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Everything posted by dg1423

  1. he probably lives in the south, damn hillbillies. I feel for ya Des.
  2. ![](http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/dating_pools.png)
  3. Michael Phelps swam out of his mothers va.gina in 3 seconds, which is 2 seconds faster than the previous record of 5 seconds, also set by Michael Phelps. >_>
  4. meh, he wrote "Mechanical penic" so I just changed the c to a s. thought that was what he meant ;]
  5. use Int() or Val() and make sure the ini exists and has a value in that variable should be like [SKILL] reqlevel=33
  6. AGS is classic though, will always be awesome to meh.
  7. anyways, after the site got hacked a lot of things have been missing from the main site, and since the forum got update to 2.0 beta, we dun have a gallery anymore either, so there's no real "handy" way to look at resources. (Unless you use common sense and look at either the Resources or Paperboll boards, lol. >_>) But seriously, the engine is noob-friendly, and requires little to no thought to use. The main problem is that most of the userbase is just a bunch of little kida, who really don't know anything (srsly, read some of the topics in the Questions board. I go there well I feel depressed cuz it seems to cheer me up, heh). I should be our job to encourage them and help them learn about this "new fangled computer thing" but most people just flame. (like the Human Torch, XD)
  8. lol, it's cuz you're using GiveItem, you need to use GiveCurrency. In GiveItem the third variable is for Dur. xD Basically the way you put it, it's giving you a Gold with 0 Value and 10 Dur. :P
  9. what? you filtered him to japanese? o.O"
  10. do you have the give and takeitem subs in your main?
  11. nah, you'd have to do a small source edit to include the item number in the scripteditem sub call. it's a very easy modification, and I think it'll be included in 2.8.
  12. you can set/get the inventory slot that the player's weapon is in
  13. dg1423


    and why are we bringing this up now? I thought we were gonna use DirectSound anyway. o.O
  14. lol admiral ![](http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/270916539_5a9c0691ef.jpg) and Nickkos, CHEER UP! Watch Mr.Rodgers Neighborhood or something.
  15. dg1423

    Chat Feature

    no, he wants a "releive his tension" all over it >_> xD
  16. you can also just use an Arm7 patcher. If it were a game that was remotely interesting to me, I'd probably play it. But it's pokemon, so I'm not even gonna look at it.
  17. the only ones from that list that aren't in EE are the on equip ones.
  18. wait, what? when scripting is enabled, all damage is handled by sadscript. the server just calculates the damage, then damageplayer damages it in the onattack sub in main.txt. if you delete damageplayer from onattack, you can't damage anything. so if you modify the damage, you can change the damage people are doing. I don't know what Brutal is talking about with returning the damage, but modifying the damage variable will work if you modify it before the damageplayer call.
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Now go rape some children, here's a bag of candy and a tub of ice cream.
  20. ^ I wonder what's in the can…. on the back of a "specially marked" frito's package: "Purchase not necessary, see inside for details."
  21. dg1423


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