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Everything posted by Mellowz

  1. Register the msscript.ocx file in your client-side data folder.
  2. Mellowz

    RTE Overflow

    When you change your map sizes you **must** delete your maps in your server and client folder. There is an addition that will automatically do that for your end-users in 3.0.
  3. Mellowz

    Spells in 2.7

    Every time somebody reports this bug I cannot reproduce it.
  4. Mellowz

    Perfect World

    A voice communication program. ;D
  5. Mellowz

    Perfect World

    I guess I'll check it out. Do you guys use Ventrilo to communicate, or just talking through the game?
  6. There's no bugs with the code. The problem is the label is too small so the event (the code) doesn't get executed. The fix is simple. Just make the deposit and withdraw labels bigger.
  7. Mellowz

    Shops HELP

    No it doesn't. Take a screen shot of what you see.
  8. Mellowz

    Shops HELP

    Zeno is beating me to all of the requests for help. :P
  9. DarkMazer is correct. Make sure your you change **'**"**'** to **'**""**'**, and if you still have a problem, then reply. ;D
  10. Mellowz


    You realize that this is not an anti-adware support forum, correct?
  11. Mellowz

    Map Switch?

    David posted a converter in the announcements forum which can convert 2.5 to 2.7\. I believe SM said he's making a converter for 2.7 to 3.0, too.
  12. @Marsh: > Can you deposit items in the bank yet? You **should** be able to. This is the first time I've heard of this issue. However, the amount of reported issues are at a minimum so this is good news.
  13. You'll have to ask DG about that because that's the only part of the engine that isn't maintained by me or HM.
  14. Okay guys, DX8 is just about done and we need to know the major bugs that bother you in 2.7\. And when you most them, be **detailed** on how to reproduce them.
  15. You can re-send packets with WPE Pro, but they will be discarded when they reach the server. Everything is server-side. Anything you see change on your client is only client-side and it will be normal when you log back in. The only stuff that can be changed in the client, is the speed it's running at, and that's basically it.
  16. Mellowz

    Auto Tiles

    No idea what auto tiles are.
  17. As far as I know, there are no exploits in the engine. The packets aren't encrypted, but they're all checked server-side.
  18. @codemeister1990: > It's also unnecessary to pay > I won't "commit" copyright infringement > I'll just keep my money. > Seems I benefit pretty well…I have money...scripter does not > hmm...sounds good > and me seeing it doesn't count, I'd already know he did it > as would he. That's really fucked up man!
  19. I'll look into this issue. Thanks.
  20. Thanks, I'm aware of this.
  21. Mellowz


    @bonbonrouge: > No, i don't have message when i open VB6 You will only get it once and you probably clicked "Yes".
  22. When you're receiving a map, the client is non-functional. Refresh will only update your coordinates, not the map you're on. Also, please tell me how to re-produce this and it will be fixed in 3.0.
  23. Mellowz


    When running the VB6 IDE, if a component or reference is missing or invalid it will ask you if you want to continue loading it. You probably clicked yes, right? If so, the IDE loaded the project, but removed the missing or invalid component. This usually occurs when your DLL/OCX files are missing or invalid.
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