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Everything posted by tiggilyboo

  1. No *head-desk* Read my replies! @Tiggilyboo: > depending on when you'd want to trigger it… So whenever you want the label to appear put the code in that procedure. For example, you click a command button…
  2. I explained in my first reply… Either way, you would have to go to the gameloop and find the weather section. Then implement your code there. I'm not going to be instructing you every step of the way, you'll have to learn from experience at some point :P
  3. Do me a favour, and www.Google.ca, Search in Images… 'Pac-man sprite' BAM!
  4. tiggilyboo

    Source edit?

    If you take the 'targeting' system out, the npc's would just wonder around aimlessly (they do that already, but they wouldnt attempt to 'do' anything… ever)
  5. Then you'd specify what X and Y co-ords on the tilesheet and loop through the animations along the X or Y axis, instead of loading a new surface.
  6. depending on when you'd want to trigger it… when its triggered, it would be like so... .caption = "Level: " & Int(GetPlayerLevel(Myindex)) Or .caption = "Level: " & Int(Player(Myindex).Char(Player(MyIndex).CharNum)).Level)
  7. Could you use a DynDNS please, i can't stand changing the IP every few hours…
  8. You would have to create another 'layer' within modDirectX, then create a blt sub… Then, loop through each frame every 'x' ammount of ms, and then... randomize X and Y co-ords. Then... add the blt structure into raining subs, so it occurs when it rains. Its not like i'm going to write out every step of the way, and not word for word... But take a look at the previous coding procedures and you'll get it (hopefully) Good luck, -Tiggilyboo
  9. I'm not sure whether you had created the sub 'Give_Currency' or not, But i was unable to find it. I've also downloaded a fresh EE2.7 and it was not there either… EDIT: I've supplemented the sub with Sub 'GiveItem' for now, it works fine. Nice work
  10. Wow, I thought there was more developers for 3.0's engine… Saddening how there's one very dedicated person. At least he's still helping :) Great Work HM!
  11. Lets not get into how my name depicts a super power…
  12. Well, you did give the code snipit; and i did agree it was the right code, because you asked in your first post. So one would assume…
  13. tiggilyboo

    Real door?

    Change the animation before blitting. So change the rec.top as 64 rather thean PIC_Y (32)
  14. Client side index use: Myindex Server Side: Index For the response to the msgbox above, you set the value to a variable (in the example above, its not even being used), then depending on the variable you get the response. So if the value = 0, or 1 you send or don't do anything. Anyways you get the picture.
  15. tiggilyboo

    Random errors.

    It has to do with the source project (the game screen form), if re-installing does not work, try using a fresh source that you KNOW works already (if this works then it has to do with your project etc, etc).
  16. How about not being more a resource hog that eclipse already is… and using less than 10 tiles? Seriously a bad idea to cause more performance issues with eclipse.
  17. Yes, yes it is. Basically, instead of using PIC_Y change that to the pixel height, being 64 in your case.
  18. Wow, sounds almost as epic as the engine…
  19. Hopefully not, that would make things quite confusing. Although why were there 3? different approaches to compiling?
  20. tiggilyboo


    Its there, but you'll need to fix alot of issues… those being: No stackables or currancy trades. Therefore it is le-junk.
  21. All i remember sirken for was his old sig with: 'Sirken has left the building'… at the bottom
  22. tiggilyboo

    Bathroom joke

    That is one of the worst jokes out there, it had to be explained twice.. *sigh*
  23. @Lord: > I am not a she! I am a pregnant man and you should respect my condition! I wonder if the pregnant man will sue a company over the fact that their are no male tampons or somthing similar or stupid shit like that? Im just going to say that tampons 'usually' would not be used in your 'condition'… secondly. wtf? guy tampons? How would that work?
  24. @Бегемот: > a game that once had 169 people on AT ONCE that seems fair. Ouch the poor server… *gags*
  25. We all noticed, but didn't make a thing of it… *shh lets not tell him/her, (s)he'll get angry you know how it is with angry pregnant people (the usually demand MORE food) -No stereo-types here)*
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