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Everything posted by Reguba

  1. Marsh, you need to add some kind of a Wallpaper section and just place these in there lol some of these are really good. :)
  2. Reguba


    I can only pray for a snow day lol. My school is a stubborn one… Basically we are always one of the last ones closed so if we are closed so are everyone else. Btw, I'm sitting in The south-western Bend of Michigan.
  3. Reguba


    Aye, I be sittin' in the middle of a snow storm as I type this :P
  4. Reguba


    Haha ok thanks man, I'll do the same for you if you need it. The Eclipse implementation of my project will not be for quite some time seeing as how I really don't want to make the stuff and have to transfer/convert whatever to get it to work in 3.0\. Aside from that I'm excited about experimenting with this idea.
  5. Reguba


    I'm a wonderful 16 year old punk, almost 17\. Been here for just over 2 years.
  6. Reguba


    Those are good points. But in the case of my story, it may end up being a little more linear, sort of play out like a book per-se but you are involved. So in my case the decisions for the user may not work the best, but I suppose I'll just have to experiment once I start to work on it more.
  7. Reguba


    Hmm, ya know the real trick to this is to figure out how you can really drill in the story to the player…
  8. Adrian, have you learned nothing about the interwebs? Gwen = Possible Girl. On the interwebs I have never seen her therefore she could be a female creature. No less she posted a "picture" of herself quite some time ago, it could be true or it might not… So I have no choice. it must assume she is a girl. If you put that into a math equation you get the answer as to why this thread is so popular. Possible Girl must be squared as there are two possible genders. Possible Girl² / Interwebs = Reason of Popularity If you take interwebs off of the side with "Possible Girl²" you know that you must multiply it to both sides. But since we know the interwebs is clearly a "Reason for Popularity" you end up with Reason of Popularity * Reason of Popularity or... Reason of Popularity². Possible Girl² = Reason of Popularity² Then to find the answer you must take the square root of both sides. √Possible Girl² = √Reason of Popularity² Thus leaving us with... Possible Girl = Reason of Popularity. I hope that clears everything up!
  9. Opps, name typo fixed (thanks "Who Cares" lol). No you get friggin' nothing dude… You broke Gwen. Nothing good can come from that. She was the one and only thing that held the very fabric of time an space together, without her working we are all doomed! DOOOMMMEEDDD! Breaking her is like creating a super massive black hole via LHC (Large hedron collider, ya know the scary science experiment thing). I hope you're happy.
  10. Hot damn! Gwen is makin' sammiches?! Btw, Gwen will that new and improved kitteh do to my hand what it did last time I "messed" with it?
  11. Thanks Warconn! Btw Ninja, I used paint.net lol it is very good!
  12. Reguba


    I wish I could hard code it, but to be honest I barely know the Eclipse source… So I may just have to stick to scripts. Also, Ninja nice point I didn't even think about Guild Wars, they did have "sort" of a story. My game would work something along those lines, but rather be more focused on the story than GW was.
  13. As most people know I lack the talent for this kind of art :P None the less, I actually like simplicity in my backgrounds… Some BG's are just to busy for me. Even so, the rest of you guys blow me out of the water lol! I can't make this stuff. ![](http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8530/eclipsebgstyle2rk8.png) I know I'm no match for you photoshop and image editing gurus but I would feel like a party pooper if I didn't try for an eclipse hoodie!
  14. Reguba


    I have been thinking… A lot haha! Since a new EE version is going to be coming out with lots of nice features, I thought I would work on a game again. But here is my idea, I was thinking about making, instead of a game focused around leveling a character, a game simply meant to tell a story. Although this may sound like a single player style RPG, I was hoping to get that feeling within an multiplayer environment. I haven't worked out all the kinks in this idea quite yet, but I feel like this could be an interesting project! :P Tell me what you guys think about it. If my explanation wasn't clear feel free to ask me any questions. Also, I actually have a story that I worked on quite a while ago that I wouldn't mind bending to be fit into a game environment.
  15. Hmm, to mess with the kitteh or not to mess with the kitteh… That is the question. Btw where did you pick up such a devilish animal, Gwen?
  16. Reguba


    Ha, neat but got boring around the score of 200k :P I ended with 243940 lol I purposely lost I got bored after 15 minutes heh.
  17. [![](http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/1546/omgbombshellkn6.th.png)](http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=omgbombshellkn6.png) Ah five minutes of my life wasted making something in MS paint… None the less it was amusing! I want someone to draw me... The mona lisa!
  18. Just an FYI, the link for your site is broken. "404"
  19. I just want to toss a link to mine up there, those of you who have seen it… In these forums will probably *facepalm* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuSrsGzhD9U
  20. It's because it's the second time they have stayed in the hotel. They first came for there honeymoon and there are staying there again. Thus "now" they have computers when they didn't before.
  21. Haha, on occasion I still spend hours of my life playing SC.
  22. Haha jna you're too critical. Think about it this way, what are your chances of winning the lottery? Crazy things can happen. :P
  23. Hehe, I thought it was clever but I was beginning to think no one would get it lol :P
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