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Everything posted by DMF

  1. DMF

    64x problem

    A . Host connection problems. B. your runtimes arnt sticking. C. did you screw up something in its connection code?? as long as the ports are forwarded and the host for server net connection isnt over taxed then i see no reason for them not connecting, now EA is actualy pretty clean on its connection my EA copy works fine and ive tested it with port forwarding and hamachi in the past so my guess you touched a vital code or your comp is laggy. best insight i can give with out trying to login to ur server.
  2. but does the .dat files match? or did you leave the data files alone, if there the orginal dats then ik it wont work.
  3. DMF

    My new Artwork !

    big big tip,learn line thickness and line placement.. as for the shading it needs work, but you get the image out just need to tight your style and im prove on those areas i said and you should make some nice characters. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) good luck and keep improving.
  4. DMF

    Exp bar problem

    ah , ya its skill b ased not level based. if you want "Exp", you will need to bring it back into the engine all over. o-o… i rlly dought it would be easy. xD...
  5. kk sent him mine, : ) .
  6. more then likely he ignored what i said… FONTS PUT them into the font folder, ADD the declares and REPLACE the old font names in the render line for that TEXT. o-o hope this helps.
  7. ? um rendered GUI is done via programing not art, you could do a crappy image in ms paint still render it .. >.> "layout" is the physical place to place said image. controls? can be a click spot. >.> nothing heavy im not a super programmer and ik this . lol
  8. heres a tip try rendering a gui to the picscreen ;P find out how much fun it its ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) xD…i dont see much that would be pay worthy srry :/ but maybe you got more then your showing who knows. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) hope you do well ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  9. you can make a new font texture and dat file there is a tut on here. also you can set the font when you do this RenderText Font_Default, RyYHfF, X, Y, White RenderText = the function to print text. Font_Default = the acutal font but must exist RyYHfF = text tobe printed X = X location Y = Y location White = color of font Bitmap Image Font Tut: [LINK](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/131631-how-to-make-a-bitmap-font/) hope this is helpful. > Sorry for my bad english! I replaced both files, display problem occurs only in the chat. … if the font does not exist in the code where the custom font declares are then it will never work.
  10. well its minor but since the topic is the chat system thats happen tobe apart of it ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) this way you covered it all. and ik its straight forward but its nice to show it all : )well lets see if esc says thats wat he wants , from what i see i think you covered it. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  11. you cant unless the font texture has those said characters on its texture. so in the default one look in the font folder at the png image for the font see if the character is there if not you will need to make a new font texture and add it to the engine.
  12. zeno ? was the up and down arrows of the chatbox included ? b/c i didnt see it in there O.o
  13. paper doll is layering the image above the selected base. wile EE had a weird paperdoll which placed legs body and head together… xD like puzzle pices and not a actual paper doll.this maybe based off EE but its not EE, so you gotta think of how to make the images layer ontop each other.
  14. > you can add more slots (rings,boots,gloves,pants) "Can You Add More Equipment Slots to the Client?" carful how you word it superbaton, other wise you sound like ur demanding.
  15. alot was droped when robin took over. alot of Good features. the old day/night was light tile using other tiles to create a light bubble effect. lol in dx8 u just need a color over lay of a dark color to simulate night, treat pets like a player type NPC , oh :3 cookie
  16. gui is basic…. never say u love me >.> i only except it from 1 perosn. in dx7 its much easry todo. but rendering the gui takes alot of work to restablize.
  17. …......1 thats not what he needed and that lil code wont explain the chat system Buffer : controls the change of the chat box zone i would think. Render : displays text. UP/Down Arrow. : moves the text. ^ thats whats rlly making up the chat system and hell hard to find all of the code or even make sense. lol Escfoe... my comment wasnt to u it was at " lt. Topper Harley". but ya basic is those 3 area's but i got no idea how they work at all. ik the the arrows are in mod constants for some of it. best clue i got.
  18. from what yo usaid you want a "Full Window" UI with movable picture box's . all is possable. full window is bbit complex xD even harder if u were to render the UI. but other then dat its nothing hard >! ``` >! Option Explicit >! Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long >! Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long >! Private Const HTCAPTION = 2 >! Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1 >! Private Const WM_SYSCOMMAND = &H112 >! ``` then put this is the "picture Box's" Mouse_Down >! ``` >! ReleaseCapture >! SendMessage hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0& >! ``` to make it full window you resize the picture box, there are tuts for that so it works right.restis adding the UI to it. hope that helps.
  19. if it was that simple we wouldnt need asking >.> that code is all over i couldnt track alot of it. so : P if u wont actualy take alook y did you post . >.>
  20. heres a better question , what your aiming for? same layout as current?(if same layout then just replace images..) if not you will need vb6 and look see wht needs moving or changing..
  21. look back in the topic, me and another user posted how to re enable the buttons. Buff: to increase stats or add to a target. Debuff: to dcrease or sub to a target.
  22. well … i rember something on the boread for attack animations a wile back. first off make a test sheet how you want it. then just gotta have it go to that point once ur test sheet runs, then do ur char. i think mortal angels did this before so try asking him.
  23. well for my stats will be in 2 types, xD so ik 100 % i wouldnt need to worry, ;P
  24. actual to advoid that from happening i make sure that the - stat equip is in a higher lvl where it wont need to worry. thats my input for that.
  25. oks… this will give me a headache i bet there is a tut for a stat reset item, or min stat item how ever you wanna see it. www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/110003-eo-stat-reset-item/ idk much bout it, eztel did it and ik hes pretty good on programming so try looking at it. best thing and if you want it tobe different try applying the idea to what ever you wanted.
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