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  1. Hi guys ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) I has some problem on prospekt online engine ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png) how to add exp bar in prospekt engine ??? this probem is very disturbing ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png) anyone can help me ? ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) sorry for bad english ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) Screenshot : >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/xIWaNKn.png)
  2. > Wrong sub. > > Find the scrollbar that resets to zero in the IDE. > > Double click on it. > > Paste the contents of that sub here. > > Find the sub EventEditorInit (If any) in modGameEditors. > > Paste the sub here. hehehe, sorry ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) ``` Public Sub EventEditorInit() Dim I As Long With frmEditor_Events If .visible = False Then Exit Sub EditorIndex = .lstIndex.ListIndex + 1 .txtName = Trim$(Events(EditorIndex).name) .chkPlayerSwitch.value = Events(EditorIndex).chkSwitch .chkPlayerVar.value = Events(EditorIndex).chkVariable .chkHasItem.value = Events(EditorIndex).chkHasItem .cmbPlayerSwitch.ListIndex = Events(EditorIndex).SwitchIndex .cmbPlayerSwitchCompare.ListIndex = Events(EditorIndex).SwitchCompare .cmbPlayerVar.ListIndex = Events(EditorIndex).VariableIndex .cmbPlayerVarCompare.ListIndex = Events(EditorIndex).VariableCompare .txtPlayerVariable.Text = Events(EditorIndex).VariableCondition .cmbHasItem.ListIndex = Events(EditorIndex).HasItemIndex - 1 .cmbTrigger.ListIndex = Events(EditorIndex).Trigger .chkWalkthrought.value = Events(EditorIndex).WalkThrought Call .PopulateSubEventList End With Event_Changed(EditorIndex) = True End Sub ```
  3. okay, here the code ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) (frmEditor_Events) ``` Option Explicit Private ListIndex As Long Private Sub cmbBranchClass_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = cmbBranchClass.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmbBranchItem_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = cmbBranchItem.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmbBranchSkill_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = cmbBranchSkill.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmbBranchSwitch_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(5) = cmbBranchSwitch.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbBranchSwitchReq_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = cmbBranchSwitchReq.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbBranchVar_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(6) = cmbBranchVar.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbEffectType_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub fraSetFog.visible = False fraSetWeather.visible = False fraMapOverlay.visible = False Select Case cmbEffectType.ListIndex Case 3: fraSetFog.visible = True Case 4: fraSetWeather.visible = True Case 5: fraMapOverlay.visible = True End Select Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1) = cmbEffectType.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbHasItem_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).HasItemIndex = cmbHasItem.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmbChangeClass_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1) = cmbChangeClass.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmbChangeSkills_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1) = cmbChangeSkills.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmbChatBubbleTarget_click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = cmbChatBubbleTarget.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmbLabel_Ok_Click() fraLabeling.visible = False SendSwitchesAndVariables End Sub Private Sub cmbLevelReqOperator_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(5) = cmbLevelReqOperator.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbPlayBGM_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(1) = Trim$(musicCache(cmbPlayBGM.ListIndex + 1)) End Sub Private Sub cmbPlayerSwitch_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SwitchIndex = cmbPlayerSwitch.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbPlayerSwitchCompare_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SwitchCompare = cmbPlayerSwitchCompare.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbPlayerSwitchSet_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = cmbPlayerSwitchSet.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbPlayerVar_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).VariableIndex = cmbPlayerVar.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbPlayerVarCompare_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).VariableCompare = cmbPlayerVarCompare.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbPlaySound_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(1) = Trim$(soundCache(cmbPlaySound.ListIndex + 1)) End Sub Private Sub cmbSetAccess_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1) = cmbSetAccess.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbSpawnNPC_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1) = cmbSpawnNPC.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmbSwitch_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1) = cmbSwitch.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbTrigger_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).Trigger = cmbTrigger.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbVariable_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1) = cmbVariable.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmbVarReqOperator_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(5) = cmbVarReqOperator.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub CmbWeather_click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = CmbWeather.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmdAddMenuOption_Click() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Dim optIdx As Long With Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex) ReDim Preserve .data(1 To UBound(.data) + 1) ReDim Preserve .Text(1 To UBound(.data) + 1) .data(UBound(.data)) = 1 End With lstMenuOptions.AddItem ": " & 1 End Sub Private Sub cmdAddOk_Click() fraCommands.visible = False End Sub Private Sub cmdCommand_Click(Index As Integer) Dim count As Long If Not (Events(EditorIndex).HasSubEvents) Then ReDim Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(1 To 1) Events(EditorIndex).HasSubEvents = True Else count = UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents) + 1 ReDim Preserve Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(1 To count) End If Call Events_SetSubEventType(EditorIndex, UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents), Index) Call PopulateSubEventList fraCommands.visible = False End Sub Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() Dim tmpIndex As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If EditorIndex MAX_EVENTS Then Exit Sub ListIndex = 0 ClearEvent EditorIndex tmpIndex = lstIndex.ListIndex lstIndex.RemoveItem EditorIndex - 1 lstIndex.AddItem EditorIndex & ": " & Trim$(Events(EditorIndex).name), EditorIndex - 1 lstIndex.ListIndex = tmpIndex Event_Changed(EditorIndex) = True EventEditorInit ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "cmdDelete_Click", "frmEditor_Events", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub cmdEditOk_Click() Call PopulateSubEventList fraEditCommand.visible = False End Sub Private Sub cmdLabel_Cancel_Click() fraLabeling.visible = False RequestSwitchesAndVariables End Sub Private Sub cmdModifyMenuOption_Click() Dim tempIndex As Long, optIdx As Long tempIndex = lstSubEvents.ListIndex + 1 optIdx = lstMenuOptions.ListIndex + 1 If optIdx < 1 Or optIdx > UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data) Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(optIdx + 1) = Trim$(txtMenuOptText.Text) Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(optIdx) = scrlMenuOptDest.value lstMenuOptions.List(optIdx - 1) = Trim$(txtMenuOptText.Text) & ": " & scrlMenuOptDest.value End Sub Private Sub cmdRemoveMenuOption_Click() Dim Index As Long, i As Long Index = lstMenuOptions.ListIndex + 1 If Index > 0 And Index < lstMenuOptions.ListCount And lstMenuOptions.ListCount > 0 Then For i = Index + 1 To lstMenuOptions.ListCount Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(i - 1) = Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(i) Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(i) = Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(i + 1) Next i ReDim Preserve Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1 To UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data) - 1) ReDim Preserve Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(1 To UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text) - 1) Call PopulateSubEventConfig End If End Sub Private Sub cmdRename_Cancel_Click() Dim i As Long fraRenaming.visible = False RenameType = 0 RenameIndex = 0 lstSwitches.Clear For i = 1 To MAX_SWITCHES lstSwitches.AddItem CStr(i) & ". " & Trim$(Switches(i)) Next lstSwitches.ListIndex = 0 lstVariables.Clear For i = 1 To MAX_VARIABLES lstVariables.AddItem CStr(i) & ". " & Trim$(Variables(i)) Next lstVariables.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub cmdRename_Ok_Click() Dim i As Long Select Case RenameType Case 1 'Variable If RenameIndex > 0 And RenameIndex 1 And ListIndex 0 And ListIndex = 0 Then lblPlayAnimationX.Caption = "X: " & scrlPlayAnimationX.value Else lblPlayAnimationX.Caption = "X: Player's X Position" End If Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = scrlPlayAnimationX.value End Sub Private Sub scrlPlayAnimationY_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub If scrlPlayAnimationY.value >= 0 Then lblPlayAnimationY.Caption = "Y: " & scrlPlayAnimationY.value Else lblPlayAnimationY.Caption = "Y: Player's Y Position" End If Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(3) = scrlPlayAnimationY.value End Sub Private Sub scrlPositive_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub lblPositive.Caption = "Positive: " & scrlPositive.value Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(3) = scrlPositive.value End Sub Private Sub scrlNegative_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub lblNegative.Caption = "Negative: " & scrlNegative.value Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(4) = scrlNegative.value End Sub Private Sub scrlWarpMap_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub lblWarpMap.Caption = "Map: " & scrlWarpMap.value Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(1) = scrlWarpMap.value End Sub Private Sub scrlWarpX_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub lblWarpX.Caption = "X: " & scrlWarpX.value Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = scrlWarpX.value End Sub Private Sub scrlWarpY_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub lblWarpY.Caption = "Y: " & scrlWarpY.value Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(3) = scrlWarpY.value End Sub Private Sub scrlWeatherIntensity_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub lblWeatherIntensity.Caption = "Intensity: " & scrlWeatherIntensity.value Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(3) = scrlWeatherIntensity.value End Sub Private Sub txtAddText_Text_Change() Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(1) = Trim$(txtAddText_Text.Text) End Sub Private Sub txtBranchItemAmount_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(5) = Val(txtBranchItemAmount.Text) End Sub Private Sub txtBranchLevelReq_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = Val(txtBranchLevelReq.Text) End Sub Private Sub txtBranchVarReq_Change() If EditorIndex = 0 Or ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(2) = Val(txtBranchVarReq.Text) End Sub Private Sub txtChatbubbleText_Change() Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(1) = txtChatbubbleText.Text End Sub Private Sub txtMenuQuery_Change() Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(1) = txtMenuQuery.Text End Sub Private Sub txtName_Change() If EditorIndex MAX_EVENTS Then Exit Sub Events(EditorIndex).name = txtName.Text End Sub Public Sub PopulateSubEventList() Dim tempIndex As Long, i As Long tempIndex = lstSubEvents.ListIndex lstSubEvents.Clear If Events(EditorIndex).HasSubEvents Then For i = 1 To UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents) lstSubEvents.AddItem i & ": " & GetEventTypeName(EditorIndex, i) Next i End If cmdSubEventRemove.Enabled = Events(EditorIndex).HasSubEvents If tempIndex >= 0 And tempIndex < lstSubEvents.ListCount - 1 Then lstSubEvents.ListIndex = tempIndex Call PopulateSubEventConfig End Sub Public Sub PopulateSubEventConfig() Dim i As Long, cap As Long If Not (fraEditCommand.visible) Then Exit Sub If ListIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub HideMenus 'Ensure Capacity Call Events_SetSubEventType(EditorIndex, ListIndex, Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Type) With Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex) Select Case .Type Case Evt_Message txtPlayerText.Text = Trim$(.Text(1)) scrlMessageSprite.value = .data(1) fraPlayerText.visible = True Case Evt_Menu txtMenuQuery.Text = Trim$(.Text(1)) lstMenuOptions.Clear For i = 2 To UBound(.Text) lstMenuOptions.AddItem Trim$(.Text(i)) & ": " & .data(i - 1) Next i scrlMenuOptDest.max = UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents) fraMenu.visible = True Case Evt_OpenShop If .data(1) < 1 Or .data(1) > MAX_SHOPS Then .data(1) = 1 scrlOpenShop.value = .data(1) Call scrlOpenShop_Change fraOpenShop.visible = True Case Evt_GiveItem If .data(1) < 1 Or .data(1) > MAX_ITEMS Then .data(1) = 1 If .data(2) < 1 Then .data(2) = 1 optItemOperation(.data(3)).value = True scrlGiveItemID.value = .data(1) scrlGiveItemAmount.value = .data(2) Call scrlGiveItemID_Change Call scrlGiveItemAmount_Change fraGiveItem.visible = True Case Evt_PlayAnimation If .data(1) < 1 Or .data(1) > MAX_ANIMATIONS Then .data(1) = 1 scrlPlayAnimationAnim.value = .data(1) scrlPlayAnimationX.value = .data(2) scrlPlayAnimationY.value = .data(3) Call scrlPlayAnimationAnim_Change Call scrlPlayAnimationX_Change Call scrlPlayAnimationY_Change fraAnimation.visible = True Case Evt_Warp If .data(1) < 1 Or .data(1) > MAX_MAPS Then .data(1) = 1 scrlWarpMap.value = .data(1) scrlWarpX.value = .data(2) scrlWarpY.value = .data(3) Call scrlWarpMap_Change Call scrlWarpX_Change Call scrlWarpY_Change fraMapWarp.visible = True Case Evt_GOTO If .data(1) < 1 Or .data(1) > UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents) Then .data(1) = 1 scrlGOTO.max = UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents) scrlGOTO.value = .data(1) Call scrlGOTO_Change fraGoTo.visible = True Case Evt_Switch cmbSwitch.ListIndex = .data(1) cmbPlayerSwitchSet.ListIndex = .data(2) fraChangeSwitch.visible = True Case Evt_Variable optVariableAction(.data(1)).value = True If .data(1) = 3 Then txtVariableData(1) = .data(2) txtVariableData(2) = .data(3) Else txtVariableData(0) = .data(2) End If fraChangeVariable.visible = True Case Evt_AddText txtAddText_Text.Text = Trim$(.Text(1)) scrlAddText_Colour.value = .data(1) optChannel(.data(2)).value = True fraAddText.visible = True Case Evt_Chatbubble txtChatbubbleText.Text = Trim$(.Text(1)) optChatBubbleTarget(.data(1)).value = True cmbChatBubbleTarget.ListIndex = .data(2) - 1 fraChatbubble.visible = True Case Evt_Branch scrlPositive.max = UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents) scrlNegative.max = UBound(Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents) scrlPositive.value = .data(3) scrlNegative.value = .data(4) optCondition_Index(.data(1)) = True Select Case .data(1) Case 0 cmbBranchVar.ListIndex = .data(6) txtBranchVarReq.Text = .data(2) cmbVarReqOperator.ListIndex = .data(5) Case 1 cmbBranchSwitch.ListIndex = .data(5) cmbBranchSwitchReq.ListIndex = .data(2) Case 2 cmbBranchItem.ListIndex = .data(2) - 1 txtBranchItemAmount.Text = .data(5) Case 3 cmbBranchClass.ListIndex = .data(2) - 1 Case 4 cmbBranchSkill.ListIndex = .data(2) - 1 Case 5 cmbLevelReqOperator.ListIndex = .data(5) txtBranchLevelReq.Text = .data(2) End Select fraBranch.visible = True Case Evt_ChangeSkill cmbChangeSkills.ListIndex = .data(1) - 1 optChangeSkills(.data(2)).value = True fraChangeSkill.visible = True Case Evt_ChangeLevel scrlChangeLevel.value = .data(1) optLevelAction(.data(2)).value = True fraChangeLevel.visible = True Case Evt_ChangeSprite scrlChangeSprite.value = .data(1) fraChangeSprite.visible = True Case Evt_ChangePK optChangePK(.data(1)).value = True fraChangePK.visible = True Case Evt_SpawnNPC cmbSpawnNPC.ListIndex = .data(1) - 1 fraSpawnNPC.visible = True Case Evt_ChangeClass cmbChangeClass.ListIndex = .data(1) - 1 fraChangeClass.visible = True Case Evt_ChangeSex optChangeSex(.data(1)).value = True fraChangeSex.visible = True Case Evt_ChangeExp scrlChangeExp.value = .data(1) optExpAction(.data(2)).value = True fraChangeExp.visible = True Case Evt_SpecialEffect cmbEffectType.ListIndex = .data(1) Select Case .data(1) Case 3 ScrlFogData(0).value = .data(2) ScrlFogData(1).value = .data(3) ScrlFogData(2).value = .data(4) Case 4 CmbWeather.ListIndex = .data(2) scrlWeatherIntensity.value = .data(3) Case 5 scrlMapTintData(0).value = .data(2) scrlMapTintData(1).value = .data(3) scrlMapTintData(2).value = .data(4) scrlMapTintData(3).value = .data(5) End Select fraSpecialEffect.visible = True Case Evt_PlaySound For i = 1 To UBound(soundCache()) If soundCache(i) = Trim$(.Text(1)) Then cmbPlaySound.ListIndex = i - 1 End If Next fraPlaySound.visible = True Case Evt_PlayBGM For i = 1 To UBound(musicCache()) If musicCache(i) = Trim$(.Text(1)) Then cmbPlayBGM.ListIndex = i - 1 End If Next fraPlayBGM.visible = True Case Evt_SetAccess cmbSetAccess.ListIndex = .data(1) fraSetAccess.visible = True Case Evt_CustomScript scrlCustomScript.value = .data(1) fraCustomScript.visible = True Case Evt_OpenEvent scrlOpenEventX.value = .data(1) scrlOpenEventY.value = .data(2) optOpenEventType(.data(3)).value = True cmbOpenEventType.ListIndex = .data(4) fraOpenEvent.visible = True End Select End With End Sub Private Sub HideMenus() fraPlayerText.visible = False fraMenu.visible = False fraOpenShop.visible = False fraGiveItem.visible = False fraAnimation.visible = False fraMapWarp.visible = False fraGoTo.visible = False fraChangeSwitch.visible = False fraChangeVariable.visible = False fraAddText.visible = False fraChatbubble.visible = False fraBranch.visible = False fraChangeLevel.visible = False fraChangeSkill.visible = False fraChangeSprite.visible = False fraChangePK.visible = False fraSpawnNPC.visible = False fraChangeClass.visible = False fraChangeSex.visible = False fraSpecialEffect.visible = False fraPlaySound.visible = False fraPlayBGM.visible = False fraSetAccess.visible = False fraCustomScript.visible = False fraOpenEvent.visible = False fraChangeExp.visible = False End Sub Private Sub txtPlayerText_Change() Dim tempIndex As Long tempIndex = lstSubEvents.ListIndex + 1 Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).Text(1) = txtPlayerText.Text End Sub Private Sub txtPlayerVariable_Change() Events(EditorIndex).VariableCondition = Val(txtPlayerVariable.Text) End Sub Private Sub txtVariableData_Change(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0: Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(3) = Val(txtVariableData(0)) Case 1: Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(3) = Val(txtVariableData(1)) Case 2: Events(EditorIndex).SubEvents(ListIndex).data(4) = Val(txtVariableData(2)) End Select End Sub ``` Can you solve this problem ? i will put your name on my credits ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Thanks ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Sorry for bad english ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png)
  4. ![](http://i.imgur.com/F7rnwef.png?1?3091) i set the variable to 5 but, the var is always reset to 0 sorry for bad english ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  5. I have one question why the variable is always reset to 0 i'm using EA, how to fix it ? do you have a solution ? thanks ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  6. Is this supported for Eclipse Advance ?? Sorry for bad english ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  7. Light system, so there is a light on the character see the Screenshot ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  8. is there a feature like this on EA ??? >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/efe6383897289cf50d7620e9cc9bfd90.png) thanks ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  9. My problem is solved now, thx ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  10. thanks ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  11. Why if the character is dead, the item will dropped from inventory ??? how to fix it ??? i'm using EA please help me ![](http://r20.imgfast.net/users/2016/30/32/14/smiles/3493242349.gif) sorry if my english is bad
  12. Is there crafting system for EA ??? thanks
  13. And, how to chat with global in EA because the chat is for map only, not global how to change it ??? thanks
  14. How to use global chat in EA and how to change max HP heal from item (deafult is 255) ??? sorry if my english is bad ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
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