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Everything posted by Dark_Marine_123

  1. If you ran a check every second for every player you could do this, but it would lag like hell. Double clicking the item is probably the only way reasonable…right now
  2. @Nubbs: > did you want it to say "rawr" when you activate Quest index 0,1,2 etc? if so im pretty sure you want it to look like this > > Case 0 > Call QuestScript(Index, 0) > Call PlayerMsg (index,"rawr" 14) > Exit Sub > > if not sorry i keep wasting your time lol The Call PlayerMsg(Rawr) stuff is there to show him that it works BEFORE he works anymore on his new Sub, I do the exact same thing AND the exact same playermsg XD
  3. @Nubbs: > yea i think you need to leave out "Type" and you need to > Call PlayerMsg with the correct case # you want it to be in not in the sub you shouldn't need a sub if you're making a simple quest script… youre using EE 2.7 right? No that should work, try putting the number for type in ""'s…example, Call QuestScript(Index, "2")
  4. Change this weak and obvously boring code ;o ``` Sub OnPVPDeath(Attacker, Victim) Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has been killed by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker), BRIGHTRED) End Sub ``` To this :D ``` Sub OnPVPDeath(Attacker, Victim) If GetPlayerPK(Attacker) > 9 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Attacker) & " has just slain 10 players! Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerPK(Victim, 0) End Sub ``` Now what this does is calls the message at 10, you can add more if you have a high score system or such, and if you die, your kill count goes down to 0 so you are no longer evil looking if slain
  5. @Tyr: > aww my bad, i thought it was in general questions. > Riney helped you anyway :) > > (but keep in mind that source editing is way more efficient…) Oh so agreeable ;o Especially for that pesky log out button… (Example, "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA LOGOUT AND LOSE ALL YOUR MAPPING DATA CAUSE YOU ACCIDENTLY CLICKED ME?" "Yes" "No")
  6. Taken from one of my few cheat sheets of code ``` Call CustomMenuLabel(Player_index, Picture_Index, Message, Left, Top, Fontsize, Colour, Alignment, Width, Height) - Loads a text label onto the custom menu that is clickable. if you script it to do stuff via a new sub that will be run when clicked. - Left and Top define the top left of the label. The label will then be width long and height high. - Labels have indexs too. Range is 0-39 - Alignment is 0-2, left aligned, right aligned, centred respectively ```
  7. @Tyr: > 1\. no way, i'm not giving codes away to copy and paste, once i do that i get to many requests in PM… > he has to find himself how to do it, with this basic help i gavei can do it > > 2\. not true, as this can be sourced or sadscripted, looks like he didn't know yet. This is scripting request, not source anyway. Now look for this bit of code Case 3 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Clicked label number " & Clicked_Index & " on the menu named " & MenuTitle, YELLOW) This is pretty much an example for how to make it right here, all you have to do is make a label and when you click it, Case 3 runs. When Case 3 runs, automaticly it mentions this message because it doesnt look for a specific Label, or Menu name. Start with this ``` Call CustomMenuShow(index, "Rez Choice", "\GUI\CUSTOM\Rez.bmp", 1) Call CustomMenuLabel(index, 1, "Would you like to revive?", 150, 50, 10, BRIGHTGREEN, 0, 400, 20) Call CustomMenuLabel(index, 2, "Yes", 20, 100, 10, BRIGHTCYAN, 0, 80, 20) Call CustomMenuLabel(index, 3, "No" , 60, 100, 10, BRIGHTCYAN, 0, 100, 20) ``` Play with the numbers yourself, but you should see where this is going
  8. Turn this bit of code ``` If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 1) = 22 Then If Clicked_Index = 1 Then Call CustomMenuLabel(index, 1, "Quest: ", 15, 20, 10, 0, 0, 340, 100) Call CustomMenuLabel(index, 2, "Blablabla ", 15, 50, 10, 0, 0, 340, 100) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You give 1 Mr.X Head!", RED, 0) Call TakeItem(Index, 22, 1) Call questexp1(index) ``` Into this ``` Itemslot = 1 Do While Itemslot < 25 If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, itemslot) = 22 Then If Clicked_Index = 1 Then Call CustomMenuLabel(index, 1, "Quest: ", 15, 20, 10, 0, 0, 340, 100) Call CustomMenuLabel(index, 2, "Blablabla ", 15, 50, 10, 0, 0, 340, 100) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You give 1 Mr.X Head!", RED, 0) Call TakeItem(Index, 22, 1) Call questexp1(index) Exit Sub Else Itemslot = Itemslot + 1 End If Loop ```
  9. Woah you dont have to write a whole source mod, this one take only a couple lines of script.
  10. @LightWing: > that's because it shows on screen coordinates, not map coordinates xD You just have shined new light into my endevers ;o
  11. @Ezmek: > im not sure i should post it here, considering the fact someone else might try to steal it and use it for themselves. Like who blizzard entertainment? Just do a scripted menu, not hard at all
  12. @LightWing: > Call TextBubble(Index, BubbleIndex, Message, MapNum, x, Y, Color) > > Use That xDD Problem with this is it doesnt work on scrolling maps, or at least 50x50 scrolling maps
  13. @Sakis: > okay so when it says 0/5 it means that it is at 0% going up to 100% Thats your experiance bar, click Character and find the thing that says SP: 100%
  14. I found this lookin in mah master list, defently NOT a source mod Call ScriptSpawnNpc(NPC_Index, Map, X, Y, NPC_Number) - Changes the NPC spawned in a slot, has the advantage of it instantly spawning at given x and y coords. Very simple I suppose. However you're gonna wanna make the monster have like…hours of respawn time so it doesnt come back after you kill it or whatever.
  15. You need at least 5 access or it would say it doesnt exist, Try this ``` Case "/wm" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then Call GlobalMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " [Global Message]: " & TextSay(1), CYAN Exit Sub End If ```
  16. Well it looks right, you're sure the npcs are selected for script 0 and 1?
  17. Have you confirmed Sub TakeItem works correctly? :o
  18. Or if you feel you need more randomization Sub OnNewChar(w/e) (or w/e) Number=Rand(0,Something+1) Call SetPlayerX(Index, Number) Exit Sub
  19. "GetPictures of Chilidogame(index)" You want the var to be called that? Otherwise the quotes arent supposed to be there
  20. @zach4873: > would this work ? if so then cool my first newbie script :) if not can someone explain why and how to fix it also idk if CallTargetName is an actual thing and if its not what i want it to do is send a global message that an admin ( if possible could it send the admins name to ?) killed a player > > ``` > case "/kill" > If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = >3 > If GetPlayerTarget(Index) = >0 > Send TargetDamage(Index) = 100000 > Call GlobalMsg(Index, "An Admin has just killed "CallTargetName > > ``` Holy…That is a mess. ``` Case "/kill" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 2 Then If GetPlayerAccess(Target) < GetPlayerAccess(Index) Then If GetPlayerTarget(Index) > 0 Then Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, GetPlayerMaxHP(Target)) Call GlobalMsg(Index, "An Admin has just killed " & Target, BRIGHTRED)] Exit Sub End If End If End If ```
  21. Scripting goes under one of the Subs, most times new scripters will want to stay with the Sub Commands sub due to its ease of scripting, and implimenting. Unless your scripting starts with Sub Something(Something else) it will be completely ignored, and if it does start with Sub Stuff, you'll need something to call it using Call Stuff(OtherStuff) Hope this helps ;o
  22. Call PlayerMsg(Indexnumber to talk to[Or Index if its the player doing the talking], Message [Dont forget to put it in ""'s if its not reading it elsewhere], Color [1~15 or RED BLUE YELLOW GREEN Etc]) Example ``` Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Bob: Hi Im a scripted NPC, and Riney is a sexy beast", YELLOW) ```
  23. Mass kick would be easy, shutdown would require a source mod. Case "/masskick" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < 2 Then Exit Sub End If Kick = 1 Do while kick
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