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Everything posted by zade_o

  1. Yeah I know I need to do the dock and a boat. I don't plan on having a coastal village for a while though
  2. Right, well, when you put it like that… Maybe the huts would go better on the sands of a beach? And then the A-Frame houses go in forests? Works for me. I do have a bonfire already just not in that shot. I think I did plan on doing piles of wood and just forgot about that. the animal carcass is a good idea. Thanks for that idea. I do have tiles that extend the A-frame house but that's only 1 more section, I can definitely change that though.
  3. I think I'll probably use the hut style for the longhouse, the walls with straw hanging over. Maybe I'll do both. We'll see. I still feel like something's missing in the towns though, I don't know what it is but it just seems like there's something missing. Any suggestions? (other than NPCs, those will come later)
  4. Yeah. Good idea, I do need to make a longhouse. that would work good.
  5. lol, yeah it's a really good idea, just a shame that microsoft doesn't have a decent voice to use
  6. Well, in my W.I.P. in the story you find out it's an island that a group of vikings stumbled upon on their way to the Americas. That being said, those buildings were designed based on pictures I found on google. ![](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1158/1448117921_dbfac645fd.jpg?v=0) ![](http://www.hickerphoto.com/data/media/29/norstead-viking-village_19813.jpg) ![](http://www.edupics.com/viking-house-t6977.jpg) ![](http://web.ukonline.co.uk/Members/s.livingston/viking/house.JPG) I don't even know what a pigmy is.
  7. Hahaha. Thanks. I guess eventually I could make some kind of a tutorial. For now all I can say is this, don't let your mind be limited to just pixeling your tiles. Pixel, then edit. =)
  8. ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/141njw6.jpg) UPDATE 1/11/2009 -New house/building model. -Standing torches. -Different colored shrub.
  9. Idk about using the Microsoft sam voice reading my news…lol. But that does make me think about recording voices for quests and stuff.
  10. I guess they're pretty good for towns. The little shrubs shouldn't show up over the tiled path though. It's not cracked or anything so it's not old/rundown enough for grass to grow through
  11. ohh. Sorry bout that then. I think the shape's fine but it does look like a fat-ish person
  12. You mean like, make each section of the frmMirage into a new form?
  13. The shape is good. Just looking at it closely this is what I see wrong with it - I can hardly see a neck - I can hardly see a nose or mouth - I can hardly see a line between his arms and body (still) - and there looks like there's no shading at all. I like the shape though, just go back and make those little touch ups.
  14. alpha is still kind of a long way away unless yall want me to put out an alpha with only like half of the world mapped. Which I guess I could do. I'd still have to do a bit more mapping and then work on the spells and stuff. Keep in mind I'm doing this alone lol
  15. Nope. I'll find it one day. But anyways, forgot to say in the last post, very nice loading bars.
  16. where in the source is the loading bar? I wanna hide those black boxes/text and just make it a picture saying loading but I swear I can't find it for the life of me
  17. zade_o

    Dynamic Items

    Dude I'm not even friends with Xeross. I just saw his idea and thought about it and it would work. And no, you don't understand it better than I do. Just because I don't wanna write out the code because I'm working on other things doesn't mean I don't understand it. I just fully explained it to you. But whatever. You think whatever you want dude.
  18. zade_o

    Dynamic Items

    No it's not an error in english. He said Xeross's idea was stupid. But the only reason he said it was stupid was because he didn't understand how it could work. I don't think you should call someone's idea stupid unless you understand how it works and it, in fact, doesn't work. Problem is it would work with INIs. So the idea isn't stupid.
  19. zade_o

    Dynamic Items

    Alright dumb ass. I figured maybe you'd have a good enough brain to understand how this works. 1) Only thing I haven't thought of but that could be handled with a bit more of coding. 2) Yes I know how an INI file would look, but does it fucking matter what it looks like? you're not the one looking at it, the computer is and as long as you type stuff in correctly you won't have to worry about it. 3) He didn't say anything about monsters dropping a premodded weapon. 4) I'm not showing code because I haven't done it because I've been doing other things. and it's not hard to understand if you utilize the big squishy thing in your brain. Ok, let me break this down a little more for you -.- Player 1 has a BIG SWORD with +5 STR… Player 2 does not ='( Player 1 trades Player 2 and offers BIG SWORD +5 STR Server does a check in the ini to see if Player 1 had mods on BIG SWORD Player 1 does, So server saves all his mods to variables in the source and then clears his INI values to 0 Player 2 receives the item Server saves the stored variables to the INI file under Player 2's name. Understand now?
  20. zade_o

    Dynamic Items

    It'd be too much work to do checks at any time other than trading/dying. See, when you trade you know the exact item you're losing so you can check for one item. If you put a check to make sure you still have the item anywhere else, you'd have to check every slot of your bank and every slot in your inventory. Not to mention, you'd have multiple checks considering you'd probably have multiple mod-able weapons. Checking when you trade or die is a lot less coding.
  21. zade_o

    Dynamic Items

    Actually you can transfer your bonuses to another player… How much source editing have you done? Just save the variables from the ini file to a variable in the source, and make the player who had the sword have all 0 bonuses, and then write the variables to the new players ini file. Therefore, the stats would get transferred. So it is dynamic. The only reason I'm arguing is because I'm not stupid and I know what I said would work perfectly but you feel the need to call it stupid. I guess you're just stupid for not understanding how to manipulate the INI file to transfer modded swords. Anyways. I've proven my point, the INI system would work. Case closed.
  22. zade_o

    Dynamic Items

    > Thats very supid idea because players cant trade of that items. Before you say something's stupid… spell stupid right. Anyways, it's not a stupid idea. I'm not really sure why you said it was stupid, I don't understand what you said. Regardless, I think it works like a charm. If you have a server side ini file holding all the players extra addons for a specific item number, then you can do a simple check to see if the player has mods for that specific item and then either allow him to trade it or not. There's literally no problem with the ini file.
  23. zade_o

    Dynamic Items

    Xeross had the best idea. Make an ini file for the sword and add each players mods to it so this is what it'd look like sword.ini: [Jewkid] strmod=10 defmod=1 magimod=0 spdmod=0 [nublet] strmod=0 defmod=0 magimod=0 spdmod=0 matter of fact i think i'ma do this.
  24. nothing mind blowing about them… a) he doesn't have customized stuff... b) nothing extravagant or new, just paths and trees...
  25. For the blade only, you could use the Bevel effect with chisel hard settings… that would go good with a blade.
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