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Everything posted by cheatking

  1. > I wanna take part at the reproduction of the habitants of our planet ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png) You do that. I'll be too busy with the re-population.
  2. > dafuq do you mean? i know the qoute I refuse to lower my self to that.
  4. > For how long though? > > i would like to buy a domain for 10 years Just a year.
  5. > What? I think he means bump.
  6. > >_> the engine is made with Vb6, Dx8 is just to render graphically corect everything. He said he didn't use a label, what's your problem? You need to split the string onto a new line after x characters. where x is the max characters per line.
  7. > The fact that he's shirtless isn't so bad. Its that he's holding his breasts in a suggestive manner. I think you'll find the correct term is "Moobs"
  8. > There's _nothing_ "not safe for work" in that picture. Naked fat guy is NSFW.
  9. I save/load data as pngs now anyway. It has the bonus of being modern art!
  10. > make money. mansions and bought so many prostitutes? ![:rolleyes:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//rolleyes.gif) That made my day.
  11. >Some examples of maps you can make whit this tilesets: None of those maps were made in eclipse.
  12. > Can go die. It's how I store my un-encrypted passwords. Edit: No love for JSON / YAML? SHAME ON YOU!
  13. Where to start? Pixel based movement and sprite rotation.
  14. cheatking

    FX library

    There's always the RM(XP/VX) RTP, but that's not strictly legal. Have fun looking through here: http://www.freesound.org/
  15. cheatking


    Push images? Just add .png ``` [img]http://puu.sh/1XsYj.png[/img] ``` It works. ![](http://puu.sh/1XsYj.png)
  16. I got 5 running on that at the same time. Couldn't get any more willing testers.
  17. * 800-megahertz (MHz) 32-bit (x86) processor or 800-MHz 64-bit (x64) processor * 512 megabytes (MB) of system memory * Internet access capability
  18. Get a Google Laptop and render everything on the cloud :3 But srsly… There are websites where you can mix and match parts and they build for you. Don't know any American sites like that though.
  19. > Render the sprite/skin first over that hair and then the eyes and the correct places. Personally I would go for eyes then hair.
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