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Everything posted by crzyone9584

  1. I first went to University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, AZ. Dropped out and now im at a community college.
  2. dark jsut cuz i no post nor been on the website, I've kept track of this sense the beginning when zesh originally posted here.
  3. yes i am crzy the hated. You can help just make sure you have some what readable code and a sentence structure somewhat. And learn how to check for maps and not just use the starting map constant. Along with the I dunno how to use this code but im posting it anyway is just plain wrong.
  4. Why would you do that? And where would you put it? I put in the Playerwarp sub because its a place to put a check about the map moral and to see if a player is in a party. How you have it set up is just plain out wrong. Due to the START_MAP being map 1…. Please do not post garabe in my thread when you clearly have no clue on how I have it set up. Thank you very much.
  5. I accept your point. But the truth is that the majority of the people who come here are 12-14 and ignore reading. Those who post tuts are 15+, with a few exceptions. The fact that your screwed up on purpose would just make those 12-14 yrs old female dog and moan and there is already enough of that on this site.
  6. > Now, in order to actually made you read, I have made 5 mistakes, on purpose! They are nothing more than spelling mistakes/omissions, so, it can't be that hard to fix. That is retarded. You will have many people down the line bitching about it not working because they lack the mentality to read tutorials. Its been proven. All you have done here is waste your time with nonsense of screwing something up. So for those who skimmed it and just copied and past it here is the completed work. It should contain all the spelling mistakes… ``` Public Sub CheckLockUnlockServer() Dim p As Long, a As Byte ' Change this number to change the amount of people it requires to induce unlocking/locking! a = 4 ' First, we check how much we have online. p = TotalPlayersOnline ' Next, we check If p >= a Then ' In this case, we can unlock the server, as enough are online! CPSUnlock = True Else ' But here, there's less than the amount wanted, so, lock it and save up. CPSUnlock = False End If End Sub ```
  7. MP3's also require a lisence to use, without bracking copyright.
  8. YAY!!! my 4 yrs of waiting is over lol
  9. That is off topic but yes.
  10. This edit will allow you to limit certain maps to only allow people that are in parties. I made this quick small edit for Lolicat but thought it may be of some use to others. This small edit will work with EO 2.0 - EO 3.0 for they handle player warp and Map Morals all the same. Server Side In modPlayer find the``` Sub PlayerWarp ``` underneath ``` ' Save old map to send erase player data to OldMap = GetPlayerMap(index) ``` Add ``` ' Check to see if its a Party Dungeon If Map(mapnum).Moral = MAP_MORAL_PARTY_MAP Then ' Check to make sure the player is in a party. If not exit the sub so they dont change maps If TempPlayer(index).inParty < 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "This is a party map. You have to be in a party to enter it.", Red) Exit Sub End If End If ``` Now locate modConstats and find ``` Public Const MAP_MORAL_SAFE As Byte = 1 ``` After that Add ``` Public Const MAP_MORAL_PARTY_MAP As Byte = 2 ``` Save your changes and now open the client. Open up frmEditor_MapProperties. Once there click on the cmbMoral combobox. Then in the Properties menu of that control scroll down till you see list. Click the down arrow and add a new line that says Party Map. Save the editor and when you want a party map set the moral to Party map and save the map. No one that is not in a party will not be able to warp to that map. Enjoy Brought to you by your everday friend who is hated, crzy the hated the hated
  11. > I appreciate it a lot! How would you like to help me? I'd love an extra hand. Sure I'd help. Just let me know what you need done man. Looks like you got the basic networking in. I can work on that if you want to focus on other things.
  12. once again congrats man. This was the whole reason why i was making Crzy Eclipse. You beat me to it… The more I drink the more idk lol ive been drunk all weekend congrats man.
  13. So i was on vaca for the past few days. I start school tomorrow so development will be a little slow. missed a bunch over the past few days…. As of right now id susggest using the Mirage.NET that jeff has posted.
  14. It will grow man. Mirage.NET is a solid peace of work man.
  15. Personally I rip apart programs and learn from there. Ill broke them on purpose wait a few days so i totally have no clue what i deleted or changed and go from there. Its all trial and error. Start off small with something you feel comportable with. No one will be able to help you other than yourself. You just have to find the right outlet for learning code your own way.
  16. Damn striaght… how else would i be able to form my evil group and over power team rocket. and then THE WORLD!!!
  17. Marshy Dearest would be so drunk, he sells eclipse to me. Sadly he sobered up and negotiations broke down.
  18. gah must not flame topic…. /runs the hell away
  19. @zarz02: > Bug: When I get into the game I can't move. This is based of 3.0\. Look at the chat box and go through the tutorial. If your outside the jail then IDK what to tell you. @clark: > And me , i'm pissed off about people that just judge like you did . > Sorry about "**Hurting**" you for the little **mistake** that i didn't spaced Clark and Superman with a " **,** " what pisses me off more is that your original analogy of being Clark, superman is still wrong… Your either Clark Kent, or Superman... Yes they are one and the same but how you described it was just wrong.
  20. I stand by what I said. Along with the needing of the specs of the internet connection, CPU of server and etc etc…
  21. > Dim mapnum As Long, npcNum As Long > > If mapnum > 0 And npcNum > 0 Then > > Call PlayerWarp(index, mapnum, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)) > SetPlayerSprite index, 2 > TempPlayer(index).InShop = 0 > TempPlayer(index).Dead = False > SetPlayerVital index, MP, 0 > SendPlayerData (index) > Else That should work just fine. As Soul said use Playerwarp when ever you want to change the players map. I have no clue why your using npcs location for the new x,y for the map transfer so i jsut did a basic getplayerx and getplayery
  22. i be on vaca in two days…. people will have a jump start on me lol
  23. fucking a man if i have to wait any longer im gonna tell you to send me the damn fucking server to host it….
  24. Sounds good Man. BTW your real name Jeff? If it is, i find it a little weird a person I share a name with is helping me. Most Jeff's i know other than me and my dad are complete assholes lol now back on topic. Just downloaded it. You will get credit if anything is used. For now though my focus is on just getting the client to communicate with ther server and have npcs, players show up and the chat working lol once that is all fixed up I'll start with the maps and other editors.
  25. @JeffSventora: > And hey man, take pride in everything you do because when you look back on it you will feel very pleased knowing how far it went. I think about it every day almost lol. Thanks for the words of wisdom. It means a lot. Last time someone posted a .net port of EO all they got was flaming and their topic shut down lol.
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