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Everything posted by Reguba

  1. I would guess just press Accept if you can't read it :huh: Otherwise look up the trouble shooting guide. My name in game is Reguba
  2. Ah well if he can do it good for him, but talk about a year of high blood pressure…
  3. Oh all this talk of old games made me remember two of my favorites when I was a little kid, Chip and Dale Rescue rangers for the PC… oh I miss giant floppy games... And lastly Commander Keen! Lol I still have that game sitting in my closet, thats a good one!
  4. Hmm I think the first game I ever played was Super Mario All Stars lol, either that or my step bros had me playing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for NES.
  5. Says you have to be registered to collect heads, is this perhaps one of those promotional things for browser based games… Cause thats what the sign-up linked me to.
  6. Reguba


    Knowing most MMO's I give it about 3 months after it comes out, some one will have the stuff to make one.
  7. Well sheesh he is the Marsh mellow man :cheesy: Perhaps he just likes marsh mellows
  8. Reguba


    Huh that is pretty nifty, but the P2P is inevitable now-a-days lol.
  9. Reguba

    WOTLK Cinematic

    Well if you like the lore you should read the Warcraft books (I'm not saying this to sound snotty I'm serious, you would probably like em) I have never read them though so if you do, tell me what ya think.
  10. Well some times you need to admit when you've taken on too much :embarrassed:
  11. Reguba


    Well Seba I hate to say it but your thinking a little close minded, when you have a game thats has a HUGE player base it requires a HUGE amount of money to support thats why they run subscription fees, plus they have to pay all of their employees for everything they do (Don't even mention Guild Wars, they make their money through NC soft). It just adds up over time. But I don't know Rogue Warhammer didn't look to WoWish to me and I play WoW a lot lol I would love to give Warhammer a shot I love pvp games :cheesy:
  12. Well, I used to read the Red Wall book series and the name Reguba was actually a name given to a warrior of some town. So thats about it lol.
  13. Sweet Dg good luck with your classes man! And Simius sounds like your quite the student lol :cheesy: Whew Zuleoan that would be too much for me… I'm going to be a Junior this year.
  14. Marsh you bum go to College! Or I suppose you could go bug Bone… Either one works for me lol
  15. Well as everyone here knows, if you haven't started school already it's starting in the next few weeks or so… But I got a lot on my plate. As of this upcoming Tuesday I start taking computer science classes at Hope College and will be as well attending high school and I think the majority of the people here know that even a regular high school schedule can be tough, now I'm throwing in 2 college classes with it. I can feel the stress already :sad: so wish me luck with this one guys I'll need it! Also, I'm interested in knowing if any of you guys are starting anything cool at school this year, like special classes, dual enrollment(Like me), etc. If so please share I loved to see what kind of stuff you guys have been learning outside the interwebz lol.
  16. Reguba

    Ambardia Video

    Wow ambard that's awesome dude can't wait to see this one all finished!
  17. Reguba


    I hope Warhammer does some kind of a free trial thing, I would love to try it. So if you see anything Marsh and any other players here tell me! :cheesy:
  18. Reguba


    I watched some videos on Warhammer, looks way awesome and it is focused around pvp which I love :cheesy: But I think I'll stick with WoW for the time being cause the last thing I need right now is a new addiction lol.
  19. Thats the one! I got a kick out of that one.
  20. Reguba

    WOTLK Cinematic

    Either way live action or not I'm sure all of the movies visuals will be out of this world. :cheesy:
  21. Reguba

    WOTLK Cinematic

    Something I'm really looking forward to (if anyone here listens to the blizzcast) they are working on brining Warcraft to the big screen I can't even imagine the quality of that film even if the story turns out lame the artistic talent would be amazing I'm sure.
  22. Reguba

    Noob Posting

    Have you ever hit the post button and it doesn't load so you hit it over and over again… So eventually you give up, refresh the page and hit it again?
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