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Everything posted by Squiddle

  1. If I had the cash, I would definately pre-order AVP. I would also buy: 1\. MAG (If there's an Xbox Version?) 2\. Battlefield 2 Bad Company 3\. Mirror's Edge And a few others that I forgot =3.
  2. I remember Say it Ain't So, first heard it on Rock Band :P. Can't think of any songs to suggest, though.
  3. Hmm, now that I notice it, I think you're right. I'll need to find a better type of font, then.
  4. Yah, so do I really. I made multiple, just in case players disagree :P.
  5. Hi everyone. Well, I was experimenting with a bunch of GUI tests, and I came across a combination that I REALLY liked. Here's the basic version: ![](http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/1475/800x600.png) And I'm going to make several "themes" for the player to be able to chose from. Here are a few that I came up with (They are in spoilers so that slower-computers don't have to load them all at once ;D): >! ![](http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3619/800x600moltenred.png) >! ![](http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/3088/800x600greenleaf.png) >! ![](http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/566/800x600cloud.png) >! ![](http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/8109/800x600blueheaven.png) What do you guys think?
  6. I think that looks rediculously too advanced to be Eclipse, but if it is, I'm incredibally impressed.
  7. Guys, I got it working earlier? Also, that's a pretty neat GUI layout, Robin :P.
  8. Thank you both of you, Crypto's fix seemed to work =3.
  9. > Ooh, busted. XD. OT: Irhymer, did you know about this or did Final just take them. I think this almost happened to me, I think DNA Virus was stealing music…
  10. Hi everyone. Well, recently I swapped the old HP Bar from the frm Stable, and replaced it with a nice picture. There is a problem though; when I replaced the shpHP, it changed the depth. Do you know abotu lblHP? It displays the HP status overtop of the HP Bar, for example, it says 500/1250 (You have probably noticed this). Well, when I swapped out the old shpHP for the new picture shpHP, it started displaying shpHP OVER top of the lblHP. So now, the bar covers that hp/maxhp display! Is there any way to fix this? Thanks!
  11. Squiddle

    My First Item

    Outline is pretty good, but they're right Gradient is bad. I learned that the hard way.
  12. Sorry for the Necro Post but, I'm still having this problem. Does ANYBODY have a fix?
  13. That depends on one factor: What's a country? Just kidding XD. Canada, USA, Maybe Japan
  14. Found that kind of humorous XD.
  15. Pretty sweet, I will test it out soon =3.
  16. Soul, not remove but, why not just change the false to true? ``` If Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(X, y).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKTHRU Then Exit Function Else For I = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS If IsPlaying(I) Then If GetPlayerMap(I) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then If GetPlayerX(I) = X Then If GetPlayerY(I) = y Then CanMove = True Exit Function End If End If End If End If Next I End If ```
  17. Mario Movie was pretty bad, as was Bridge to Terribithia =/. District 9 is my favourite movie.
  18. Been probrably is colder a little bit North of here in Canada, in Niagara Falls we get about as much as New York.
  19. I think 20$, Second Domain Name, but DD_Unit Sig Art would be pretty sweet too. I say in that order =3.
  20. Just bored one day, lol?
  21. Is that the same kid? Younger version of him XD. No wonder he got bullied, "God doesn't want us playing these games", and weak enough to NOT snap a CD in half. I ACCIDENTALLY snapped my Gameboy in half, and that's a lot harder to do XD.
  22. Where's the Video Game Busting fail? Can't find it =3.
  23. Apparently, he too Therapy for a few weeks, and now he's allowed back onto Youtube after his parents found out about all of the throuble he had been causing and banned him. After a few weeks of therapy, he's now no longer angry that people are calling him Homo. That might be a different guy with similar problems, though. Same Christian name.
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