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Everything posted by renzo

  1. @Bone/Prinny: > so renzo's emo again? nah, im just saying i wouldnt want immortality, would get really boring at somepoint tho i suppose i could just commit suicide when i got bored of life if i were immortal, but i have this thing against suicide so im not really sure what i would do :P
  2. @Gwendalin: > Ive been lying this whole time… im only 10 ^_^ > > kawii!!!!! > > renzi do i make your list now? hmmm… that would explain some of your noobish posts.... but, unfortunately, no you dont make the list, as you may remember in my birthday topic, as i get older my limit gets younger, it just changed to 9 about 2 weeks ago :P
  3. renzo

    Wind Slayer

    @Gwendalin: > hehe someone likes spongebob > > :crybaby2: why the hell do i know what that is from! cuz spongebob is awesome XD @Desiderium: > Sounds like Renzo's pre-sexual meditation. spongebob inspired it
  4. nothing wrong with that :P i bet when you hit 40 your favourite line is going to be "Man I love highschool boys. I keep getting older, they keep staying the same age." hell i bet youll still be at it when your 80 and become a female version of me!
  5. @DrNova: > Mods need to crackdown on this rude behavior, and do their jobs. > > Mods, do your jobs, and everyone else, quit being assholes. have you counted how many boards there are? the only thing we can do is wait for someone to be reported and then do something about those topics and most of the mods cant even be at the forums for like 10-18 hours( like myself) due to sleeping/chores/work, we just dont have enough people to be on all the time to deal with problems @DrNova: > We need one dedicated thread for new people, with sub boards inside. > Like a Scripting sub board, basic startup sub board, engine functions sub board, editing sub board, ect, each with stickies of well written tut's, and a question thread in each for that specific area. we could make one, but it wouldnt help at all since 1\. they wouldnt go there or 2\. they would post their questions in it asking the same things the stickies in the boards would answer they arent interested in looking or reading, they want someone to instruct them on how to get started, they want to have contact with a real person to help them @DrNova: > And people need to stop being assholes. > If you are irritated by it, DONT READ A THREAD TITLE "OMG HELP ME", comman sense… > If you wont help, dont bother. i do agree with this though, it would be a waste of time for the noob and the flamer :P i dont have any problems with the newbs that type leet speak since they will learn to type normally in time after seeing how everybody else types, or when they have bad grammar, since english might not very well be their first language so they cant help but have bad grammar but i dont go to the question board anymore since its all just the same question being asked over and over and over, and i would suggest that people that arent interested in helping do the same just my 2 cents in the situation
  6. @Anna: > Nah I'm 21\. That is old though for 12-15 year olds! :P whoa, your only a year older than me??? i didnt know that :P @Niko: > lol your still mad young. I hang out with 22-23 year olds who all get pissed that I'm still 18\. My sister is 20 so yeah, you have a while before your considered old. IM OLDER THAN YOU??? i thought we were like the same age or you were older considering some of the stuff youve posted about your life, holy fucking shit :O by the way, im 20, not 78 … honest
  7. i dont see what the big deal about living forever is :/ life would get pretty boring really damn quick
  8. i bet he cant rape as good as me!
  9. lol, everyone knows im a studmuffin, i dont need the word filter to remind you guys
  10. There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control. Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song. Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open. Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip. Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise. Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.
  11. if you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you
  12. i dont think it would be a good idea to bring aunt jemima here, LONG story that one… (i raped her, she hasnt forgiven me yet....)
  13. renzo

    Third World War

    @Simius: > "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" (Avenue Q) "I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally" (House)
  14. Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down
  15. renzo


    violet pearl, i can see that your hyper, but please still think about what your doing nobody is going to want to really hang out with someone that randomly goes "LOOK CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!*glomps cheese* it's mine u jerks I called it! *nibbles on the cheese*" and if you want to work with people, go make a PROPER topic in the [Recruiting Center board](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,5.0.html), or work on someone elses project by showing your talents off in the [Need a Job board](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,4.0.html) and to let people go to your server your going to need to give them your IP in the recruiting center and [portforward your server](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,94.0.html) also, please read the rules of the boards, keeping to the rules severely helps in making friends here locking topic now
  16. you have the choice to change it to something else if you dont like the default in yor profile
  17. @Simius: > that girl in your closet… yea… i suppose she does like being the victim :P
  18. @Simius: > hail wants to be renzo. who doesnt?
  19. renzo

    Pq Map for Exp.O

    since this seems to be a map show off, ill move it to its proper place as for the map itself, i like the concept you got for it, but the edits you made to execute it are kinda minimal: i would add a peice of broken ground to the bottom of the trees and bushes, and maybe edit the rocks to have little specs of other floating pebbles around it and i would make some more of those edits and add trees and bushes that werent exactly 90 degrees altered, give some more randominity to it(yea i know its not a real word :P) i would also go to the cloud tiles and darken all of them cuz it really clashes with the background you have for it last suggestion i would make is to edit the ground tiles to have broken land bottoms to give it the effect of floating in space aswell
  20. fools! i dont even need to post in a topic to derail it! i just use mah psycho powers and rape your threads virtually if you think any of you are safe, you are sadly mistaken…
  21. you guys make me a party, but i know the room is filled with bear traps! youll nevah take me alive!!1 DX thanks guys :P
  22. renzo

    Marsh And Scribbles

    anyone remember the "marsh clone" incident? well as many of you may know, hyperion is marsh's defective clone, but what you dont know is that scribbles/mellowz is actually one of his clones too the clones were made in an attempt to have someone that can code eclipse while marsh sat back and watched his pr0n, scribbles is the result of those experiments…
  23. @Bone/Prinny: > admiral. > your a fake. of course he is … hes not really an admiral, hes only 18 years old :P
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