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Everything posted by Harris6310

  1. They don't load for me. Is this some ass-kiss thing?
  2. @JS1: > Update with fancy name. > > -JS1 Thankyou, wise one. And I do use Ubuntu, but what's wrong with Mac?
  3. So I have been away for awhile and I would like a quick update on what's been happening. Is this Christmas version an update with a fancy name or is it just winter style features? I need enlightenment.
  4. My gamertag is 'SGx HDaaawg', but I do plan on changing it soon.
  5. So basicly, the UN are making non-hetrosexual relationships illegal with a harsh punishment even though no countries will take it on? I think there just in need of some attention.
  6. This game looks so awesome. Good job! ![](http://www.moistworks.com/images/thumbsup.gif)
  7. I'm back again. I had to revise for some exams so I had no time for Eclipse. Anyone miss me?
  8. I haven't really got time for Eclipse any more. Peace out.
  9. I was going to go round my friend's house and party like no tomorrow, but then I found out I have school the next day. So there's a Halloween party at my pub. I won't be able to drink, but it will be fun. I'm thinking of wearing a Joseph Fritzl costume.
  10. Make sure the version info found in the client properties and server constants are the same.
  11. I have now tested out the features I have bought. They work well and look awesome. Thanks, Robin!
  12. I'm with Kreator on this one. His maps may not be the best, but it is very cheap. And he will improve on the job. Practice makes perfect.
  13. Harris6310


    @Ambard: > @Harris: > > > I'm now sending 15074 credits. > > > > Edit: Sent, that was all my credits. > > Yeppers,you are winning! Duck yeah!
  14. Harris6310


    I'm now sending 15074 credits. Edit: Sent, that was all my credits.
  15. I worked at my Dad's motorbike workshop. I got £50 and 10 snickers bars.
  16. @Projeear: > The wonders of Run. > > Saving computer users valuable seconds of time, instead of navigating. Navigating is for pirates.
  17. SGx HDaawg I'm planning on changing it.
  18. Harris6310


    How do I block people from talking to me through the chat? This guy won't leave me alone. Read from bottem to top. aoX: in ur dreams aoX: i am still going annoying u! aoX: good! Harris: I'll ban you aoX: eeeevvvveeeerrrr! aoX: u heard me? aoX: and my member ran out like 2 hrs ago aoX: i got 19 99's aoX: nah borring aoX: runescape? Harris: Use Runescape aoX: ever! aoX: just tel me what to use then ill leave u alone 4 ever! aoX: i know Harris: You're annoying aoX: you're meani aoX: no-ip? aoX: what i use then! Harris: NO!!! aoX: hamachi? aoX: plz aoX: but how i fix ip! aoX: okej! Harris: LEAVE… ME... ALONE!!! aoX: what ip so mine freind join? aoX: port 1234? Harris: aoX: ? aoX: what port should i use and ip? aoX: i can only join' aoX: i mean aoX: harris aoX: no Harris: Don't ask people questions through chat, use the forum aoX: Harris: Have you tried turning it off and on? aoX: so mine firend can join aoX: i make mine online aoX: how Harris: With what? aoX: help me Harris: Yeah? aoX: harris Harris: Hey aoX: hi
  19. How does this work? I pay you, you send me EO with the features?
  20. It doesn't look ancient because everything is there. Old buildings are always falling down.
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