 human paladin prot spec gear is average half greens half blue + 30g Epic 60 pally mount obtained (which is VERY F*CKING hard*
  12. Personally not yet It's in the works though
  13. I swore I installed the library files already…oh well whatever works, I'll download it
  14. the home page… -> http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/index.php# that page? if so, what link, I don't see anything called old library files :P
  15. He's going through the applicant process for WoT
  16. I was reformatting…installing backed up data...etc etc Old library files? idk what your talking about
  17. nah it takes skillz and you seem to got em keep it up :D mind telling us some features you may or may not have?
  18. looks good Hope to see you around more often :)
  19. oh alright cool I might get it then? vb.net?
  20. what's so different about .net from normal eclipse? is .net browser based?
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