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Everything posted by zade_o

  1. it's a project for my focused inquiry class. ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/9syvqx.jpg)
  2. You mean with the + being an &? I'm pretty sure I tried that and it didn't work. But the first one works and the first one uses the + so I don't think that matters.
  3. Ok, in my old Main.txt I have this: ``` Sub OnNewChar(Index, CharNum) Call SetPlayerLevel(Index,5) 'Call SetPlayerPOINTS(Index,10) Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","Style","s","0") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","STR","xp","0") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","DEF","xp","0") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SPD","xp","0") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","MAG","xp","0") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK1","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK2","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK3","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK4","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK5","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK6","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK7","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK8","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK9","sid","") Call PutVar("Scripts\db\"&GetPlayerName(index)+".ini","SK10","sid","") End Sub ``` Works like a charm. In my new Main.txt I'm trying this: ``` Sub OnNewChar(Index, CharNum) Call PutVar("Scripts\CharDB\" & GetPlayerName(index) + ".ini","Stats","DodgeRate","1") End Sub ```And nothing…. The CharDB folder exists so I have no clue what's going on. I basically copied and pasted the old one and made changes. Anyone know what's going on?
  4. It doesn't work because PicScreen updates to much. You'd have to reset the y-order everytime you update PicScreen I think.
  5. zade_o


    No that would be how to change them to 32x64, not how to make it support 96x96. freezack, you need to make edits to the subs BltPlayer and BltPlayerTop in the client source.
  6. well, personally i don't like the screen resolution idea because it makes all the graphics pixelated and distorted as well as making your desktop incredibly unappealing.
  7. Sorry but no I can't. I didn't do most of the work so I'm not going to share it and if I had done most of the work I wouldn't share it because it's something that not many games have.
  8. You can just make it show more tiles at once if you have scrolling maps. Warconn helped me with it
  9. DIR UP in vb means Dir is less than or greater than, essentially, not equal to UP. That covers all the cases except for up which is why all the paperdoll is put down the same
  10. there's two subs in modGameLogic or something called bltPlayer bltPlayerTop What you have to do is look for the part in both of those that says If Player direction!=DIR_UP (that's pseudo code… don't actually look for it) then inside of there add an if statement to cover when the player is moving right.
  11. the tops look nice, maybe they could use a bit more texture ie blades of grass sticking out, or the graininess in sand/brick. the big problem is the chunks hanging down…. there's absolutely no... texture i guess, to those at all. it's earth hanging down but the earth is perfectly smooth? try adding chunkiness to the ground hanging down. I hope you get what i'm sayin
  12. ![](http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/764/tree.png) feel free to use that tree. I made it and then realize it didn't fit the style I wanted but I think it still looks like a decent tree so I figured I'd let yall use it instead of scrapping it.
  13. Duplicate declaration just means that another part of that sub further up already Dims s as something so just take out that line that gives you the error and it should solve that. you probably have to do that multiple times depending on what else you have in that sub
  14. Um. for the record just because you edited someone else's art doesn't make it "basically custom" but other than that, it's a decent GUI. glows are a little over the top I would tone em down.
  15. > Now, go to modHandleData in the server, under sub HandleData add this code
  16. My friend is working on the enemy half of the game. I'm working on the character half of the game. But don't worry they will be in there soon. The first enemy we have is a samurai hence the asian level.
  17. new asian themed level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Mrnj3wVgZM
  18. 22,200 is my best on hell difficulty.
  19. That's pretty awesome! let gwen wear it! =)
  20. zade_o

    Speech bubbles

    make those tiles black in Tile10…
  21. if you go fast enough you can just use your momentum to make it to the gas station once you run out of gas =)
  22. zade_o

    Tree Tiles

    Whistles tree tiles please? we're not your dog.
  23. zade_o

    Objects to 3.0?

    I'm pretty sure they made it clear that maps will be a new format. i could be wrong though
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