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Everything posted by DJMaxus

  1. You can encrypt your graphics, but I wouldn't worry about it too much, as the edits would only apply to him and not everyone else. The game would still play the same regardless.
  2. If you don't have a router, try Hamachi. Are you tethering by chance?
  3. @Axis: > what does that mean? O.o He was telling you to search for a tutorial that probably doesn't exist at the moment.
  4. @jacob12334: > i dont under stand how to use things like this : :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Those kind of paperdoll sheets aren't used anymore. Each paperdoll graphic is individual and dynamic. You can get rid of that image unless you're using EE or ES, which is strongly discouraged.
  5. To remove buttons just delete them. As for handling exiting the game completely, search for Sub logoutGame and have it destroy the game.
  6. Did you forward your ports via your modem? No-IP has nothing to do with port forwarding, it only gives you a DNS for your IP Address. Explain your steps.
  7. Not too sure about that one then. All I could suggest is retracing your steps, or checking to see what the "Damage" variable returns in Sub PlayerAttackNpc. From there you should be able to find out why it's only 1-2.
  8. DJMaxus

    Gm tags

    You can do this by bltting. Look at how its done for other images, and create your own.
  9. One way you could do this is to add two variables in your TileRec. One would store the kind of job desired, and the other would store the level required. These could be set via scrollbars (or whichever you define) in your map editor when you select the warp attribute. After you've done this, you can find the sub that deals with warping (Sub PlayerWarp), and have it check to see if the player's job level is where it needs to be for the warp, otherwise, it will not warp them. For dealing with boosting Exp, you can create a new Map Moral. Then just add a check to see if the player is on a map of that moral when they are training their job, and multiply the exp by 2 or something if they are.
  10. @Domino_: > Hmm I found a bug.. maybe… dunno xD umm Everything is set good I edit dmg in frmEditor_item ingame to 100 but dmg is the same 1-2 ... wtf and why? :D Your ItemRec is probably out of order, make sure that the variables in the tutorial are at the bottom of your ItemRec, before End Type.
  11. DJMaxus

    [EO] Exit game?

    Search your client for "Sub logoutGame"
  12. It's in the item editor. Create a new item (weapon or armor) and scroll through the paperdoll graphics.
  13. @Akio: > I get an error, 9, subscript out of range, on the client. When i start it . Would you like to tell me what line is highlighted when you get the error?
  14. Prediction already failed. 6PM in New Zealand, and the only earthquake so far was 0.0 magnitude.
  15. *sigh* There's gonna be a lot of red faces on May 22nd. The Bible is pretty clear on what it says, there's no special secret code or anything to it, it says what it says. Man takes it and twists it to get a different message to interpret, for self glorification, and that's all this guy is doing to get more listeners for his radio station. The Bible not only refutes his statement about the rapture (no man knows the hour or day), but also refutes the man himself (beware of false prophets). This guy is just trying to upstage the Mayans and the zombie apocalypse. And we know which one of those is more likely to take place. =P
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtL0KnlK4ts ^ This
  17. Too many ampersands. ``` frmMain.Picture3.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\characters\" & GetPlayerSprite(MyIndex) & ".bmp") ``` This will load the entire file.
  18. @gdog12356: > when i add this to a new frm, it works. But then if i close that frm, and reopen it via a button, it shows label_16\. Is there anyway to fix this? What is label 16 supposed to be? Is the editor initializing? If you created a new form to serve as an editor, you'll need to treat it as such.
  19. Try putting the "Dim n As Long" into the actual sub instead of above it, "Call JailPlayer(1)" should be "Call JailPlayer(Command(1))" and your Jail sub doesn't match your call to it, so you're calling a sub that doesn't exist. Change "Public Sub Jail" to "Public Sub JailPlayer" See if that works.
  20. If you're just looking to have it up on the internet for download, just search for a file hosting website and upload it there.
  21. We're going off topic here, but Origins isn't based off of Konfuze, it's based from Mirage Source. When Origins came along it did away with EE which was based off Konfuze. In a sense, Origins is a revolution because it did away with Konfuze, which was a "revolution." Just my two cents.
  22. @SpiceyWolf: > Kinda did that already. Thanks anyways for the reply. So you added the tutorials wrong twice? Perhaps this problem was happening before you added the tuts, test your backup and see if you're getting your equipment problem. There are changes you've made that you need to go over, I doubt the tutorials are wrong.
  23. I would suggest going to your backup copy and try re-doing the edits a bit more carefully this time.
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