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Everything posted by Akselj

  1. @Sting: > some people find it rude when you speak spanish in america since the language here is english people expect others to speak english I guess I dont really know In some state there is a law against speaking English, because the language is American. xD American laws rule!
  2. Moved to Questions, this does not belong in Scripting questions.
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
  4. ![](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs592.snc3/31222_121175097921049_116773905027835_108989_2922786_n.jpg)
  5. ¨+påuopufugff How am I supposed to make a sentence out of that? =(
  6. @Anna: > @Sir: > > > American Pie: The Naked Mile > > Wrong. What what? I took a movie with a? Snap… xD Wall-E
  7. American Pie: The Naked Mile
  8. Akselj

    Roxas Sprite

  9. Terminator: Salvation
  10. I'm guessing there's a sub called DrawPlayerName or something. Or it's in BltPlayer. Just use Ctrl + F and look for "PlayerName"
  11. Well, the historical ninjutsu is actually the martial art practiced by the Shinobi (commonly known as the Ninjas), who were assassins. Their goal was killing without being seen. So my guess is you didn't learn one of the modern variants of ninjutsu, where it probably is more useful for self-defence, but rather the historical ninjutsu practiced by the Shinobi.
  12. Adding a single line to the source is so much better.
  13. W00t, view 123! Anyways, I don't really have a favorite. Though I know some Kung Fu.
  14. You'd have to have an extreme MMO to be able to reach the limit of VB6 with Eclipse, yes. xD
  15. Akselj

    So wrong

    His lungs won't develop normally, poor kid.
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