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Everything posted by shadowwulf

  1. snowfox, look into encrypting your graphics. You can make it difficult… but you can never really stop anyone form doing that. Side note:that question isn't really related to engine development. please keep this thread on topic.
  2. Any chance of seeing text bubbles in EO by default?
  3. Adding a 6th stat doesnt seem to get loaded into the buffer. I tried twice on two fresh downloads and got the same results. I ensured the 6th stat was above stat_count in both projects and it's label was properly indexed. I havent tested it it functions properly otherwise but its ability to be displayed doesnt seem to work. I requested to have others try it for further confirmation but no responses.
  4. -BUMP- I have checked and rechecked the code. Can anyone else try adding a 6th stat and the proper lblcharstat label and test? I am starting to wonder if it is a bug in EO1.3.1
  5. I added a 6th stat. Slapped it just above stat_count in all the right places. Added to class.ini Added another lblCharStat and made sure it was indexed as 6 not 0. But in the frmMain it always pulls as 1 and not the stat. Anyone else having issues adding stats?
  6. why is I = Fineplayername(name) instead of Index? Wouldnt you GetPlayerStat(Index….) not GetPlayerStat(Erkro1...)?
  7. NVM. never fails. I make a post admiting i dont know something… then i bloody figure it out!
  8. Code: >! Private Sub HandlePlayerData(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim i As Long, X As Long, c As Long Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() i = Buffer.ReadLong Call SetPlayerName(i, Buffer.ReadString) Call SetPlayerLevel(i, Buffer.ReadLong) Call SetPlayerPOINTS(i, Buffer.ReadLong) Call SetPlayerSprite(i, Buffer.ReadLong) Call SetPlayerMap(i, Buffer.ReadLong) Call SetPlayerX(i, Buffer.ReadLong) Call SetPlayerY(i, Buffer.ReadLong) Call SetPlayerDir(i, Buffer.ReadLong) Call SetPlayerAccess(i, Buffer.ReadLong) Call SetPlayerPK(i, Buffer.ReadLong) For X = 1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1 SetPlayerStat i, X, Buffer.ReadLong Next For c = 1 To Counters.Counter_Count - 1 SetPlayerCounter i, c, Buffer.ReadLong Next I made a second set of variable. They work perfectly for what I want them to do. Right now though I am trying to display them in some labels on a form. I copied everything the same as the stat labels but of course changed the word stat to counter. It seems to carry everything through fine. I think the issue is in the above code. for ``` For c = 1 To Counters.Counter_Count - 1 SetPlayerCounter i, c, Buffer.ReadLong Next ```I can put any number I want instead of buffer.ReadLong and it is displayed where I want. But if i use buffer.readlong i always get a 0. Anyone know what I am not understanding?
  9. hmm. well it just doesnt make sense to put:getplayerstat(var1, var2) which then calls a sub that says crequestplayerstat(var1, var2) why not just put crequestplayerstat(var1, var2) when you want to use it.
  10. I dont have any ocde in front of me to explain better.. ill try again later.
  11. looking at commands such as: getplayerstat(index, stat) Why does this run a sub that thenjust does basically the same command to the server? Why not do it in one shot?
  12. ~~well partly I am a moron.. had frm.scoresheet.. fixed that. but still not gettign the command to work.~~ Got it. For the pic it is "frmScoresheet.Visible = True"
  13. AH I figured. I have been folowing all these other commands but they go through hoops to ensure security and integrity. I am just spitting back character stats… no need to worry about anything. Thanks EDIT: Heh. Oddly that works in the /score just fine but in picFace_Click gives an error that frm is not defined as a variable. I think I can figure it out though.
  14. Anyone want to explain now I make it so the player can click on their picFace in the char window or use /score to open my frmScoresheet? I am still studying the rest but it just isnt clicking.
  15. Yes. It appears there is an issue with your maps. Try a vanilla copy with no changes at all. If you still get the error. Be sure you installed the ELI properly. My money is on the maps though.
  16. I would in no way call my self a programmer… but I can make full features for these engines by reading how the code works in other areas. I also have learned very little C++ years ago... but still couldnt sit down and write a program from scratch. This is why I thank you Robin. Thank you for the hard work. This engine is spectacular!
  17. you jerk. I just went though fighting to get SP to work… now I gotta do it all over! :P woah. Just started playing with the engine. Totally kick ass with sound! I'll be sure to let you know what I find Robin.
  18. I just removed all of the people I didn't know who they were. Any Halo fans please send a new invite. :)
  19. 1:This feature is not included and you need to source it or buy Robin's Package 2:Check how scripted tiles worked in the old engine. Recreate that feature but with a shop number option. 3:I dont believe ranged combat has been added yet. Sound is also being developed. 4:Not exactly sure where you are going with this. You can add AoE already in the spell editor. Do you mean AoE without a target? 5:This would be a special script or source edit. If this is a normal thing in your game(like there are many of these people) I would say make a behaviour and with that behaviour you pick the warp location and sent them there. These are all relatively involved. Doubt anyone will go ahead and make them for you.
  20. Are you still looking for work?
  21. i was able to download it but its just the PD items… no characters.
  22. Example to others. Robin can remember that I asked about a different issue and replied about it days later. He does pay attention to suggestions and reports if done properly. So quit your whining about every little thing over and over. >! @Robin: >! > If there's the same problem in EE and EO it means that it was a problem in the original Mirage Source that was never fixed. The Map Properties system is one of the only things left from the original 3.0.3 source. I'll look in to it. > > Oh, and I fixed the problem with the client erroring when you unlock a computer. Well, it's a generic system which tests the cooperative level and re-inits DD7 if it's anything other than okay. Should work as a 'catch all' system for any display changes and the like.
  23. heh cool. noticed a bug stayed in from EE2.7(but i thought you completely rewrote the engine). Open map properties on any map. Close it. Go to another map. Open map properties again and it has the last maps info. I havent even begun to look into why… i just reopen it every time...
  24. heh thats funny robin. Any chance of you adding an SFX option in any of the editors? I can see it being a good option in item, spell, and resource editors. Animation is a maybe… NPC idk... attacking animation should cause the attacking sound.
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