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Everything posted by Tyr

  1. Tyr

    Load pic visual inv.

    hi all, first of all, its not the code thats wrong but i needs some add ons. the point of this edit is that you don't c the black background of a item in your inventory anymore (i already edited whole my item sheet also with that background so it fits perfectly) the problem is that when i run the prog, the pictures where there is no item in are constantly refreshing to the same picture. of course silly u would think its a loop! well thats the point, does nayone has a idea how i could stop this constantly refreshing? oh and here is the code if u needed it: ``` If Qq = 0 Then frmMirage.picInv(Q).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Icons\standard.gif") Else Call BitBlt(frmMirage.picInv(Q).hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(Qq).Pic - Int(Item(Qq).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(Qq).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) End If ``` thx by forward! - Tyr
  2. Tyr

    PlaySound command

    lol k, though i have no idea where u r talking about ^^
  3. Tyr

    Free Hosting

    lol a host for your game? well i don't even think that hosting companies would host it if u asked them, eclipse isn't that known lol. I think that its the best that you host it yourself on another PC, or on a friends PC. Most likely a PC that is on 24/7 ofc. gl
  4. it looks k at first sight :)
  5. yes please, use imageshack or something so we can watch it staightly from the forum, instead of going aaaaaaall the way around.
  6. nope, there is NO way of opening the eclipse source in the express version… there are already some topics about this btw, u should search a bit around before posting your question. anyhow, there are only 2 ways of getting vb6.0. 1- Buy it online, u can't get it in any shop anymore because its... old. 2- Crack it, beacause its so old, tons of crack have been made for it. Be sure u pick the right one, and don't fuck up ur pc ^^ gl & hf with eclipse & vb6.0!
  7. Tyr

    Help will be usefull

    Well, since i don't rly know the real answer, u can try a way around. instead of using the case system u could replace it with if statements, it looks noobish but it might be a silly thing in your code. its worth giving a try thats all.
  8. Hi there, i fixed your problem just by being a bit creative :) change your statement to ``` If KeyCode = vbKeyI Then If LostFocus = 1 Then If frmMirage.picInventory.Visible = True Then frmMirage.picInventory.Visible = False Else Call UpdateVisInv frmMirage.picInventory.Visible = True End If Else Exit Sub End If End If ``` then go to modGlobals and add this to the bottom ``` 'Press I For Inventory Public LostFocus As Integer ``` last thingy is adding this to the end of your frmMirage code. ``` Private Sub txtMyTextBox_GotFocus() LostFocus = 0 End Sub Private Sub txtMyTextBox_LostFocus() LostFocus = 1 End Sub ``` EDIT (Don't forget!): paste this under your Form Load sub in frmMirage ``` LostFocus = 1 ``` normally it should work (at least it does for me…) if there are any problems feel free to PM me ^^ - Tyr PS: Don't forget to put "end if" to the end of your CheckInput sub. Cheers!
  9. haha its him :D lets make a 8 for u 2 bone ^^
  10. i wonder y ppl post a topic right afther they got the error FOR THE FIRST TIME, try restarting the client 10 times or so if then it still doesn't work, u might want to post it in here.
  11. it looks k. all i could say
  12. uh :) it looks very kwl, is it possible to send me a dl link r something…?
  13. wtf oO maby ur server is down… but still they would be able to click on a button. Try dl'ing a new client normally you won't lose any map / NPC / Spell edits if you only copy the client.exe cuz u didn't make any source edits gl
  14. Tyr

    RTE 429

    try registering all at ones… it should work (look in your CLient>Data)
  15. first of all its port forwarding instead of IP forwarding :) be sure that you forwarded port 4000 when u run the server go to this site: [http://www.canyouseeme.org/](http://www.canyouseeme.org/) and fill in 4000, when it says its up you have done your port forwarding correctly. Now also be sure that your friends connect to port 4000 instead of 4001 witch is the default one (i have no idea why). If there are any other problems with this feel free to PM me, i also had alot of trouble with it but i fixed it by now :) PS: be sure that you connect to yourself with a static IP adress you had to set up on portforwarding.com and it will all be OK.
  16. ya, i know some vb6.0 but with eclipse its slightly a bit diffrent. i took a longer way… as usual :p thx for the comment ^^
  17. Tyr

    Funny image :P

    omg, u would have to be rly drunk to write on the wall with ur … u know ^_^
  18. lol best of luck with the real stuff then ;)
  19. Tyr

    PlaySound command

    mhh i know what u mean, u might want to create a new sadscript command in your server source and just give it the same code as the original one, then also create a copy of the soundplayer in the client source… not the music but the sound one. it might works, but it can also turn into a complete mess ^^
  20. … lol glad u know its sort of a mess :D
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