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Everything posted by Celiru

  1. Celiru


    Played straight through and beat in in around 42 hours, tempted to start again, join the storm cloaks and play alot more of the game.
  2. I didn't try the multi, the single player was great, and it bumped a silver to gold for a month,which as nice.
  3. If anyone needs skyrim help, shoot me a message. Gamertag is the same as my username.
  4. I'm confused why I'm not in the legend area yet!
  5. About a half hour from the Phoenix area. Originally from Chicago, and wondering what other people are from the area on here. Cheers!
  6. Celiru


    @DrNova: > What on earth possesed you to do that anyways. > > XD And the fact that you went out of state to get it done just makes it seem dirty and weird lol. I never went out of state. I went to a place Down the street. Im gageing it to a 2\. It's a bar right below the head if no one knew
  7. Celiru


    Any piercing can get infected naturally, what just generally makes you assume it's a place that would? Also, I'm not getting it gaged, thus no external holes without something sterilized in it. You probably don't have any tattoos of piercings, do you?
  8. Celiru


    It's still moderately swollen, I'm out of state in a hotel for business. I'd prefer not to take a photo. I'll check my email for one.
  9. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/389861_10150363122959858_708939857_8287119_1324668378_n.jpg) November 3rd. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308384_10150386097954858_708939857_8377418_1453418013_n.jpg) November 18th ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/303097_10150381135950838_642555837_8484944_1881442404_n.jpg) November 22nd
  10. Celiru


    I just got my frenum pierced. Surprisingly it only hurt for about three seconds. Peeing has hurt a couple times, but it's healing well! \m/
  11. Hello, Not sure if it's the right section, just assumed so move if incorrect. Working on a new project for a job I have. I'm working on a social media based site for people to find local shows at popular music venues directly in the Chicago area. Needless to say, I need a cartoonish like mouth licking teeth or lips. As for the wording, I can discuss that if anyone is willing to deliver help for me. Thanks in advance if someone can help.
  12. A little bit for my liking, but glad to see an old project I supported for years has some life in it again. Like it's been said, I won't hold my breath.
  13. Celiru

    New tattoo

    They're orange shorts, and it's fun. Why not? Try something new.
  14. Celiru

    New tattoo

    Reckless and hoodrat shit. I'll probably get it turned into an upside down cross.
  15. Celiru

    New tattoo

    From the y u no meme A couple people before I was friends with them didn't believe I was real or exsisted in general, needless to say, were friends now and I do exsist. I love free drunk tattoos that take less than a half hour. [https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300909_10150372228459858_708939857_8329280_256426309_n.jpg?dl=1](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300909_10150372228459858_708939857_8329280_256426309_n.jpg?dl=1) It's on my left thight, the bottom on it is right above my knee. Hahaha aha Do dumb shit, kids.
  16. Celiru


    Yeah Corey died two days later, crazy shit!
  17. Celiru


    One of the most brutal and best overall live shows I've ever been to. The stage presence is so fun, so much violences, humor and blood. Needless to say, I came back covered in red. Happy Halloweeen!
  18. I have three copies on my way that I've won. I'm stoked for this game.
  19. Celiru


    Going to my first GWAR show tomorrow at the Chicago House of Blues. (anyone else attending the Halloween show?) Super stoked, I couldn't think of a better halloween show to attend. Getting fucked up, dressing as a mime and moshing my life away. Anyone ever listen to them? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBgOGPw6gLI
  20. Celiru

    New signature

    Thanky Jelly. And what's not to like Kusy? I mean besides your pointless post to boost your post count as usual, you said nothing of insight. Cool quote in your sig bro, fucking deep n shit.
  21. @Marsh: > People seem to forget that multiplayer is just a part of the game. It will still have a great single player storyline and game. Amen.
  22. Celiru

    Black Ops

    Yeah very late. Send me a message before you add me: Funky Jammer.
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