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Everything posted by zade_o

  1. zade_o

    My new tiles

    Gotcha. Yeah grass does need that. Sand I was just having troubles making it look nice.
  2. zade_o

    My new tiles

    You think the cliffs would still look fine with normal sprites?
  3. zade_o

    My new tiles

    hmm… you think being paler would help?
  4. zade_o

    My new tiles

    lol… I hate how you always have good suggestions (once I see an example) but I never understand your original suggestion lol
  5. zade_o


    No offense Devo, but I like his better than yours, but the bevel is killing me…. Use a 1px Dark border around the edge and then a 1px light border inside of that
  6. zade_o


    5/10. It's got a nice look to it but the white sphere(?) is too bright like… too much contrast between that and the rest of the siggy. And the thick border seems out of place because of the thickness and the way it looks beveled but the rest just looks glossy. It's also kinda hard to judge since there's nothing else to it. like a render or a name. Pretty nice though! Good job!
  7. zade_o

    My new tiles

    They were like that in the grass too. Same with rocks. But I'm glad someone noticed that =)
  8. zade_o

    My new tiles

    Lol what is with all the hate on big sprites! Fine! maybe i'll shrink it! … *storms off mumbling*
  9. zade_o

    My new tiles

    ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/a2vrl5.jpg) beach scene.
  10. It's a pretty nice base tile! So are you gonna start a tileset?
  11. zade_o

    My new tiles

    It's on the first post lol … i said that in the new post
  12. zade_o

    My new tiles

    ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/2zzsw89.jpg) beach tiles. Which side looks better? (i think the right) Look in the first post to see it right under all the other tiles if you need to look at it beside the rest of them for color comparisons.
  13. I take offense to that high level player remark lol. I'm 117 and never cheated. But anyways, the actual quest percentage is about 87% give or take 1%.
  14. zade_o

    My new tiles

    Ah yes that does look better. Redish tint for dirt. Makes sense. Rock edit looks nice as well
  15. Fun is an opinion word. Not a fact. You can't measure fun. It's more fun to you. Runescape is more fun to us. Face it. Don't be such an ass hole because we don't think WoW is god's gift. You seem like one of those pricks that would shove their religion down someone's throat. People have differing opinions and you can't force us to change ours.
  16. zade_o

    My new tiles

    Well I think I have a paler version of the dirt for the beach tiles. Do you think a yellower tint goes better with the beach and use a paler one for normal dirt? And I see what you mean about the connected. I'll work on that once I finish beach tiles
  17. How're those skills different from rs? - Difference between Fishing in both games? In wow you have to throw your line. That's all. - Difference between Mining in both games? In wow ores are random? (I think. If not…. there is no difference) - Difference between herbalism in both games? In wow you have to extract herbs from shrubs on the ground, in wow you can farm them or kill monsters for them. That's all. - Difference between tailoring in both games? In wow, there's more materials required for an item. That's all. - Difference between blacksmithing in both games? In wow, you have to have the "recipes" for an item and then you can make it, and it requires more mats. That's all. - Difference between alchemy in both games? TBH, can't think of one. Difference between all skills in general? In wow, you have to pay to learn the next thing. Cus that makes sense.... "Oh, I've done this skill long enough to become more adept to it, but I still have to pay to learn how to do the next hardest thing..." That's all. > jesus your a typical runescape player. That's rude as well. You seem to be making yourself seem more like an ignorant little kid that we. All he said was that you're bashing runescape just for the hell of it. And you call him a typical runescape player? That's ignorance, purified.
  18. zade_o

    My new tiles

    Agree with the thinner thing. What do you mean more connected though?
  19. Wow. What a dumb ass statement. Why don't you stop and think a little more and give me a better reason for why you think I like it. I like it because I have played it since before WoW came out. I'm not poor, I have about 400$ cash + my debit card in my wallet. To be honest, I think you only don't like it because you don't have the patience to play it and become a decent player and know something about the game other than what you've seen other idiots rant about. To be honest, I think you're just a jerk that has nothing better to do than attempt to diss a game on boards that are meant for those who like and play the game. If you don't like it, fine. Get off our boards for it. To be honest, that little statement you made just gave you no chance of being my friend on these forums, or even friendly instead of friends. I think you're an arrogant, insignificant prick… to be honest.
  20. Well… I'm sure they'll keep your opinion in mind as they buy porsches for their neighbors.
  21. on number 3 I said that as a member the fights are a lot more intense instead of just sitting there watching. 5, I see where you're coming from with the one chat box but I don't mind it. Half the time I don't want to read public chat anyways. 6\. At least there's quests for people that don't wanna pay. Wow is like 15$ a month for any quest. 7\. how's that? I've made 26m from them, I don't mind them. Yeah, I'd also like to state that sean is right. Runescape is not a fail. It makes jagex a couple mil a month which isn't bad considering the CEO is 21 years old. Not to mention it's about 8 years old so obviously it's not a fail because it wouldn't have made it this far.
  22. > 1) Point and Click - So you point and click to move? WOW, how boring.. The character movement is slow and feels buggy, the fact that you have to watch your character take ages to move is almost suicidal. Stupidest reason ever. There's point and click in Wow. Point and click in GW. Point and click in Flyff. Point and click in Knights Online. > 2) Running - When you turn running on your limited to an amount of stamina, so though your already pissed of with the crappy control of point and and clicking, you now have to endure more time walking since the amount of stamina is incredibly slow. Oh. Sorry they implemented some realism instead of giving players the ability to run for an infinite amount of time?… > 3) Attacking - This is one of the main features of most MMORPG's.. Combat, but guess what.. Runescape failed with that. It's so simple, you have bascially no skills, crap magic, and the fact that u have to stand their watching your character take turns to attack just really blows. On top of that the animations for attacking are just shyt. OMG WHATS THAT BIG BLOB COMING TOWARDS ME (magic) ? You try programming breathtaking eye-candy magic spells as 3d models in java. Have fun. And you don't just sit there, that's how it is in F2P play as a member and it's a lot more intense. > 4) Mining/Fishing/Professions - Well this is just the same as combat, you just stand there….. more standing...Zzzzz... YEY I GOT A LOBSTER, Oh noes i just burned it... stand there.... stand there.... Seriously now... I agree on this one… But that's because I can't stand non-combat skills. > 5) Chat - So since you have to just stand there most of the time for combat and everything else, i thought that runescape may have a good chat system, but guess what.. They failed on that as well.. With a horrible interface and lack of features, and the fact that they have a filter that just blocks nearly everything just makes it probably one of the worst chat systems I've seen in a game. They don't even have a voice chat server to replace the Chat system. The only thing the chat is missing is…. ? Global chat. Big woop. They have clan chat, people can join a chat room. They have whispers. They have public chat. No game to my knowledge comes with a voice chat implementation. That's what Vent and TS are for. > 6) Quests - Yes the Quests fail as with everything else, their too long and give shit rewards and well, their boring, they lack sound dialogue with the characters, have crap plots and just mostly require you to run around the map a couple of times… and don't forget that around 99% of the quests are for members. They do give shit rewards but they allow you to get around easier and rewards of the likes. And that's the dumbest statement ever about the percentages. It's like 70%. If you're gonna give a percentage about something so easily calculated don't exaggerate it. I think they have an extensive amount of quests and a good variety of quest missions. > 7) Wilderness - The only good thing about the game, and they removed it, and then replaced with crappy world pk'ing servers. The PVP worlds aren't bad… it's just that everyone pjs. I agree here too though. > 8) Graphics - Many people think graphics don't make a game good, i would have to disagree. Graphics of course do not make a game, but they add to it. Well as if with everything else, the graphics fail for runescape. They've now got a "HD VERSION GRAPHICS" which also sucks, the view distance on is terrible. Again, program something better in java using nothing but the browser. I find their graphics pretty outstanding for the platform they use. > 9) The community - I cannot explain how much the community just sucks on that game, in fact i don't even want to explain the community, their that retarded.. They're mostly kids. Don't deal with those. Make friends with those that are your age. It works better. Good job failing with the reasons.
  23. zade_o

    Space GFX

    If yall have a hard time determining between gray and white in that picture…. good god yall need better monitors
  24. zade_o

    Space GFX

    good point. Maybe base it on where the closest sun will be? idk
  25. zade_o

    Space GFX

    Hey put some shading on the moons so it looks more like a sphere than a circle.
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