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Everything posted by Octohunter

  1. Okay, so I've been working on a project the whole day. I close my VB6 client, then open it again, and up pops this message. Line 1114: Class RichTextLib.RichTextBox of control txtChat was not a loaded control class. When I try to run the client from VB6, it freezes when I enter the game and shuts off, giving me the error and highlighting this. frmMain.txtChat.SelStart = Len(frmMain.txtChat.text) The weird part was, I didn't edit modText or frmMain; I copied over a modText from an earlier version and an frmMain from an earlier version without the bug and it still gave me the message. It was working fine less than five minutes earlier. I'm not sure what's wrong with it now. It may be one of those problems where I have to restart my computer, but I'd like to know if this is the case first.
  2. Really now? I would never have thought of that on my own. Thanks for all the help! On a more serious note, does anyone have any ideas what the SPECIFIC cause may be, e.g. packet overflow?
  3. I've recently added in a combat mod to my game that allows players to attack by pressing WASD in the corresponding directions. However, when testing this, I have come across several instances where the client simply disconnects; it does not send information to the server, yet can recieve information just fine (e.g. server messages). When my test character is made an admin, the client-server connections automatically go back up. After further testing, I've managed to determine that the disconnections usually occur when the player is attacking using WASD very quickly by cycling through the keys. Does anyone know the possible causes of this problem?
  4. In the spirit of Christmas, I've decided to release this. Paste it wherever you want (mine is in modCombat). This little snippet of code essentially detects blocked tiles between the player and the target, making it useful for stopping players from casting spells through walls. I ripped this straight from one of my projects, so feel free to comment out the "Subscript Out of Range Blocked" text, it was for testing purposes. Please also note that "range" in this case would be the length of the line. ``` Public Function collisionLine(ByVal index As Long, ByVal target As Long, ByVal range As Long) As Boolean Dim Run As Long Dim Rise As Long Dim r As Long Dim i As Long Dim mapNum As Long Dim pX As Long Dim pY As Long Dim tX As Long Dim tY As Long Dim nVal As Long mapNum = GetPlayerMap(index) collisionLine = True pX = GetPlayerX(index) pY = GetPlayerY(index) If TempPlayer(index).targetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC Then nVal = Sqr((GetPlayerX(index) - MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(target).x) ^ 2 + (GetPlayerY(index) - MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(target).y) ^ 2) Run = (MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(target).x - GetPlayerX(index)) / nVal Rise = (MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(target).y - GetPlayerY(index)) / nVal tX = MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(target).x tY = MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(target).y Else If TempPlayer(index).target = index Then Exit Function nVal = Sqr((GetPlayerX(target) - GetPlayerX(index)) ^ 2 + (GetPlayerY(target) - GetPlayerY(index)) ^ 2) Run = (GetPlayerX(target) - GetPlayerX(index)) / nVal Rise = (GetPlayerY(target) - GetPlayerY(index)) / nVal tX = GetPlayerX(target) tY = GetPlayerY(target) End If If Not isInRange(range, pX, pY, tX, tY) Then PlayerMsg index, "Target not in range", BrightRed End If For r = 1 To Int(nVal) If pX > tX And pY > tY Then If pX + (Run * r) < tX Or pY + (Rise * r) < tY Then PlayerMsg index, "Subscript Out of Range Blocked!", BrightRed Exit For End If ElseIf pX > tX And pY < tY Then If pX + (Run * r) < tX Or pY + (Rise * r) > tY Then PlayerMsg index, "Subscript Out of Range Blocked!", BrightRed Exit For End If ElseIf pX < tX And pY > tY Then If pX + (Run * r) > tX Or pY + (Rise * r) < tY Then PlayerMsg index, "Subscript Out of Range Blocked!", BrightRed Exit For End If ElseIf pX < tX And pY < tY Then If pX + (Run * r) > tX Or pY + (Rise * r) > tY Then PlayerMsg index, "Subscript Out of Range Blocked!", BrightRed Exit For End If ElseIf pX < tX And pY = tY Then If pX + (Run * r) > tX Then PlayerMsg index, "Subscript Out of Range Blocked!", BrightRed Exit For End If ElseIf pX > tX And pY = tY Then If pX + (Run * r) < tX Then PlayerMsg index, "Subscript Out of Range Blocked!", BrightRed Exit For End If ElseIf pX = tX And pY < tY Then If pY + (Rise * r) > tY Then PlayerMsg index, "Subscript Out of Range Blocked!", BrightRed Exit For End If ElseIf pX = tX And pY > tY Then If pY + (Rise * r) < tY Then PlayerMsg index, "Subscript Out of Range Blocked!", BrightRed Exit For End If End If If Map(mapNum).Tile(pX + (Run * r), pY + (Rise * r)).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then PlayerMsg index, "Your attack hit the wall!", BrightRed Exit Function End If Next collisionLine = False End Function ``` No credit required, it's Christmas :D Please do comment if this doesn't work.
  5. I appreciate it, but it doesn't have the older layout, haha. Anyone got an older one?
  6. OK, I can take a look at that :)
  7. Do you have the very first version? @Robin: I would, but my little programming ability mainly lies in affecting gameplay, not graphics, and I need a base off of which to start.
  8. Hello, Anyone still got the older versions of EO? I want to try ripping some features from them, namely the code that lets EO read sprites in a 1 by 12 / 3 by 3 manner instead of 4 by 4, as it is now. Thanks!
  9. > YOU: Hi. > BOT: Robin is awesome. Really now?
  10. Hello, I was working on my project, making changes to the source and whatnot. I tested it; everything worked perfectly. Then I deleted my test account and made a new one, and as soon as I test the new feature on the new account, it stops the client sending anything to the server; I'm not entirely sure why. Anybody else have this problem? EDIT: GAH, just figured out the problem; there was some sort of packet overflow
  11. Just wanted to say thanks for the Clockwork theme, it fits perfectly :)
  12. Game Name- Clockwork Graphical style- Retro, custom sprites with RM2K tiles (see Dimension Crossing WIP for sprites) Name- Clockwork Theme Setting- Steampunk (combination of old-style steam era with fantasy/sci-fi interspersed) Format- Midi Inspirations: None really Keywords- Clocks, gears, mechanics, mystery Atmosphere- Played in the main town of Clockwork, central hub for dungeon-diving/exploration Other info: I'd like some reference to clocks in there, preferably a ticking noise, but you ultimately will have final say :) Thanks!
  13. Before you tell me to check Google, I already have, and I can't seem to find these things ANYWHERE. I'm looking for character sprites, tilesets, and items; character sprites styled like those used in Silverdale/Iron Prelude. Thanks!
  14. OK, problem solved, I just miswrote a line of code XD
  15. Some additional info: I tried making a new set of directional constants labeled D_UP, D_LEFT, etc. I then went through the move subs in both client and server, made functions called GetPlayerMoveDir and SetPlayerMoveDir, and replaced everything that pertained to actual movement. Now, moving up and left works perfectly. However, down and right are almost like teleportation.
  16. ^Title says it all. Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this? I think it can be done all client side, but I'm lacking the requisite engine information to actually code it in. I'm trying to make it so when you move around, you will stay facing the same direction. Thanks!
  17. Rock on! On a more serious note, the tall grass needs better transitions to the short grass: they look about the same height now, just with a different texture and a different palette.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that Full Set GUI means a GUI for default Origins, whereas Full Set GUI Custom means a GUI for a modified Origins engine such as Crystalshire.
  19. Problem solved. @Robin: I'm using the spell system in a way it probably wasn't intended to be used, so there's no need to buffer it first.
  20. Hey, I was right! I guess an admin who will tell me off for double posting.
  21. Eclipse Origins is usually the best to start with, as by installing all the mods yourself, you gain a better understanding of the engine. EO is also relatively bug-free.
  22. So do you have any idea why this doesn't work? CastSpell attacker, 1, TempPlayer(attacker).target, TARGET_TYPE_NPC
  23. I'm a little confused on how this works. The sub "CastSpell" is called using a spellslot. Public Sub CastSpell(ByVal index As Long, ByVal spellslot As Long, ByVal target As Long, ByVal targetType As Byte) Am I allowed to put a number in for spellslot? (e.g. putting in 1 would cast spell 1, 2 would cast spell 2, etc.) If not, could someone please elaborate on this function?
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