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Everything posted by Celiru

  1. I love your style, great stuff.
  2. I personally would not, not my style and a little too bright for my personal preference. Would*
  3. Pokemon games in this genre interest me, I hope this game gets completed.
  4. 13? i could tell by your immature nature when you got here.
  5. Anywhere you feel most comfortable and at peace.
  6. i actually got scared for a second.
  7. I kinda want to check this out.
  8. It's the only time I wear anything close to underwear.
  9. Oh! & you can see the mountains in the way back.
  10. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/421598_10150637295569858_708939857_9208085_822384345_n.jpg?dl=1) On my second day living in Arizona throwing the speedo on! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/421124_10150635228249858_708939857_9201984_210305417_n.jpg?dl=1) View from my balcony.
  11. @Aaron‬: > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5wqHrUD4Xg&feature=related > > This is another good one from them, it gets better during the end. Not only is this not that great, it's annoying and they're not a very visually appealing group, though, I'd fuck the Asian broad.
  12. @Draken: > So this month my woman's cousin is having a tattoo party for her bday. So I'm going to buy me some ink and needles to get one. Its going to be a gnome of course just not sure what hes going to be doing. Need to find a good pic of something cool i could get on the back of my right shoulder. > any images yall find could help I have 2 weeks to decide. > > im thinking something like a gnome sitting on a mushroom. Hahah you don't buy a needle or ink for a tattoo party, you just bring money for a tattoo… I remember my first tattoo...
  13. @Chιef: > I liek dis wun > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOItCdjY_Kw > > trolololol I'm dying, that was horrid.
  14. Celiru


    Last time I gave a shit, I took an arrow to the knee.
  15. Walk off the Earth already took the flame from that song, everything else is unoriginal and lame. Here's a better version, five people, one guitar. d9NF2edxy-M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NF2edxy-M
  16. Well glad to see alot of the old faces are still around the forum.
  17. Celiru


    @Kreator: > 'waste' time? I don't think games were made to be rushed. Enjoy your moneys worth, especially in a game like Skyrim, where there is a lot of gameplay content. I haven't played for a while, but I've barely touched the main storyline and I've put at least 50 hours in. Yeah I got back on a Call of Duty and Logged about 50 hours in of it this month, Skyrim, I just picked back up with a new story mode. I'm about 2 hours in and haven't done nearly anything, still exploring areas in depth more.
  18. http://www.blackops2forum.com/ The guy that runs this got it up and early, site will be booming but can always use more faces while it's still in it's baby steps mode. Cheers, and hopefully a few CoD gamers come by! -Kol
  19. With her, during her…. Don't be stupid.
  20. Celiru


    Oh, and I also never fast traveled, I like enjoying games.
  21. Celiru


    That's impressive, I didn't use a walk through, so I did trail and error a few hours finding the correct storyline, and you have to join one of two of the civil war sides. I also explored the map entirely in that time being in the 1% of Raptr users to do that. 18 hours, seems pretty farfetched. Kudos nonetheless.
  22. With my friend Maggie during her 21st a few weeks ago. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/422377_10150570770954858_708939857_8996369_644747628_n.jpg?dl=1)
  23. Has a nice blocky habbo hotel style to it, definitely room for improvements. 7/10
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