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Everything posted by Jed

  1. ooh, now thats one thing everyone forgets.
  2. Jed

    Simple question.

    what do you mean by notes are the same thing as custom menus? do you mean a regular command line like: Call PlayerMsg(Index, "blah blah blah." , 14) As far as I know, custom menus are not the same as notes as you described.
  3. i didnt really like TE all that much, even though its how i practiced mapping and such, mostly because it didnt support .mp3 files, and you absolutely could not run the server if the scripts were turned off, which sucked, as the engine mainly depends on the main.txt to run properly. unless if you were to hardcode evey single sub in the source.
  4. that is, unless if you can source it to make it support that size.
  5. Jed

    Grapple hook

    actually, to make the grapplehook work, you need to make it a bow first.
  6. @9luck2: why would you need a store to spend stat points at? and to answer your question captain pickle, click the button on the in-game menu that says "Character" and you should see red + marks next to each of your stats. it may be a bit hard to see, but after clicking the + on one of the stats, its spent, there is no way to get it back unless if you get a script to reset your stat points.
  7. ugh, i hate that game a little, its never all reliable and i mean like, side scrolling sprites in a fully flat-out 2D world just doesnt fit.
  8. STOP! Who approaches the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions 3, and the other side he see. XD
  9. @DNA: > If you pay me 100$ to sit around and sleep, I'll sure as hell do it. do what? just sit around and sleep and just pay you $100? listen to the line, "hard work pays off." what you want to be payed for is what an every day person does (majority of americans that is) if sitting around and sleeping is hard work for you, i have a definite fact on what kind of person you are. second, how would you know to even code this? Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
  10. yeah, greed is what makes people pay attention, whether its some type of reward or money, thats what they'll always do, just to get your money. and, if its trure that McNugget will make the script, i will pay you an extra $10 if you can get the script working on first attmept, and PM me the script first, haha. (if the script doesnt qualify for any of those you dont get the money.)
  11. Jed

    A few requests

    i'm absolutely sure that the shift+click is already sourced in the engine, but if it turns out not to be, look for MrMiguu's source edit for "click to move anywhere on the screen!" sourced tutorial. for the choose your chat thing, you could probably ask Ambard or one of the Ambardia developers for this, as they have it in their game already. unable to attack admins is already sourced. if it is not, you must fix your OnAttack sub in the server source.
  12. im pretty sure you would need to add another in through the source, as i think that you need to hardcode something like [ADMIN CO OWNER] into your admins area of the source. otherwise you may get a return for an invalid string or method.
  13. if anyone were to make a pet script or hardcode it, everyone would be too selfish to not put up a tutorial for it. requesting one will just attract more flamers, and you might actually be counted for spam just for asking that more than once.
  14. well what computer are you using? the one directly hooked up to the router or the ones with wireless networking??
  15. you arent supposed to put the URL of ipchicken.com, you're supposed to go to the site, get your IP address and put it in your IP config in game.
  16. sheesh, no need for yelling… i will answer after you calm down, mister.
  17. the one you get from http://ipchicken.com
  18. ok, go into your web browser, delete what ever is in the address bar, type in your local I.P. Address ( from there, configure the settings at the tab named "Gaming" or something similar. you will need to enter the name of the program, which is Eclipse, and then enter your IP and Port ranges for access (4000 - 4001) then save, exit, enter your IP address and port in your game, and test it to see if it works.
  19. do you have a router or are you using dial-up or a wireless networking connection?
  20. triad patcher is a separate program. you would need to make a sourced updater for that to work. Ambardia has a sourced updater where it starts the patcher then lets you start the game after update is complete. here is where you can get a sourced updater: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,39403.0.html
  21. all you would really need to do is modify the script MrMiguu made so that it fits to work with NPCs.
  22. ok this is fairly simple. open up your frmMirage in the client's source code. you'll need to move the other submenus to get to the stat menu. move the others (inventory, spells, etc.) until you see where the stats are at. click on whatever you want to change the name of, look in to the properties window on the right side of the actual VB6 program, scroll down until you see where it says "Caption" and it may have strength, magic, or whatever you clicked on. change the name to what ever you want it to be, save, compile, open, and there you go. ^_^
  23. oh, you mean like it would be so that it would be a line going around in a circle to represent your health like the heat gauges in star wars battlefront 2? XD
  24. circular just means HP/MP in a bubble, sphere, whatever you want to call it. for some reason the HP and MP bubbles are going all over my screen for some reason. MrMiguu should answer this when he comes back on.
  25. look what the codes do to my images: [![](http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1061/screenshot2r.png)](http://img188.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2r.png/) i have no clue whats wrong, my image dimensions are 95x95, any idea whats up with this?
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