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Everything posted by kerii

  1. You poor misguided fool. Don't you know she's evil?
  2. kerii


    Yeah it was the Riddle of the Sphinx. I got another, Name two things that can walk on water.
  3. kerii


    Yeah, but do you know where the riddle came from?
  4. kerii


    Well the reason I said it like that is because you normally can't turn around to see the horizon, it's kind of all around. Plus you can only go in one direction. Anyways go outside and think about it.
  5. kerii

    Friendlier Eclipse

    Well spoken Marsh. Straying away from flaming, and just posting "positive' criticism will probably keep the real newbies from running away. (this thread was just brought to my attention. Sorry if it's a necro.)
  6. I think he should make it do that in 3.0 just to see how many noobs don't catch it.
  7. kerii

    Lol wow

    Yeah, sorry about the digression. Still a very nice find Ninja.
  8. @Simius: > yearly reformats =D That's actually not a bad thing. It can keep your computer in really good condition, plus if you do it right you don't lose any of your files. @Teh: > Mac dude. But I suggest getting a different one than the Mac Air, unless you really love that it is thin. Macs are built to last. I still have a old Preforma from 93 and it works in tip top shape. It's running OS X btw. xD > > - Adulese My point still stands, If your not used to the Mac Os you'll have a ton of fun learning how to use it.
  9. kerii


    The horizon doesn't follow you, you chase it. :D What walks of four legs, then two, then three?
  10. kerii

    The 90s

    Ok if you were born in the 90s we don't care.
  11. Nah, doomsalad, I'm guessing your issue is hardware. I'm talking about people who have computers that are barely a year or two old and whine about how It's messing up. @Pieman: > I got this computer that is over 5 years old and runs very good, not as good as my moms new portable computer but its good. This is a good sign that you take care of your computer. :D
  12. Did you ever think to just ask your dad how to get to the router menu?
  13. kerii

    Lol wow

    I do. She's actually about to take charge of a second lab. they aren't a very big department, but she's really important, or so her boss told me.
  14. Out of date hardware is one thing, but mismanaging your computer can do a lot to it's potential.
  15. I don't know Simius, Mine's getting pretty worn, but I've never had any problems hardware wise. When you learn that most of them have backup drive partitions they become idiot proof. In my honest opinion I'd say get an hp if you don't have the money to spare, they aren't bad computers; however, if you're looking to spend a bundle go for a high end computer.
  16. kerii

    Lol wow

    My step mom works to make sure that chickens don't get diseases, and if they do get them she works on vacines. Right now she's working on a vaccine that's a spray. They spray it on the chicken's skin and the Macrophages absorb it. If it works well they might send that kind of thing up the chain to be used in human disease research. Also she keeps KFC, Church's, and Popeye's in business.
  17. kerii

    Who's coolest?

    Looks like I'll have to do another list, and the winner of that can face off against Gwen in the finals.
  18. kerii

    Lol wow

    I have a question though, Do you like Chicken?
  19. I've never used linux, but I hear good propaganda. I'd say just use the one you like.
  20. kerii

    Two Questions again!

    Honestly I think taking the time to change the tint is better than not having night at all. If you can find a good shade it can make a world of difference. I like a light blue, but I might see how cyan turns out too.
  21. I'd have to suggest a pc, and an HP at that. I didn't actually pay for mine, but it's been really good to me. Not to mention they have decent specs and have good price ranges. If your concerned about OS stuff, Vista has it's bugs, but they can be gotten around, I've tried mac and if your used to a pc even the slightest it will take a while to get completely used to it.
  22. kerii

    Lol wow

    Nice, that totally beats my step mom and her avian disease research.
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