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Everything posted by Reguba

  1. Aww crap so if I'm 16 that makes you… not old to me?! Crap I'm turning into the "old people"!
  2. I saw a good one in an Applebees once, although it was more of just a piece of advice. "Never hit your caddy with a driver… Use your sand wedge it works much better!"
  3. Reguba

    Noob Posting

    OMG means "Only mini guns" -No shirt -No shoes -No service -OMG Please.
  4. Only if Aunt Jemima comes too.
  5. Reguba

    Noob Posting

    Yes and Rofl means "Rolling out fat laughing"
  6. Witty shrig… witty lol
  7. "i can handle this piece of trash game maker" Saad, hold your tongue and leave. I usually can remain calm about this stuff but if you feel the need to insult one of the greatest free pieces of software, that people have spent incredibly large amounts of time on to give to you at no cost, then get out. Your incredibly ungrateful. I will admit, some people did make harsh posts towards you, but the way you react now is giving them **EVERY RIGHT** in the world to do so. That's all I have to say now, either leave or grow up a bit and take the time to learn what all this engine can do for you, then actually learn how to do it.
  8. Yes.. Actually this is scary… It's one thing to let a computer have a "Learning" ability, but allowing it to create a mind of its own, that's some place we arn't meant to go lol.
  9. Hmm I guess the maker was just a passer-by? All I know is that their youtube account is Covertcode. Well glad it brought Waffles to us!
  10. Haha, me and my step bro just sat and read everything. Some of that stuff is great :cheesy:
  11. Reguba

    Noob Posting

    Hey I'm making a game(Runescape HD2), explain copyright laws ploz.
  12. The ultimate meme timeline: http://www.dipity.com/user/tatercakes/timeline/Internet_Memes Edit: The coffee pot one is awesome.
  13. Note, I did say TE lol :cheesy:
  14. I stumbled upon this on youtube, I don't know if one of you guys here made it. If ya did its a well done start up guide for TE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytEjUNBGv9c&feature=related If you guys have found this already… sorry I'm late lol I haven't been here in a while!
  15. Reguba


    7/10 (I'm of polish decent) lol but it dun bother me I hear them jokes a lot! A bus load of ugly people is driving along (They are absolutely fugly) then, they drive off a cliff, everyone dies. They all get placed in line to enter the gates of heaven and god is standing their and the first person in line walks up and god says, "Since you have had such a hard life, I will give you anything you wish." So the ugly person wishes to be beautiful, the wish is granted and they become beautiful. The next person in line wishes the same, then the next and this trend continues all down the line but about half way through god notices the last guy in line laughing… The line continues until there are only three people left and the guy in the back of the line is now rolling on the ground uncontrollably with laughter. Finally god gets to the last person in line and is wondering what is so funny, but proceeds to ask, "What do you wish?" The ugly person says, "Aww make em all ugly again!"
  16. Haha that was really cool :cheesy:
  17. Reguba

    Third World War

    Right now, as long as Russia isn't choking and throttling any economies or causing mass destruction I don't see the problem. People may just be getting hyped up over nothing (we are good at that). But don't think I'm saying Russia can do what ever they want. It sounds like Russia is a newborn finding the limits it's mother allows (NATO). Although this does surprise me why would Russia feel the need to do this now?
  18. Oh god the trekkys are everywhere!
  19. ah I love the orange box I have all that stuff :cheesy: If you like those games Nobounds, you should look at Garry's Mod 10 its a source mod you can get for $10… anyways what game do you have a server on?
  20. Reguba

    Noob Posting

    How do I port forward?
  21. Oh god I beat you all, I'm a trekky! ![](http://www.tk421.net/character/spock.jpg)
  22. Reguba

    Noob Posting

    Wait… so your saying this isn't a forum for Astronomers?
  23. Reguba

    Picture Text

    Ok Hail that was an epic fail in the ascii department :cheesy:
  24. Reguba

    Epic Fail

    Can't go wrong with Homer… ![](http://samuelpablo.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/epic_fail.jpg)
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